

Jennifer McDermott, Nick Lichtenberg, 美联社 2024-03-18

美国纽约州州长凯茜·霍楚尔。图片来源:ADAM GRAY/GETTY IMAGES


丹麦风能开发商沃旭能源(Ørsted)和公用事业公司Eversource在美国纽约州蒙托克角以东35英里(约56.33千米)的地方建设了南福克风电场(South Fork Wind),共有12台风力发电机。3月14日,美国纽约州的州长凯茜·霍楚尔前往长岛,宣布这些风力发电机将为本地电网输送清洁电力,开启了“未来的新篇章”。在场的还有美国联邦内政部的部长德布·哈兰。

与2023年11月相比,这标志着情况发生了逆转。当时,丹麦公司沃旭能源取消了在美国新泽西州南部的Ocean Wind I号和II号海上风电项目,在公布业绩时宣布减记40亿美元资产,并谈论了在美国市场的困境。沃旭能源的首席执行官麦兹·尼佩尔在业绩电话会议上说:“显然我们得做一些非常艰难的决定。”他表示,全球最大的海上风电开发商已经决定“对其最痛苦的资产,即美国资产,进行去风险化”。




霍楚尔在宣布项目投入运营之前接受了美联社(The Associated Press)的独家采访。她说:“第一座投入运营的商业规模海上风电项目当然很棒,但我们必须确保这并非最后一座。因此,我们要向其他州证明建设商业规模风电项目是可行的,以及我们为什么要继续开发其他项目。”


南福克的发电容量将是罗德岛近海早期开发的试点项目(有5台风力发电机)的四倍,而且与补贴测试项目不同,在南福克项目开始之前,沃旭能源和Eversource参加了长岛供电招标并成功中标。长岛电力局(Long Island Power Authority)早在2017年最先批准了该项目。12台西门子歌美飒(Siemens Gamesa)风力发电机的叶片速度超过每小时200英里(每小时约321.87千米)。


随着南福克项目投入运营,沃旭能源和Eversource开始把注意力转向今年春天开工的另一个海上风电项目,其规模是南福克项目的五倍以上。这个项目名为Revolution Wind,将是罗德岛和康涅狄格州的首座商业规模海上风电场,明年能够为超过350,000个家庭供电。在罗德岛,连接电缆的地点已经开始施工。

纽约州在上个月指出,将与沃旭能源和Eversource谈判一个更大的风电项目Sunrise Wind,该项目将为600,000个家庭供电。挪威国家石油公司(Equinor)中标了纽约州的Empire Wind 1风电项目,该项目可以为500,000个纽约家庭供电。这两个项目将在2026年开始供电。


沃旭能源的前身是丹麦石油与天然气公司(Danish Oil and Natural Gas),简称DONG Energy。该公司从2008年开始在丹麦、英国和德国大力开发海上风电场。公司后来卖掉了北海石油和天然气等核心资产,以专注于开发清洁能源,并更名为沃旭能源。如今,它已经成为全球最大的风电开发商之一。

美国的第一座海上风电场本来应该是位于马萨诸塞州近海的Cape Wind项目。马萨诸塞州的一家开发商在2001年提出了项目计划。但由于遭到了当地人的反对和诉讼,该项目数年来始终未能成功。




美国的第二座大型海上风电场Vineyard Wind预计将在今年晚些时候投入运营,该项目同样位于马萨诸塞州近海。首批5台风力发电机将为该州约30,000个家庭和企业供电。在62台风力发电机全部投入运行之后,其发电量足以满足400,000个家庭和企业的电力需求。该项目的共同所有者为Avangrid和哥本哈根基础设施合作伙伴公司(Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners)。


——美联社(The Associated Press)的气候与环境报道得到了多家私人基金会的财务支持。美联社对所有内容全权负责。欢迎登陆AP.org,查看美联社与慈善机构合作的标准,以及支持者和资助报道领域列表。




丹麦风能开发商沃旭能源(Ørsted)和公用事业公司Eversource在美国纽约州蒙托克角以东35英里(约56.33千米)的地方建设了南福克风电场(South Fork Wind),共有12台风力发电机。3月14日,美国纽约州的州长凯茜·霍楚尔前往长岛,宣布这些风力发电机将为本地电网输送清洁电力,开启了“未来的新篇章”。在场的还有美国联邦内政部的部长德布·哈兰。

与2023年11月相比,这标志着情况发生了逆转。当时,丹麦公司沃旭能源取消了在美国新泽西州南部的Ocean Wind I号和II号海上风电项目,在公布业绩时宣布减记40亿美元资产,并谈论了在美国市场的困境。沃旭能源的首席执行官麦兹·尼佩尔在业绩电话会议上说:“显然我们得做一些非常艰难的决定。”他表示,全球最大的海上风电开发商已经决定“对其最痛苦的资产,即美国资产,进行去风险化”。




霍楚尔在宣布项目投入运营之前接受了美联社(The Associated Press)的独家采访。她说:“第一座投入运营的商业规模海上风电项目当然很棒,但我们必须确保这并非最后一座。因此,我们要向其他州证明建设商业规模风电项目是可行的,以及我们为什么要继续开发其他项目。”


南福克的发电容量将是罗德岛近海早期开发的试点项目(有5台风力发电机)的四倍,而且与补贴测试项目不同,在南福克项目开始之前,沃旭能源和Eversource参加了长岛供电招标并成功中标。长岛电力局(Long Island Power Authority)早在2017年最先批准了该项目。12台西门子歌美飒(Siemens Gamesa)风力发电机的叶片速度超过每小时200英里(每小时约321.87千米)。


随着南福克项目投入运营,沃旭能源和Eversource开始把注意力转向今年春天开工的另一个海上风电项目,其规模是南福克项目的五倍以上。这个项目名为Revolution Wind,将是罗德岛和康涅狄格州的首座商业规模海上风电场,明年能够为超过350,000个家庭供电。在罗德岛,连接电缆的地点已经开始施工。

纽约州在上个月指出,将与沃旭能源和Eversource谈判一个更大的风电项目Sunrise Wind,该项目将为600,000个家庭供电。挪威国家石油公司(Equinor)中标了纽约州的Empire Wind 1风电项目,该项目可以为500,000个纽约家庭供电。这两个项目将在2026年开始供电。


沃旭能源的前身是丹麦石油与天然气公司(Danish Oil and Natural Gas),简称DONG Energy。该公司从2008年开始在丹麦、英国和德国大力开发海上风电场。公司后来卖掉了北海石油和天然气等核心资产,以专注于开发清洁能源,并更名为沃旭能源。如今,它已经成为全球最大的风电开发商之一。

美国的第一座海上风电场本来应该是位于马萨诸塞州近海的Cape Wind项目。马萨诸塞州的一家开发商在2001年提出了项目计划。但由于遭到了当地人的反对和诉讼,该项目数年来始终未能成功。




美国的第二座大型海上风电场Vineyard Wind预计将在今年晚些时候投入运营,该项目同样位于马萨诸塞州近海。首批5台风力发电机将为该州约30,000个家庭和企业供电。在62台风力发电机全部投入运行之后,其发电量足以满足400,000个家庭和企业的电力需求。该项目的共同所有者为Avangrid和哥本哈根基础设施合作伙伴公司(Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners)。


——美联社(The Associated Press)的气候与环境报道得到了多家私人基金会的财务支持。美联社对所有内容全权负责。欢迎登陆AP.org,查看美联社与慈善机构合作的标准,以及支持者和资助报道领域列表。



America’s first commercial-scale offshore wind farm is officially open, a long-awaited moment that helps pave the way for a succession of large wind farms.

Danish wind energy developer Ørsted and the utility Eversource built a 12-turbine wind farm called South Fork Wind 35 miles (56 kilometers) east of Montauk Point, New York. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul went to Long Island Thursday to announce that the turbines are delivering clean power to the local electric grid, flipping a massive light switch to “turn on the future.” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland was also on hand.

It marks a turnaround from last November, when the Danish company, along with earnings, took a $4 billion writedown as it scrapped its Ocean Wind I and II projects off the coast of southern New Jersey, with some tough talk about the American market. “These are obviously some very tough decisions,” Mads Nipper, Orsted’s CEO, said on an earnings conference call. He said the world’s largest offshore wind developer had decided “to de-risk the most painful part of our portfolio, and that is the U.S.”

Achieving commercial scale is a turning point for the industry, but what’s next? Experts say the nation needs a major buildout of this type of clean electricity to address climate change.

Offshore wind is central to both national and state plans to transition to a carbon-free electricity system. The Biden administration has approved six commercial-scale offshore wind energy projects, and auctioned lease areas for offshore wind for the first time off the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico coasts. New York picked two more projects last month to power more than 1 million homes.

This is just the beginning, Hochul said. She said the completion of South Fork shows that New York will aggressively pursue climate change solutions to save future generations from a world that otherwise could be dangerous. South Fork can generate 132 megawatts of offshore wind energy to power more than 70,000 homes.

“It’s great to be first, we want to make sure we’re not the last. That’s why we’re showing other states how it can be done, why we’re moving forward, on to other projects,” Hochul told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview before the announcement.

“This is the date and the time that people will look back in the history of our nation and say, ‘This is when it changed,’” Hochul added.

South Fork will generate more than four times the power of a five-turbine pilot project developed earlier off the coast of Rhode Island, and unlike that subsidized test project, was developed after Orsted and Eversource were chosen in a competitive bidding process to supply power to Long Island. The Long Island Power Authority first approved this project in 2017. The blades for the 12 Siemens Gamesa turbines reach speeds of more than 200 miles per hour (350 kilometers per hour).

Ørsted CEO Mads Nipper called the opening a major milestone that proves large offshore wind farms can be built, both in the United States and in other countries with little or no offshore wind energy currently.

With South Fork finished, Ørsted and Eversource are turning their attention to the work they will do offshore beginning this spring for a wind farm more than five times its size. Revolution Wind will be Rhode Island and Connecticut’s first commercial-scale offshore wind farm, capable of powering more than 350,000 homes next year. The site where the cable will connect in Rhode Island is already under construction.

In New York, the state said last month it would negotiate a contract with Ørsted and Eversource for an even larger wind farm, Sunrise Wind, to power 600,000 homes. The Norwegian company Equinor was picked for its Empire Wind 1 project to power more than 500,000 New York homes. Both aim to start providing power in 2026.

After years of planning and development, 2024 is a year of action— building projects that will deliver sizeable amounts of clean power to the grid, said David Hardy, group executive vice president and CEO Americas at Ørsted.

Ørsted, formerly DONG Energy, for Danish Oil and Natural Gas, started aggressively building wind farms off the coast of Denmark, the U.K. and Germany in 2008. The company sold off the North Sea oil and gas assets on which it had built its identity to focus on clean energy, becoming Ørsted. It’s now one of the biggest wind power developers.

The first U.S. offshore wind farm was supposed to be a project off the coast of Massachusetts known as Cape Wind. A Massachusetts developer proposed the project in 2001. It failed after years of local opposition and litigation.

Turbines began spinning off Rhode Island’s Block Island as a pilot project in 2016. But with just five of them, it’s not a commercial-scale wind farm.

Last year brought challenges for the nascent U.S. offshore wind industry, as Ørsted and other developers canceled projects in the Northeast that they said were no longer financially feasible. High inflation, supply chain disruptions and the rising cost of capital and building materials were making projects more expensive as developers were trying to get the first large U.S. offshore wind farms opened.

Industry leaders expect 2024 to be a better year, as interest rates come down and states ask for more offshore wind to meet their climate goals.

The nation’s second large offshore wind farm, Vineyard Wind, is expected to open later this year off the coast of Massachusetts, too. The first five turbines are providing power for about 30,000 homes and businesses in Massachusetts. When all 62 turbines are spinning, they’ll generate enough electricity for 400,000 homes and businesses. Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners are the joint owners of that project.

The Biden administration wants enough offshore wind energy to power 10 million homes by 2030. Interior Secretary Haaland said that “America’s clean energy transition is not a dream for a distant future— it’s happening right here and right now.”

--The Associated Press’ climate and environmental coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org.
