

Craig Trudell, 彭博社 2024-01-09

埃隆·马斯克发帖称他服用氯胺酮有医生的处方。图片来源:ANTONIO MASIELLO—GETTY IMAGES

《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)引用了解埃隆·马斯克和他旗下公司的匿名人士的话称,马斯克的吸毒问题令他经营的公司的高管和董事会成员感到担忧。

《华尔街日报》引用匿名目击者和其他知情人的话称,马斯克经常在私人派对上服用致幻剂(LSD)、可卡因、摇头丸和迷幻蘑菇等。有熟悉特斯拉(Tesla Inc.)和太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)首席执行官的人士对《华尔街日报》爆料称,他目前仍然在服用毒品,尤其是氯胺酮。马斯克在2023年8月表示,他服用氯胺酮是作为一种抗抑郁药物,而且他有医生的处方。

据彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)在2019年3月最先报道,2018年9月,马斯克在乔·罗根的播客节目上吸食了一支含大麻的烟卷,之后美国五角大楼审查了他作为太空探索技术公司(Space Exploration Technologies Corp.)首席执行官的联邦安全许可。该公司获得了发射军用间谍卫星的认证。



太空探索技术公司是目前美国唯一一家获得批准向国际空间站(International Space Station)接送美国国家航空航天局宇航员的公司。最近几年,五角大楼还加大了从这家封闭型控股公司的采购力度,并在2023年6月与太空探索技术公司旗下的卫星通信业务星链(Starlink)签订合同,以支持乌克兰军方。


马斯克经营着六家公司,它们分别是:特斯拉、太空探索技术公司和社交媒体公司X[原推特(Twitter)];隧道挖掘公司The Boring Co.;人脑移植开发公司Neuralink和人工智能初创公司xAI。他的资产净值为2,194亿美元,在彭博亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)排行榜上排名第一位。(财富中文网)



《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)引用了解埃隆·马斯克和他旗下公司的匿名人士的话称,马斯克的吸毒问题令他经营的公司的高管和董事会成员感到担忧。

《华尔街日报》引用匿名目击者和其他知情人的话称,马斯克经常在私人派对上服用致幻剂(LSD)、可卡因、摇头丸和迷幻蘑菇等。有熟悉特斯拉(Tesla Inc.)和太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)首席执行官的人士对《华尔街日报》爆料称,他目前仍然在服用毒品,尤其是氯胺酮。马斯克在2023年8月表示,他服用氯胺酮是作为一种抗抑郁药物,而且他有医生的处方。

据彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)在2019年3月最先报道,2018年9月,马斯克在乔·罗根的播客节目上吸食了一支含大麻的烟卷,之后美国五角大楼审查了他作为太空探索技术公司(Space Exploration Technologies Corp.)首席执行官的联邦安全许可。该公司获得了发射军用间谍卫星的认证。



太空探索技术公司是目前美国唯一一家获得批准向国际空间站(International Space Station)接送美国国家航空航天局宇航员的公司。最近几年,五角大楼还加大了从这家封闭型控股公司的采购力度,并在2023年6月与太空探索技术公司旗下的卫星通信业务星链(Starlink)签订合同,以支持乌克兰军方。


马斯克经营着六家公司,它们分别是:特斯拉、太空探索技术公司和社交媒体公司X[原推特(Twitter)];隧道挖掘公司The Boring Co.;人脑移植开发公司Neuralink和人工智能初创公司xAI。他的资产净值为2,194亿美元,在彭博亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)排行榜上排名第一位。(财富中文网)



Elon Musk’s drug use has worried executives and board members at businesses he runs, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing unidentified people familiar with the billionaire and the companies.

Musk has used LSD, cocaine, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms, often at private parties, the Journal said, citing unnamed witnesses and others with knowledge of the matter. People close to the Tesla Inc. and SpaceX chief executive officer told the newspaper his drug use is ongoing, and that in particular he’s consuming ketamine. Musk said in August he has a prescription to use the drug as an antidepressant.

After Musk puffed on a blunt containing marijuana on Joe Rogan’s podcast in September 2018, the Pentagon reviewed the federal security clearance tied to his role as CEO of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., which is certified to launch military spy satellites, Bloomberg News first reported in March 2019.

“After that one puff with Rogan, I agreed, at NASA’s request, to do 3 years of random drug testing,” Musk, 52, posted on January 7 on X, the social media company he owns. “Not even trace quantities were found of any drugs or alcohol.”

Musk didn’t respond to a request for comment from Bloomberg News. Alex Spiro, an attorney for the billionaire, told the Journal that his client is “regularly and randomly drug tested at SpaceX and has never failed a test,” and referred to “false facts” in the article but didn’t detail them.

SpaceX is now the only US company approved to transport NASA astronauts to and from the International Space Station. The Pentagon also has stepped up purchases of launches from the closely held company in recent years, and in June contracted with SpaceX’s satellite communications business Starlink to support Ukraine’s military.

The Journal reported that Linda Johnson Rice, who became a Tesla director in 2017, didn’t stand for reelection two years later out of frustration with Musk’s behavior and her concerns about his drug use.

Musk oversees six companies: Tesla, SpaceX and X, the social media company formerly known as Twitter; the tunneling venture The Boring Co.; brain implant developer Neuralink; and artificial intelligence startup xAI. His $219.4 billion net worth ranks No. 1 on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
