

彭博社 2023-12-23

位于纽约中城中央公园南侧的亿万富翁街。图片来源:GARY HERSHORN—GETTY IMAGES


根据每周发布豪宅市场报告的经纪人唐娜·奥尔山(Donna Olshan)统计的数据,截至目前,纽约市已签订240份价格在1,000万美元以上的住宅合同;而去年则为235份。奥尔山说:"今年的成交情况表明,富人仍然富比陶朱。”








背景故事:这套三层公寓位于翠贝卡(TriBeCa)社区一栋19世纪建筑的顶层,面积达8,900平方英尺(约合827平方米),拥有私人电梯和额外的3,500平方英尺(约合316平方米)的户外空间。这套公寓曾为一级方程式赛车运动员刘易斯·汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)所有;汉密尔顿将公寓卖给了一位不知名的买家,而这位买家又转手将其卖给了今年的买家,据报道,这是一家与微软(Microsoft)联合创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)的女儿詹妮弗·盖茨(Jennifer Gates)有关的信托基金。


背景故事:虽然《华尔街日报》报道称,卖方是一家与瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)前高管罗伯特·沙菲尔(Robert Shafir)有关联的公司,但外界对这笔场外交易知之甚少。该公司在2016年以略高于2,900万美元的价格买下了这套顶层公寓,面积约为4,500平方英尺(约合418平方米),位于西村公寓大楼内。据报道,这套顶层公寓还拥有约2,500平方英尺(约合232平方米)的户外空间。


背景故事:这套公寓位于亿万富翁街的一幢由SHoP建筑事务所(SHoP Architects)设计的超高层、超纤细的大楼里,面积达7,000平方英尺(约合650平方米),以比上次开价低约700万美元的价格售出。根据挂牌信息,这套公寓有三间卧室和四个半浴室,是这栋楼里仅有的60套住宅之一。


背景故事:尽管价格不菲,但卖家的期望价格却远不止于此。这栋整层住宅由著名建筑师杉本博司(Hiroshi Sugimoto)进行了翻新,最初于2021年以1.35亿美元的价格挂牌出售。到2023年,这套面积达8,000平方英尺(约合743平方米),包括五间卧室、五间浴室和两个半浴室的住宅的价格跌至9,200万美元。其成交价比最初的要价低了50%以上。


背景故事:这座房屋曾是杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的家,后来(在其锒铛入狱后)变得声名狼藉,2021年其遗产以5,100万美元的价格出售。(出售所得款项将用于爱泼斯坦受害者的赔偿基金。)这栋房屋的买家是前高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)高管迈克尔·达菲(Michael Daffey)。达菲和他的妻子一起重新装修了这栋面积达2.8万平方英尺(约合2,601平方米)的房子,该房屋距离上东区的中央公园不到一个街区。如果不考虑装修成本,这笔交易在两年左右的时间里带来了28%的利润。


背景故事:这套公寓位于广场公寓(Plaza Condominium and Residences)(由中央公园南侧历史悠久的广场酒店(Plaza Hotel)改建而成),上一次出售是在2008年,当时的价格不到4,600万美元。由于交易是在场外进行的,具体细节并不清楚,不过奥尔山的数据显示,这套公寓面积约为1.19万平方英尺(约合1,106平方米),共有九间卧室和八间浴室。



中央公园南侧220号摩天住宅楼位于纽约中城中央公园南侧的亿万富翁街。图片来源:AMIR HAMJA—BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY IMAGES




背景故事:另一天,这栋由罗伯特·A·M·斯特恩建筑事务所(Robert A.M. Stern Architects)设计的大楼里,另一间公寓又卖出了天价。据报道,这位匿名买家在今年早些时候又花了500万美元买下了该楼盘19层的一套两卧两卫公寓。这套公寓有五间卧室、六间浴室和两个半浴室,还有两个阳台,站在上面可以俯瞰中央公园。





根据每周发布豪宅市场报告的经纪人唐娜·奥尔山(Donna Olshan)统计的数据,截至目前,纽约市已签订240份价格在1,000万美元以上的住宅合同;而去年则为235份。奥尔山说:"今年的成交情况表明,富人仍然富比陶朱。”








背景故事:这套三层公寓位于翠贝卡(TriBeCa)社区一栋19世纪建筑的顶层,面积达8,900平方英尺(约合827平方米),拥有私人电梯和额外的3,500平方英尺(约合316平方米)的户外空间。这套公寓曾为一级方程式赛车运动员刘易斯·汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)所有;汉密尔顿将公寓卖给了一位不知名的买家,而这位买家又转手将其卖给了今年的买家,据报道,这是一家与微软(Microsoft)联合创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)的女儿詹妮弗·盖茨(Jennifer Gates)有关的信托基金。


背景故事:虽然《华尔街日报》报道称,卖方是一家与瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)前高管罗伯特·沙菲尔(Robert Shafir)有关联的公司,但外界对这笔场外交易知之甚少。该公司在2016年以略高于2,900万美元的价格买下了这套顶层公寓,面积约为4,500平方英尺(约合418平方米),位于西村公寓大楼内。据报道,这套顶层公寓还拥有约2,500平方英尺(约合232平方米)的户外空间。


背景故事:这套公寓位于亿万富翁街的一幢由SHoP建筑事务所(SHoP Architects)设计的超高层、超纤细的大楼里,面积达7,000平方英尺(约合650平方米),以比上次开价低约700万美元的价格售出。根据挂牌信息,这套公寓有三间卧室和四个半浴室,是这栋楼里仅有的60套住宅之一。


背景故事:尽管价格不菲,但卖家的期望价格却远不止于此。这栋整层住宅由著名建筑师杉本博司(Hiroshi Sugimoto)进行了翻新,最初于2021年以1.35亿美元的价格挂牌出售。到2023年,这套面积达8,000平方英尺(约合743平方米),包括五间卧室、五间浴室和两个半浴室的住宅的价格跌至9,200万美元。其成交价比最初的要价低了50%以上。


背景故事:这座房屋曾是杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的家,后来(在其锒铛入狱后)变得声名狼藉,2021年其遗产以5,100万美元的价格出售。(出售所得款项将用于爱泼斯坦受害者的赔偿基金。)这栋房屋的买家是前高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)高管迈克尔·达菲(Michael Daffey)。达菲和他的妻子一起重新装修了这栋面积达2.8万平方英尺(约合2,601平方米)的房子,该房屋距离上东区的中央公园不到一个街区。如果不考虑装修成本,这笔交易在两年左右的时间里带来了28%的利润。


背景故事:这套公寓位于广场公寓(Plaza Condominium and Residences)(由中央公园南侧历史悠久的广场酒店(Plaza Hotel)改建而成),上一次出售是在2008年,当时的价格不到4,600万美元。由于交易是在场外进行的,具体细节并不清楚,不过奥尔山的数据显示,这套公寓面积约为1.19万平方英尺(约合1,106平方米),共有九间卧室和八间浴室。







背景故事:另一天,这栋由罗伯特·A·M·斯特恩建筑事务所(Robert A.M. Stern Architects)设计的大楼里,另一间公寓又卖出了天价。据报道,这位匿名买家在今年早些时候又花了500万美元买下了该楼盘19层的一套两卧两卫公寓。这套公寓有五间卧室、六间浴室和两个半浴室,还有两个阳台,站在上面可以俯瞰中央公园。




This might have been the year that New York City’s ultra-luxury housing market entered a holding pattern.

To date, 240 contracts have been signed in the city for homes priced $10 million or more; last year, there were 235, according to data compiled by the broker Donna Olshan, who publishes a weekly luxury market report. “This year just shows you that the rich are still very rich,” Olshan says.

The rich are predictable in other ways, too. Seven of the top 10 most expensive sales in the city this year to date were on Billionaire’s Row, a stretch of 57th Street directly below Central Park in Midtown Manhattan.

And all of them, except for a townhouse on East 71st Street, according to Olshan’s data, were condos. “It’s the same old story,” Olshan says. “Uber-luxury condos sell, and they just stay above the pack.”

Co-op sales this year were nowhere near the top of the market; they make an appearance only as the 25th entry on Olshan’s list. Rich buyers’ preference for condominiums over co-ops is “not part of a cycle,” she says. “Co-ops have been on the decline for quite some time, which is not to say they’re not beautiful—they are, and many have some of the best architecture ever built,” she continues. “But the shareholders [of co-ops] are suffering. They accept lower-than-true-market value for the privilege of being in a dysfunctional club.”

Despite the similarities to 2022, Olshan says the city’s 2023 luxury housing market will be remembered as a slog. “In general, prices were much more negotiable, and units hung on the market much longer,” she says. “We’re living in fragile times. It just takes a long time to do every deal—and get it across the finish line.”

That’s not quite evident in aggregate dollars spent. Last year, the top 10 residential sales in New York totaled $640.7 million. This year’s top 10 rose slightly, to $650.9 million. “It’s not a bad result, considering you’ve got two wars going, high interest rates and we’re heading into an election year,” Olshan says. “Considering that, New York real estate has held up pretty darn well.”

Here is the full list of the top 10 most expensive home sales in NYC to date this year.

$51 million for 443 Greenwich Street, PHH

The backstory: Located at the top of a 19th century building in TriBeCa, this 8,900-square-foot, three-story apartment comes with its own private elevator and an additional 3,500 square feet of outdoor space. The apartment was once owned by Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton; he sold it to an unknown buyer who turned around and sold it to this year’s purchaser, a trust reportedly associated with Jennifer Gates, a daughter of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

$52 million for 150 Charles Street, PHA

The backstory: Not much is known about this off-market deal, although the Wall Street Journal reported that the seller is a company tied to former Credit Suisse executive Robert Shafir. That company purchased the penthouse, which covers about 4,500 square feet in the West Village condominium building, for just over $29 million in 2016. The penthouse also reportedly comes with about 2,500 square feet of outdoor space.

$53 million for 111 West 57th Street, PH61

The backstory: This 7,000-square-foot apartment in the super-tall, super skinny tower designed by SHoP Architects on Billionaire’s Row sold for about $7 million less than its last asking price. With three bedrooms and 4 1/2 baths, according to a listing, the apartment is one of just 60 residences in the building.

$65.6 million for 432 Park Avenue, Apartment 79

The backstory: Lofty as the price might be, its seller was hoping for much more. The full-floor residence was gut renovated by the prestigious architect Hiroshi Sugimoto and originally listed in 2021 for $135 million. By 2023, the 8,000-square-foot, five-bedroom, five-bath, and two half-bath home’s price had fallen to $92 million. Its closing price was more than 50% below the original ask.

$65.6 million for 9 East 71st Street

The backstory: Made infamous as the onetime home of Jeffrey Epstein, the house was sold by his estate for $51 million in 2021. (Proceeds of the sale went to a compensation fund for Epstein’s victims.) The home’s buyer was Michael Daffey, a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executive. Together with his wife, Daffey redid the 28,000-square-foot house, which is set less than a block from Central Park on the Upper East Side. Not counting any renovation costs, the sale represents a 28% profit in about two years.

$65.8 million for 768 Fifth Avenue, Apt 1109

The backstory: Located in the Plaza Condominium and Residences, (carved out of the historic Plaza Hotel on Central Park South), this apartment last sold in 2008 for just under $46 million. Because the sale took place off-market, the details are fairly obscure, although Olshan’s data shows that the apartment has approximately 11,900 square feet, with nine bedrooms and eight bathrooms.

$67.9 million for 1165 Madison Avenue, PHC

The backstory: Covering four floors on the top of the Bellemont, a new condo development on Madison Avenue, this apartment actually consists of two duplexes combined. The apartment has approximately 8,000 square feet, according to Olshan’s data, and includes seven bedrooms and 8 1/2 bathrooms.

The 220 Central Park South residential skyscraper situated along Billionaires’ Row on the south side of Central Park in the Midtown neighborhood of New York.


$75 million for 220 Central Park South, Apt 64

The backstory: Measuring roughly 6,000 square feet with five bedrooms and 5 ½ baths, according to Olshan’s data, the apartment, which was never officially on the market, last sold in 2020 for $54 million. Located in what’s arguably the hottest luxury building in New York, this means that the apartment appreciated by approximately $7 million annually.

$75 million for 220 Central Park South, Apt 45

The backstory: Another day, another stratospheric price for a unit in the tower, which was designed by Robert A.M. Stern Architects. The anonymous buyer of this unit reportedly spent an additional $5 million on a two-bedroom, two-bath apartment on the 19th floor of the building earlier in the year. This apartment has five bedrooms, six baths, and two half-baths; it also has two balconies overlooking Central Park.

$80 million for 220 Central Park South, Apt 20E/V8

The backstory: Yet another apartment in 220 Central Park West tops 2023’s list. This unit—set in the “villa” part of the building—is on the eighth and ninth floors. (A studio in the tower part of the building was reportedly included in the price.) The duplex, which covers about 7,900 square feet, has six beds and at least six baths, according to Olshan’s report.
