

Will Daniel 2023-11-17



华尔街很快就为这一消息欢呼雀跃,许多人认为这是美联储(Federal Reserve)长达20个月的加息行动正在缓慢遏制通胀的又一个迹象。“我们今天迎来了更多的金发女孩。”TradeStation的全球市场策略主管大卫·拉塞尔在谈到这些数据时说。(“金发女孩经济”指增长进入佳境而通胀威胁尚未来临的经济状况——译注)

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)于11月15日公布的数据显示,衡量企业批发价格的工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI)在10月下降了0.5%。这远低于华尔街对该指数上升0.1%的一致预期,也远低于9月0.4%的涨幅。


AXS Investments的首席执行官格雷格·巴苏克表示:“10月工业生产者出厂价格指数数据低于预期,整体和核心通胀均显示出华尔街、典型的美国中产阶级,尤其是美联储强烈期望的下降趋势。”


批发价格通胀率的下降对消费者来说是一个好消息,这是因为当企业面临成本上升时,消费者往往首当其冲。正如里士满联邦储备银行(Richmond Federal Reserve)在2022年的一篇文章中所解释的那样,从长期来看,消费者价格通胀和批发价格通胀“同时发生变化”。



重要的是,价格方面的降温并没有给其他经济部门带来降温。衡量纽约州制造业活动的帝国制造业调查指数(Empire State Manufacturing Survey)在10月攀升了14个点。该指数被视为美国整体制造业健康状况的风向标。这可能是一个迹象,表明尽管经济衰退的预测一直存在,但许多经济部门仍然在继续通过加息而获得增长动力。“软着陆正在成形。”拉塞尔说。


对投资者而言,工业生产者出厂价格指数报告是一个好消息。11月14日,由于消费者价格指数数据降温,标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)飙升近2%。11月15日,标准普尔500指数继续上涨,截至午盘上涨0.31%。独立顾问联盟(Independent Advisor Alliance)的首席投资官克里斯·扎卡雷利表示:“目前,通胀正在回落,经济继续保持强劲增长,因此股市唯一合乎逻辑的走向是走高。”



AXS Investments的巴苏克对此表示赞同。他说:“最新的通胀报告为那些对2023年剩余时间的利率不确定性心存疑虑的投资者提前送上了一份节日礼物。”他认为,2024年“市场增长前景强劲”。(财富中文网)



华尔街很快就为这一消息欢呼雀跃,许多人认为这是美联储(Federal Reserve)长达20个月的加息行动正在缓慢遏制通胀的又一个迹象。“我们今天迎来了更多的金发女孩。”TradeStation的全球市场策略主管大卫·拉塞尔在谈到这些数据时说。(“金发女孩经济”指增长进入佳境而通胀威胁尚未来临的经济状况——译注)

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)于11月15日公布的数据显示,衡量企业批发价格的工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI)在10月下降了0.5%。这远低于华尔街对该指数上升0.1%的一致预期,也远低于9月0.4%的涨幅。


AXS Investments的首席执行官格雷格·巴苏克表示:“10月工业生产者出厂价格指数数据低于预期,整体和核心通胀均显示出华尔街、典型的美国中产阶级,尤其是美联储强烈期望的下降趋势。”


批发价格通胀率的下降对消费者来说是一个好消息,这是因为当企业面临成本上升时,消费者往往首当其冲。正如里士满联邦储备银行(Richmond Federal Reserve)在2022年的一篇文章中所解释的那样,从长期来看,消费者价格通胀和批发价格通胀“同时发生变化”。



重要的是,价格方面的降温并没有给其他经济部门带来降温。衡量纽约州制造业活动的帝国制造业调查指数(Empire State Manufacturing Survey)在10月攀升了14个点。该指数被视为美国整体制造业健康状况的风向标。这可能是一个迹象,表明尽管经济衰退的预测一直存在,但许多经济部门仍然在继续通过加息而获得增长动力。“软着陆正在成形。”拉塞尔说。


对投资者而言,工业生产者出厂价格指数报告是一个好消息。11月14日,由于消费者价格指数数据降温,标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)飙升近2%。11月15日,标准普尔500指数继续上涨,截至午盘上涨0.31%。独立顾问联盟(Independent Advisor Alliance)的首席投资官克里斯·扎卡雷利表示:“目前,通胀正在回落,经济继续保持强劲增长,因此股市唯一合乎逻辑的走向是走高。”



AXS Investments的巴苏克对此表示赞同。他说:“最新的通胀报告为那些对2023年剩余时间的利率不确定性心存疑虑的投资者提前送上了一份节日礼物。”他认为,2024年“市场增长前景强劲”。(财富中文网)


After months and months of stubborn inflation crushing the mood of investors and consumers alike, government data show prices may finally be stabilizing. Wholesale prices fell sharply in October, their largest monthly decline since COVID-19 forced travel restrictions and business closures in April 2020.

Wall Street was quick to celebrate the news, with many arguing it’s another sign that the Federal Reserve’s 20-month-long interest rate hiking campaign is slowly taming inflation. “We got more Goldilocks today,” David Russell, global head of market strategy at TradeStation, said of the data.

The producer price index (PPI), which measures wholesale prices for businesses, fell 0.5% in October, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on November 15. That was well short of Wall Street’s consensus expectations for a 0.1% jump in the index, and a sharp drop from September’s 0.4% rise.

The dip in wholesale prices in October brought the year-over-year PPI inflation rate down to just 1.3% as well, compared to 8.2% a year ago. And core PPI inflation, which excludes more volatile food and energy prices, also went unchanged last month versus consensus expectations for a 0.3% rise.

“October’s PPI data came in lower than anticipated, with both headline and core inflation exhibiting the downward trajectory strongly desired by Wall Street, Main Street and, importantly, the Fed,” Greg Bassuk, CEO at AXS Investments, said.

Wholesale price changes offer a preview of consumer prices

The drop in wholesale price inflation is good news for consumers because they often bear the brunt of the pain when businesses face higher costs. As the Richmond Federal Reserve explained in a 2022 article, over the long term, consumer price inflation and wholesale price inflation “move together.”

The latest PPI data also follows a cooler-than-expected consumer price index (CPI) inflation report on November 14, which led the stock market to surge. The two inflation reports should enable Fed officials to lower interest rates in 2024, Bassuk said, paving the way for a so-called soft landing—when inflation fades without sparking a recession.

After years of recession forecasts, TradeStation’s Russell also believes that the worst case scenarios are now behind us. He noted that inflation is fading at the same time as retail sales beat Wall Street’s forecasts, falling just 0.1% compared to the expected 0.3% in October. That’s further evidence of the gentle cooling in the economy the Fed has been hoping to achieve, according to many on Wall Street.

Importantly, cooling on the price front isn’t chilling other parts of the economy. The Empire State Manufacturing Survey—which measures manufacturing activity in New York state and is seen as a proxy for the health of the broader U.S. manufacturing industry—climbed 14 points in October. It could be a sign that the many sectors of the economy continue to power through higher interest rates despite consistent recession predictions. “The soft landing is taking shape,” Russell said.

“The only logical direction for stocks is higher”

For investors, the PPI report is great news. After surging nearly 2% on November 14 due to the cool CPI report, the S&P 500 continued to rise on November 15, jumping 0.31% by midday. “Inflation—for now —is coming back down and the economy—for now—continues to grow at a robust pace, so the only logical direction for stocks is higher,” Chris Zaccarelli, chief investment officer for Independent Advisor Alliance, said.

Zaccarelli warned that high interest rates, fading consumer savings, and rising credit card balances are all signs that the economy still faces the prospect of recession. “It would be naïve to assume that a recession can be forestalled forever,” he said.

However, the Wall Street veteran argued that investors’ sentiment has become so negative this year that even “less worse than feared data,” like the latest inflation reports, could end up sparking a big run in stocks—“a race higher into year end.”

AXS Investments’ Bassuk agreed with the sentiment. “The latest inflation reports delivered an early holiday present for investors who have been skittish about interest rate uncertainty for the balance of 2023,” he said, arguing that 2024 has “robust prospects for market growth.”
