

Alexandra Muller, 彭博社 2023-11-07

位于伦敦城(City of London,即伦敦金融区)的英国央行(Bank of England)和伦敦皇家交易所(Royal Exchange)的全景图。图片来源:VUK VALCIC/SOPA IMAGES/LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES

英国投资银行Peel Hunt表示,英国的中小型股票市场正在迅速萎缩,这威胁到了伦敦作为国际金融中心的地位。

首次公开募股数量偏少,加上海外公司和私募股权公司的一连串收购动作,表明退出英国市场的公司多于进入该市场的公司。富时小型公司指数(FTSE Small Cap Index)的变化尤其明显地反映出这一趋势,Peel Hunt称该指数在今年已经损失了10%的成分股和20%的市值。

Peel Hunt的研究主管查尔斯·霍尔在一份报告中写道:“该市场目前正处在一个恶性循环中,估值较低,流动性不断降低,投资者正在撤资,而且首次公开募股情绪低迷。如果这种情况持续下去,英国可能就会失去其金融生态系统里的一个重要组成部分。”

虽然Peel Hunt的分析侧重于英国的小公司,但同样受到冲击的还有蓝筹股富时100指数(FTSE 100)。2022年11月,伦敦失去了欧洲最大股市的地位,股市延续了自2016年英国脱欧公投以来的暴跌态势。最近油价的上涨带动以大宗商品为主的指数重夺桂冠,但由于英国经济深陷困境,加上公司趋于到纽约上市,英国股市仍然举步维艰。

这些公司包括选择在美国上市的潜在英国股市领军者(例如芯片设计公司Arm Holdings Plc),以及已经将主要上市地点改在纽约的公司(比如爱尔兰建筑材料公司CRH Plc)。近年来,阿斯顿·马丁·拉贡达国际控股有限公司(Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings Plc)和Deliveroo Plc等几家公司在伦敦备受瞩目的首次公开募股都惨遭失败,这对情况的改善毫无助益。

霍尔写道,股市的萎缩会拖累经济增长和投资,然后与投资者流出形成恶性循环。Peel Hunt的分析显示,今年以来,有27家市值超过1亿英镑(1.22亿美元)的公司收到了并购要约——大多来自金融买家或外国收购者,因此可能会退出英国市场。这些公司包括富时250指数(FTSE 250)的成分股公司Dechra Pharmaceuticals Plc和Network International Holdings Plc等。



英国投资银行Peel Hunt表示,英国的中小型股票市场正在迅速萎缩,这威胁到了伦敦作为国际金融中心的地位。

首次公开募股数量偏少,加上海外公司和私募股权公司的一连串收购动作,表明退出英国市场的公司多于进入该市场的公司。富时小型公司指数(FTSE Small Cap Index)的变化尤其明显地反映出这一趋势,Peel Hunt称该指数在今年已经损失了10%的成分股和20%的市值。

Peel Hunt的研究主管查尔斯·霍尔在一份报告中写道:“该市场目前正处在一个恶性循环中,估值较低,流动性不断降低,投资者正在撤资,而且首次公开募股情绪低迷。如果这种情况持续下去,英国可能就会失去其金融生态系统里的一个重要组成部分。”

虽然Peel Hunt的分析侧重于英国的小公司,但同样受到冲击的还有蓝筹股富时100指数(FTSE 100)。2022年11月,伦敦失去了欧洲最大股市的地位,股市延续了自2016年英国脱欧公投以来的暴跌态势。最近油价的上涨带动以大宗商品为主的指数重夺桂冠,但由于英国经济深陷困境,加上公司趋于到纽约上市,英国股市仍然举步维艰。

这些公司包括选择在美国上市的潜在英国股市领军者(例如芯片设计公司Arm Holdings Plc),以及已经将主要上市地点改在纽约的公司(比如爱尔兰建筑材料公司CRH Plc)。近年来,阿斯顿·马丁·拉贡达国际控股有限公司(Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings Plc)和Deliveroo Plc等几家公司在伦敦备受瞩目的首次公开募股都惨遭失败,这对情况的改善毫无助益。

霍尔写道,股市的萎缩会拖累经济增长和投资,然后与投资者流出形成恶性循环。Peel Hunt的分析显示,今年以来,有27家市值超过1亿英镑(1.22亿美元)的公司收到了并购要约——大多来自金融买家或外国收购者,因此可能会退出英国市场。这些公司包括富时250指数(FTSE 250)的成分股公司Dechra Pharmaceuticals Plc和Network International Holdings Plc等。



Britain’s market for small and medium sized stocks is shrinking rapidly, challenging London’s status as a international financial center, according to UK investment bank Peel Hunt.

A lack of initial public offerings, along with a flurry of takeovers by overseas and private equity firms, mean there are more companies leaving the UK market than joining it. The trend is particularly pronounced for the FTSE Small Cap Index, which Peel Hunt says has lost 10% of its members and 20% of its market capitalization this year.

“We are currently in a doom loop, where valuations are low, liquidity is reducing, investors are seeing withdrawals and there is little desire to IPO,” Charles Hall, Peel Hunt’s head of research, wrote in a report. “If this continues, the UK could lose a crucial part of its financial ecosystem.”

While Peel Hunt’s analysis focuses on Britain’s smaller companies, the bluechip FTSE 100 has also been suffering. London lost its status as Europe’s biggest stock market last November, extending an equity slump that stretched back to Britain’s vote to leave the European Union in 2016. A recent rise in oil prices allowed the UK’s commodity-heavy gauge to regain the crown, but the market is still struggling amid a floundering economy and a trend of companies fleeing to New York for listings.

That includes would-be UK market champions that have chosen to list in the US, like chip designer Arm Holdings Plc, and firms that have shifted their primary listings to New York, like Irish building materials firm CRH Plc. Listings flops for several high profile London IPOs over recent years — including Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings Plc and Deliveroo Plc — haven’t helped.

A shrinking pool of stocks weighs on economic growth and investment, and becomes a vicious cycle for investor flows, Hall wrote. Peel Hunt’s analysis shows that 27 companies with a market capitalization of more than £100 million ($122 million) have received M&A offers so far this year, mostly from financial buyers or foreign suitors, and may therefore exit the market. Among them are FTSE 250 members Dechra Pharmaceuticals Plc and Network International Holdings Plc.

Hall said upcoming regulatory reforms for UK capital markets are welcome, but that attracting investment in smaller stocks also needs to be addressed by reforming taxation measures.
