

由于TikTok Shop充斥着大量低质商品,再加上TikTok对客户数据的政策让人不放心,一些潜在的合作伙伴望而却步。




《财富》杂志采访的几位电子商务行业内部人士透露,由于TikTok Shop充斥着大量低质商品,再加上TikTok对客户数据的政策让人不放心,一些潜在的合作伙伴望而却步。

TikTok似乎对“商店 (Shop) ”寄予厚望,上个月介绍新功能的新闻稿中,搜索主屏幕上“Shop”的位置相当明显。TikTok的1.5亿美国用户在手机上打开应用时,就能在“推荐”和“关注”选项旁点击“Shop”快速访问新的购物服务。在“Shop”里,用户可以向下滚动查找当日优惠;查看“为您推荐”的特色品牌和产品;管理订单、收货地址和浏览历史记录。

如果用户点击夹克和裤子,可以看到介绍商品的普通TikTok视频。从理论上说,比起在商品列表里看专业模特试穿效果,这种方式对商品的了解更全面(不过TikTok Shop联盟会员能从中获得销售佣金)。

然而商品方面似乎非常偏低端。《财富》杂志第一次浏览TikTok Shop时,推荐的前七款产品都是中国制造,价格不到20美元。如果营销人员和网红不希望自己的品牌形象与低端产品和仿冒品挂钩,这可能是劝退因素。

“卖的都是垃圾,”购物网红布鲁克·茱琳说。她在TikTok上粉丝近9万,每月通过亚马逊、品牌合作和创作者工具收入高达50000美元。茱琳在TikTok Shop中发布了一些推荐喜欢产品的视频,但她表示,相关产品的质量和联盟佣金都低于亚马逊同类产品。“对于粉丝体量跟我差不多的博主来说,其实不愿意推荐这类商品。我不想推荐只能用一次就要进垃圾场的东西;主要是质量问题。”

网红管理公司Shine talent Group的人才主管哈利·加勒表示,TikTok为了减轻人们的担心,正吸引美国品牌入驻。“他们正努力培养一些真正优秀的合作伙伴。所以我认为(Shop)今后会越来越好,”她说。

TikTok一位发言人反驳了认为商品“低质”的说法,指出该平台才刚正式推出,公司已经联手欧莱雅、Benefit、Revolve和ScrubDaddy等品牌。发言人还告诉《财富》杂志,已经有超过20万卖家和10万创作者参与了TikTok Shop联盟计划。

不过一些品牌可能会对TikTok的数据政策犹豫不决。化妆品公司Glamnetic的首席执行官兼创始人安·麦克费伦告诉《财富》杂志,入驻TikTok的流程太过复杂,而且该公司不允许品牌访问客户数据。“公司获得实际收入,获取用户的信用卡信息,(然而)不与真实的品牌分享,”讨论为何旗下假指甲和睫毛公司最终决定不加入TikTok Shop时,麦克费伦表示。





“由于购物本质上是数据量更庞大的交易,政府对数据保护和隐私的谨慎态度会不会传导至消费者,实际结果应该很有趣,”Slow Ventures的负责人梅根·莱特卡普在短信中表示。




对很多在社交媒体上长大的Z世代用户来说,共享数据是生活中的常态。这一人群是TikTok的主流用户,在喜欢的社交平台购买平价商品可能足以将TikTok变成购物中心。“从Z世代用户在产品发现(无意)和搜索(有意)方面的势头来看,接受购物也很合乎逻辑,”Slow Ventures的莱特卡普表示。“在某种程度上,平台提供了更多选择和便利,消费者也能从中受益。”

除了与亚马逊竞争,TikTok Shop与Temu和Shein等中国电商网站的关系也亦敌亦友,这些网站因价格低廉的时装很受美国消费者和网红欢迎。在发布会上,Temu和Shein都未加入TikTok Shop。

TikTok Shop上联盟创作者的报酬仍然是个很大的问号。茱琳表示,为“Shop”发布的推广视频收益不到100美元,与亚马逊、沃尔玛和每月达五位数的品牌推广收入相比,只能算零花钱。







《财富》杂志采访的几位电子商务行业内部人士透露,由于TikTok Shop充斥着大量低质商品,再加上TikTok对客户数据的政策让人不放心,一些潜在的合作伙伴望而却步。

TikTok似乎对“商店 (Shop) ”寄予厚望,上个月介绍新功能的新闻稿中,搜索主屏幕上“Shop”的位置相当明显。TikTok的1.5亿美国用户在手机上打开应用时,就能在“推荐”和“关注”选项旁点击“Shop”快速访问新的购物服务。在“Shop”里,用户可以向下滚动查找当日优惠;查看“为您推荐”的特色品牌和产品;管理订单、收货地址和浏览历史记录。

如果用户点击夹克和裤子,可以看到介绍商品的普通TikTok视频。从理论上说,比起在商品列表里看专业模特试穿效果,这种方式对商品的了解更全面(不过TikTok Shop联盟会员能从中获得销售佣金)。

然而商品方面似乎非常偏低端。《财富》杂志第一次浏览TikTok Shop时,推荐的前七款产品都是中国制造,价格不到20美元。如果营销人员和网红不希望自己的品牌形象与低端产品和仿冒品挂钩,这可能是劝退因素。

“卖的都是垃圾,”购物网红布鲁克·茱琳说。她在TikTok上粉丝近9万,每月通过亚马逊、品牌合作和创作者工具收入高达50000美元。茱琳在TikTok Shop中发布了一些推荐喜欢产品的视频,但她表示,相关产品的质量和联盟佣金都低于亚马逊同类产品。“对于粉丝体量跟我差不多的博主来说,其实不愿意推荐这类商品。我不想推荐只能用一次就要进垃圾场的东西;主要是质量问题。”

网红管理公司Shine talent Group的人才主管哈利·加勒表示,TikTok为了减轻人们的担心,正吸引美国品牌入驻。“他们正努力培养一些真正优秀的合作伙伴。所以我认为(Shop)今后会越来越好,”她说。

TikTok一位发言人反驳了认为商品“低质”的说法,指出该平台才刚正式推出,公司已经联手欧莱雅、Benefit、Revolve和ScrubDaddy等品牌。发言人还告诉《财富》杂志,已经有超过20万卖家和10万创作者参与了TikTok Shop联盟计划。

不过一些品牌可能会对TikTok的数据政策犹豫不决。化妆品公司Glamnetic的首席执行官兼创始人安·麦克费伦告诉《财富》杂志,入驻TikTok的流程太过复杂,而且该公司不允许品牌访问客户数据。“公司获得实际收入,获取用户的信用卡信息,(然而)不与真实的品牌分享,”讨论为何旗下假指甲和睫毛公司最终决定不加入TikTok Shop时,麦克费伦表示。





“由于购物本质上是数据量更庞大的交易,政府对数据保护和隐私的谨慎态度会不会传导至消费者,实际结果应该很有趣,”Slow Ventures的负责人梅根·莱特卡普在短信中表示。




对很多在社交媒体上长大的Z世代用户来说,共享数据是生活中的常态。这一人群是TikTok的主流用户,在喜欢的社交平台购买平价商品可能足以将TikTok变成购物中心。“从Z世代用户在产品发现(无意)和搜索(有意)方面的势头来看,接受购物也很合乎逻辑,”Slow Ventures的莱特卡普表示。“在某种程度上,平台提供了更多选择和便利,消费者也能从中受益。”

除了与亚马逊竞争,TikTok Shop与Temu和Shein等中国电商网站的关系也亦敌亦友,这些网站因价格低廉的时装很受美国消费者和网红欢迎。在发布会上,Temu和Shein都未加入TikTok Shop。

TikTok Shop上联盟创作者的报酬仍然是个很大的问号。茱琳表示,为“Shop”发布的推广视频收益不到100美元,与亚马逊、沃尔玛和每月达五位数的品牌推广收入相比,只能算零花钱。




After swooping in and taking users away from established social media giants like Instagram, Snap, and YouTube, China’s TikTok is going after another tech giant on U.S. soil: Amazon.

But while TikTok’s AI-driven video platform has proven irresistible to American consumers, the company’s effort to become a shopping destination is already encountering challenges that may prove difficult to overcome.

According to several e-commerce industry insiders with whom Fortune spoke, a glut of low-quality products for sale on TikTok Shop, as well as TikTok’s policies around customer data, are turning off some prospective partners.

TikTok appears to have high hopes for Shop, giving it prominent placement on the app’s search home screen in its launch earlier this week. When TikTok’s 150 million U.S. users open the app on their phones, they can quickly access the new shopping service by tapping Shop next to the famous For You and Following tabs. Within the shop, users can scroll down to find today’s deals; see featured brands and products “recommended for you”; and manage their orders, shipping addresses, and browsing history.

When users click products like jackets and pants, they can see them featured in normal TikTok videos, in theory offering a more accurate representation than a photo in a catalog featuring a professional model (though Shop affiliates receive sales commissions).

The selection seems heavily skewed towards the low end. When Fortune first browsed through TikTok Shop, the first seven products, all clothing, on the feed were manufactured in China and cost less than $20. For marketers and influencers who don’t want to attach their brand images to low-grade offerings and knockoffs, this could be a disincentive.

“It’s all garbage,” says shopping influencer Brooke JuLyn, who has nearly 90,000 TikTok followers and makes up to $50,000 per month from Amazon, brand deals and creator tools. JuLyn has posted a few videos on TikTok Shop of products she likes, but says that their quality and the affiliate commissions are lower than the Amazon equivalents. “For bigger guys like me, this is just not something that I’m going to pursue. I’m not going to sell garbage that gets one use and is thrown into a landfill; it’s totally a quality issue.”

Haley Galler, head of talent at influencer management company Shine Talent Group, says TikTok is courting American brands for Shop in order to alleviate such worries. “They’re definitely working on onboarding some really great partners that they have shared. So I think we’ll continue to see [Shop] get better and better,” she says.

A representative for TikTok disputed the characterization of the products available for sale as “low-quality,” noting that the platform only officially launched this week and that the company has already onboarded brands such as L’Oréal, Benefit, Revolve, and ScrubDaddy. This spokesperson also told Fortune that TikTok Shop has over 200,000 sellers and 100,000 creators participating in the TikTok Shop Affiliate program.

But some brands may balk at TikTok’s data policies. Ann McFerran, CEO and founder of cosmetics company Glamnetic, told Fortune that TikTok’s onboarding process was overly complex and that the company does not give brands access to customer data. “They’re going to start generating actual revenue and taking credit card information from all these users, [but] not sharing it with the actual brands,” McFerran said, discussing why her fake nail and lash company ultimately decided not to join TikTok Shop at launch.

“They literally own all the data,” she said of TikToK, adding that it “won’t even share email addresses” with companies.

Livestream shopping on on TikTok parent ByteDance’s Chinese equivalent Douyin is extremely popular. The social giant is hoping to replicate its success in North America.

A representative from the company told Fortune that Shop integrates with Shopify, Salesforce, and other commerce enablers, but did not address whether it shares customer emails with merchants. (Amazon does not share customer emails with merchants either, so TikTok’s policy is not unique in that respect.)

Still, for brands looking to build relationships with customers and garner repeat sales, the lack of data could be a problem. And the fact that this sensitive personal data, including credit card information and mailing addresses, is being collected by the China-owned company could create more complications. TikTok is already under scrutiny by the U.S. government, over worries that the China-owned app could be used to spy on Americans (TikTok says it does not share protected U.S. user data with China).

“It will be interesting to see if governmental wariness around data protection and privacy translates to consumer wariness as shopping is an inherently more data-heavy transaction,” says Megan Lightcap, a principal at Slow Ventures who invests in the creator economy, over text.

Shopping habits for the smartphone generation

TikTok’s foray into shopping comes as Amazon, the largest online retailer in the U.S., pushes into social. The convergence of these once distinct online markets exemplifies the natural overlap between online relationships and e-commerce for the smartphone generation.

“As Gen Z comes into their buying power, and TikTok being such a destination for them…this is a big opportunity for us to start to see what social commerce can really become in the United States,” says Jen Jones, chief marketing officer at e-commerce enabler Commercetools.

For many Gen Z users who have grown up on social media, sharing data is a fact of life. As this demographic is the backbone of TikTok, the option to buy affordable goods within their preferred social platform may be enough to make TikTok into a shopping hub. “It’s a logical step for them given the momentum they’ve amassed in product discovery (unintentional) and search (intentional),” says Lightcap of Slow Ventures. “To the extent it facilitates greater choice and convenience, it benefits consumers.”

In addition to competing against Amazon, TikTok Shop also has a frenemy-like relationship with Chinese commerce sites like Temu and Shein that have become popular with U.S. consumers and influencers for their on-trend garments at bargain prices. Neither Temu nor Shein were part of TikTok Shop at the U.S. launch this week.

Compensation for affiliate creators on TikTok Shop remains a big question mark. Julyn says that TikTok has paid her less than $100 from her Shop videos, spare change compared with her Amazon, Walmart, and brand earnings that reach into five figures per month.

But TikTok has proven that it can harness technology like AI to make videos go viral. If it can pull off the same feat with shopping, creators could have a change of mind.

“It’s a newish behavior, so the actual consumer uptake will be interesting to track,” says Lightcap. “Creator benefit will follow consumer adoption.”
