

WILL DANIEL 2023-08-30

花旗银行(Citi)表示,随着中国摆脱经济放缓,铜价预计将在未来几年飙升。图片来源:ZHAO QIRUI—VCG/GETTY IMAGES

去年年初,俄乌冲突爆发后,随之而来的供应链混乱和西方制裁导致油价飙升,全球消费者几乎立即感受到这一影响。原油成本持续上涨,美国汽油平均价格从 1月份的每加仑3.40美元涨到6月份的每加仑略高于5美元的历史新高。但从那时起,在中国疫情后经济复苏低于预期,影响原油需求的情况下,石油和汽油价格又回落至俄乌冲突前的价格。而随着全球各国政府和企业继续摆脱对化石燃料的依赖,一种全新的、鲜为人知的商品可能会取代黑金而飙升。






由于全球经济增长放缓,铜这种关键金属的需求低于预期,铜价在2023 年出现暴跌。伦敦金属交易所(The London Metal Exchange)的现货铜价目前仅为8,359美元,较1月中旬每吨逾9,400美元的峰值下跌了11%。但花旗银行的莱顿认为,铜价回落可以带来机会。



过去40年来,中国作为世界工厂,持续推动基础设施和住房项目的发展,使其在铜市场上占据了绝对优势。即使在中国房地产行业危机持续的情况下,2022 年中国仍然是全球最大的铜消费国,使用了全球供应量的55%。但在房地产市场和制造业萎靡不振的情况下,中国在2023年上半年仅进口了165万吨精炼铜,比去年同期减少了12%。



不过,全球第八大铜生产商、波兰矿业巨头KGHM Polska Miedź的董事会在本月早些时候发布的第二季度财报中支持了花旗银行的看涨预期。




去年年初,俄乌冲突爆发后,随之而来的供应链混乱和西方制裁导致油价飙升,全球消费者几乎立即感受到这一影响。原油成本持续上涨,美国汽油平均价格从 1月份的每加仑3.40美元涨到6月份的每加仑略高于5美元的历史新高。但从那时起,在中国疫情后经济复苏低于预期,影响原油需求的情况下,石油和汽油价格又回落至俄乌冲突前的价格。而随着全球各国政府和企业继续摆脱对化石燃料的依赖,一种全新的、鲜为人知的商品可能会取代黑金而飙升。






由于全球经济增长放缓,铜这种关键金属的需求低于预期,铜价在2023 年出现暴跌。伦敦金属交易所(The London Metal Exchange)的现货铜价目前仅为8,359美元,较1月中旬每吨逾9,400美元的峰值下跌了11%。但花旗银行的莱顿认为,铜价回落可以带来机会。



过去40年来,中国作为世界工厂,持续推动基础设施和住房项目的发展,使其在铜市场上占据了绝对优势。即使在中国房地产行业危机持续的情况下,2022 年中国仍然是全球最大的铜消费国,使用了全球供应量的55%。但在房地产市场和制造业萎靡不振的情况下,中国在2023年上半年仅进口了165万吨精炼铜,比去年同期减少了12%。



不过,全球第八大铜生产商、波兰矿业巨头KGHM Polska Miedź的董事会在本月早些时候发布的第二季度财报中支持了花旗银行的看涨预期。




When Russia invaded Ukraine early last year, the subsequent supply-chain chaos and Western sanctions caused a spike in oil prices that consumers worldwide felt almost immediately. In the U.S., the rising cost of crude pushed the average price of a gallon of gasoline from $3.40 in January to a record high of just over $5 by June. But since then—amid a weaker-than-expected post-COVID recovery in China, which has impacted crude demand—oil and gasoline prices have fallen back toward prewar prices. And with governments and businesses globally continuing to move away from their reliance on fossil fuels, there’s a new, lesser-known commodity that may be set to soar instead of black gold.

“For us here at Citi, copper is the energy transition bull trade. The world is cyclically weak right now, and that means the trade is on pause. But copper’s eventual bull run is likely to make oil’s famous 2008 rally look like child’s play,” Max Layton, Citi’s managing director for commodities research, said in an Aug. 23 video presentation for clients.

Layton is referencing the period when oil prices spiked before the onset of the Global Financial Crisis, rising from $50 per barrel in mid-2006 to $140 per barrel by late 2007 as strong demand from emerging markets clashed with stagnant global crude production. The veteran commodities analyst believes that copper prices could see a similar price spike over the next three years because the metal has become a favorite among commodity traders looking for exposure to the energy transition theme.

Copper’s critical role in electric vehicle batteries and other green energy technologies has led some to call it “the new oil.” The metal is used in solar panels, wind turbines, electrical cables, and even your iPhone. In fact, copper is so widely used in construction, manufacturing, and electronics production that it’s often seen as a proxy for global economic activity and a business cycle indicator, earning it the nickname “Dr. Copper.”

Lately, with the global economy struggling to regain its stride after COVID, the doctor has been sounding the alarm (copper prices are falling), but if you ask Citi, it’s just a minor setback for the energy transition king.

The energy transition darling’s brief stumble

Copper prices have tumbled in 2023 amid weaker than forecast demand for the critical metal owing to slowing global economic growth. The London Metal Exchange’s cash copper price is now down 11% from its mid-January peak of over $9,400 per metric ton to just $8,359. But Citi’s Layton sees the pullback as an opportunity.

Because copper’s price tends to rise and fall in unison with global economic activity, many commodities traders have been forced to wait on the sidelines for global economic growth to improve before they can buy copper, creating a “massive queue” to buy the metal, according to Citi.

Layton said it makes sense for investors to be “cautious” about jumping into copper during the second half of 2023.

The country’s role as the world’s factory and continuous push to develop infrastructure and housing projects has given it an outsize position in the copper market over the past four decades. Even amid an ongoing crisis in the country’s property sector, China remained the biggest consumer of copper globally in 2022, using 55% of the world’s supply. But during the first six months of 2023, with its property market and manufacturing industry ailing, China imported just 1.65 million metric tons of refined copper, 12% less than it did a year ago.

The good news is Layton doesn’t expect the trend to last. He recommended investors slowly begin buying copper over the next 12 months, arguing that China’s eventual economic recovery and the energy transition will lead prices to surge to $15,000 per metric ton over the next three years. “Expected returns are a massive 50% to 100% by 2025,” he said of this “bull case” scenario.

However, Citi also outlined a bearish scenario where copper prices could fall 10% to $7,500 by 2025 in a July note. In this scenario, China’s economic recovery would be slower and less robust than expected, and rising interest rates in the U.S. and Europe would have a “larger than anticipated impact” on global growth, leading to weaker copper demand.

Still, the board of Polish mining giant KGHM Polska Miedź, the eighth largest copper producer globally, backed up Citi’s bull case outlook earlier this month in its second quarter earnings report.

But in the long run, as China’s economy recovers, the rise of electric personal vehicles—from cars to e-bikes—and the energy transition will keep demand for copper elevated globally, according to KGHM. And rising copper demand, coupled with limited supply owing to substantial constraints on new mining projects worldwide, including increased taxes and environmental regulations, should keep prices elevated for years to come.

“The aforementioned restrictions in supply, together with the strong trend towards electro-mobility and the green revolution spurring the pace of growth in demand for copper, will support copper prices in the long term,” KGHM’s board wrote.
