

RACHEL SHIN 2023-08-07
哈佛大学专门研究不诚实行为的教授弗朗西斯卡·吉诺(Francesca Gino)被指控捏造研究结果。



吉诺每年在期刊上发表十多篇文章,而教职员工的平均水平是两到三篇,这似乎优秀得让人难以置信。而现在曝光的情况表明,真实性确实存疑。独立学术监督网站Data Colada分四部分进行了调查,称吉诺至少在十年内,最近一次是在三年前,捏造了一些备受瞩目的研究结果。该网站声称发现她的研究中至少有四次数据被篡改。监督机构认为,吉诺很可能在没有合作者协助的情况下进行了所谓的欺诈。


Data Colada的报告写道:“毋庸置疑,我们报告中详述的欺诈证据只是哈佛大学调查人员在这四篇文章中发现的证据的一部分。例如,我们从哈佛商学院的一些教员那里听说,哈佛大学的内部报告长达1200页,比我们发给哈佛商学院的报告长1182页。”



她最近出版的一本书名为《叛逆天才:拒绝一颗盲从的心,让自己闪闪发光》(Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules in Work and Life)(2018 年)。书中讨论了离经叛道者、麻烦制造者和混乱制造者如何成为世界上真正的创新者和思想领袖,而且我们每个人的内心里都住着一个离经叛道者。

周三晚间,吉诺以诽谤和歧视为由起诉哈佛大学和Data Colada的三位运营者,要求赔偿2500万美元。她没有回应置评请求,但她的律师安德鲁·T·米尔滕伯格(Andrew T. Miltenberg)在一份声明中写道:"哈佛大学完全无视证据、正当程序和保密性,这应该让所有学术研究人员感到恐惧。哈佛大学在审查过程中缺乏诚信,剥夺了吉诺教授的权利、事业和声誉,在性别平等方面也处理得一塌糊涂。在这起案件中,校方的偏见和疏忽令人震惊"。


就像吉诺通常所做的那样,与他人合作撰写学术期刊文章,尤其是顶刊,往往会对年轻研究人员未来取得成功大有助益。就目前而言,吉诺的合作者并未受到 Data Colada 的任何指控:“据我们所知,吉诺的合作者中没有人参与或协助收集相关研究的数据”。

就在吉诺涉嫌伪造事件发生之前,斯坦福大学校长、神经科学家马克·特西尔-拉维尼(Marc Tessier-Lavigne)也接受了类似的调查,他将于8月31日卸任。斯坦福大学校报《斯坦福日报》(Stanford Daily)的一项调查(获得乔治·波尔克奖(George Polk))发现,他撰写的研究报告存在大量缺陷。



报道特西尔-拉维尼事件的斯坦福大学记者是在学术界在线讨论论坛 PubPeer 上读到有关特西尔-拉维尼研究的匿名评论后开始调查此事的。同样,揭露吉诺研究真实性存疑的网站 Data Colada 也是由三位教授独立运营的。吉诺和特西尔-拉维尼都是各自领域最杰出的研究人员,在顶尖大学工作,与其他学者相比收入颇丰。两人都引起非正式的外部监督机构的注意的事实表明,可能需要对学术研究进行更多的核查,比如由机构出资建立像Data Colada这样无需兼职或无偿运营的组织。


2023年8月3日更新:本文已根据弗朗西斯卡·吉诺对哈佛大学和Data Colada三位运营者提起的诉讼信息进行了更新。(财富中文网)



吉诺每年在期刊上发表十多篇文章,而教职员工的平均水平是两到三篇,这似乎优秀得让人难以置信。而现在曝光的情况表明,真实性确实存疑。独立学术监督网站Data Colada分四部分进行了调查,称吉诺至少在十年内,最近一次是在三年前,捏造了一些备受瞩目的研究结果。该网站声称发现她的研究中至少有四次数据被篡改。监督机构认为,吉诺很可能在没有合作者协助的情况下进行了所谓的欺诈。


Data Colada的报告写道:“毋庸置疑,我们报告中详述的欺诈证据只是哈佛大学调查人员在这四篇文章中发现的证据的一部分。例如,我们从哈佛商学院的一些教员那里听说,哈佛大学的内部报告长达1200页,比我们发给哈佛商学院的报告长1182页。”



她最近出版的一本书名为《叛逆天才:拒绝一颗盲从的心,让自己闪闪发光》(Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules in Work and Life)(2018 年)。书中讨论了离经叛道者、麻烦制造者和混乱制造者如何成为世界上真正的创新者和思想领袖,而且我们每个人的内心里都住着一个离经叛道者。

周三晚间,吉诺以诽谤和歧视为由起诉哈佛大学和Data Colada的三位运营者,要求赔偿2500万美元。她没有回应置评请求,但她的律师安德鲁·T·米尔滕伯格(Andrew T. Miltenberg)在一份声明中写道:"哈佛大学完全无视证据、正当程序和保密性,这应该让所有学术研究人员感到恐惧。哈佛大学在审查过程中缺乏诚信,剥夺了吉诺教授的权利、事业和声誉,在性别平等方面也处理得一塌糊涂。在这起案件中,校方的偏见和疏忽令人震惊"。


就像吉诺通常所做的那样,与他人合作撰写学术期刊文章,尤其是顶刊,往往会对年轻研究人员未来取得成功大有助益。就目前而言,吉诺的合作者并未受到 Data Colada 的任何指控:“据我们所知,吉诺的合作者中没有人参与或协助收集相关研究的数据”。

就在吉诺涉嫌伪造事件发生之前,斯坦福大学校长、神经科学家马克·特西尔-拉维尼(Marc Tessier-Lavigne)也接受了类似的调查,他将于8月31日卸任。斯坦福大学校报《斯坦福日报》(Stanford Daily)的一项调查(获得乔治·波尔克奖(George Polk))发现,他撰写的研究报告存在大量缺陷。



报道特西尔-拉维尼事件的斯坦福大学记者是在学术界在线讨论论坛 PubPeer 上读到有关特西尔-拉维尼研究的匿名评论后开始调查此事的。同样,揭露吉诺研究真实性存疑的网站 Data Colada 也是由三位教授独立运营的。吉诺和特西尔-拉维尼都是各自领域最杰出的研究人员,在顶尖大学工作,与其他学者相比收入颇丰。两人都引起非正式的外部监督机构的注意的事实表明,可能需要对学术研究进行更多的核查,比如由机构出资建立像Data Colada这样无需兼职或无偿运营的组织。


2023年8月3日更新:本文已根据弗朗西斯卡·吉诺对哈佛大学和Data Colada三位运营者提起的诉讼信息进行了更新。(财富中文网)


On June 16, Harvard Business School put one of its most celebrated professors on leave after an internal investigation into accusations that she had falsified her research. Francesca Gino was a popular behavioral scientist who was known for prolific publishing and a schedule packed with speaking gigs and expensive corporate trainings. Harvard paid her over $1 million a year while companies paid tens of thousands more to book her for their private events.

Gino’s record of publishing over 10 journal articles a year, in contrast to the faculty average two or three, seemed too good to be true—and as is now coming to light, it may have been. A four-part investigation by the independent academic watchdog site Data Colada alleges that Gino fabricated some of her high-profile research over at least a decade and as recently as three years ago. It claims to have found at least four times that data in her studies were manipulated. The watchdog believes it is likely that Gino carried out the alleged fraud without assistance from her collaborators.

Harvard soon afterward launched a similar investigation, and since June, three journals have retracted three articles at Harvard’s request. Harvard has concluded its investigation, but it has not yet publicly commented on the findings, nor has it said whether it will do so. Harvard declined to comment on the matter.

“The evidence of fraud detailed in our report almost certainly represents a mere subset of the evidence that the Harvard investigators were able to uncover about these four articles,” Data Colada’s report read. “For example, we have heard from some HBS faculty that Harvard’s internal report was ~1,200 pages long, which is 1,182 pages longer than the one we sent to HBS.”

A rebel talent?

Much of the behavioral scientist’s research has focused on dishonesty, including extensive research on student cheating in school. For example, Gino coauthored a well-known study that found students were more likely to cheat if they had seen a peer from their same school cheating, and another study that found dishonesty leads to higher creativity.

Her most recent book is titled Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules in Work and Life (2018). It discusses how contrarians, troublemakers, and chaos raisers are the world’s real innovators and thought leaders, and that there’s a rebel inside each of us.

On Wednesday evening, Gino sued Harvard and three of the people behind Data Colada for defamation and discrimination, for total damages of $25 million. She did not respond to a request for comment, but her attorney, Andrew T. Miltenberg, Gino’s attorney, wrote in a statement: “Harvard’s complete and utter disregard for evidence, due process and confidentiality should frighten all academic researchers. The University’s lack of integrity in its review process stripped Prof. Gino of her rights, career and reputation – and failed miserably with respect to gender equity. The bias and uneven application of oversight in this case is appalling.”

In addition to putting her career on hold, the accusations may tarnish the careers of Gino’s research collaborators, of which there are more than 100. While Gino has made a name for herself, accrued big paychecks, and academic success, the scholars she worked with risk being hit hard by the consequences.

Coauthoring an academic journal article, especially in those in the highest tiers, as Gino usually did, can majorly contribute to the future success of often young researchers. For now, Gino’s collaborators are not accused of anything by Data Colada: “To the best of our knowledge, none of Gino’s co-authors carried out or assisted with the data collection for the studies in question.”

Gino’s alleged falsification comes just after a similar investigation into Marc Tessier-Lavigne, the Stanford University president and neuroscientist who will step down on August 31. A George Polk Award–winning investigation by the Stanford Daily, the school newspaper, found that studies he authored included extensively flawed research.

Stanford and Tessier-Lavigne did not immediately respond to Fortune‘s request for comment.

After the articles, Stanford launched an internal investigation that led to Tessier-Lavigne stepping down. At least four journal articles, of which the neuroscientist is the principal author, were found to have included manipulated results. Although he was cleared of accusations of fraud, he resigned from the university presidency because his work fell below standards of scientific rigor.

The Stanford journalist who wrote about Tessier-Lavigne started digging into the story after reading an anonymous comment on PubPeer, an online discussion forum for academics, about Tessier-Lavigne’s research. Similarly, Data Colada, the site that revealed Gino’s now suspect research, is independently run by three professors. Gino and Tessier-Lavigne are both among the most prominent researchers in their fields, worked at top universities, and made big money compared to other academics. The fact that both were flagged by informal outside oversight suggests that additional verification of academic research may be needed, such as institutional funding to create operations like Data Colada that do not have to operate part-time or pro bono.

Gino has responded only vaguely since the drumbeat of accusations started. In her most recent post on LinkedIn, she said: “Many of you have reached out asking about recent reports concerning my work. As I continue to evaluate these allegations and assess my options, I am limited into what I can say publicly. I want to assure you that I take them seriously and they will be addressed.”

Update, Aug. 3, 2023: This story was updated with information about a lawsuit filed by Francesca Gino against Harvard and three people behind Data Colada.
