

Stephen Pastis 2023-07-21



据麦格里股票研究公司(Macquarie Equity Research)在7月18日发布的报告显示,微软新发布的人工智能办公工具,在第一年将为公司创造约140亿美元收入。


麦格里的分析师萨拉·欣德里安-鲍勒在投资者报告中表示:“我们认为,Office CoPilot是微软将其对OpenAI的100亿美元投资货币化的首次合理尝试;Office 365是微软的拳头产品,也是商界不可或缺的关键任务软件。”

自7月18日发布人工智能驱动的CoPilot 365以来,微软的股价上涨近3%。微软办公生产力软件套装的用户每个月付费30美元就能够使用新产品,其中整合了类似于ChatGPT的功能。这意味着用户可以像与聊天机器人聊天一样,将许多繁琐的办公任务以及数据表操作、PowerPoint演示文稿和其他类似应用程序轻松自动化。

测试者对该项服务给出了积极评价,认为它能够提升劳动生产率。《PC World》称它是人工智能需要的“杀手级应用”。

报告称,CoPilot 365从3月起开放企业Beta测试,微软的600家最大客户,包括美国银行(Bank of America)、福特(Ford)和沃尔玛(Walmart)等,均购买了公测版。


麦格里估计,微软Office 365产品约有3.82亿企业用户。按照报告预测的最差情景,如果其中2.5%决定支付30美元升级至CoPilot 365,微软的年收入就将额外增加34亿美元。

如果十分之一企业用户选择升级,微软的年收入就将额外增长137.5亿美元。按照麦格里预测的最佳情景,如果20%的Office 365用户支付30美元升级,微软的年收入就将增加275亿美元。






据麦格里股票研究公司(Macquarie Equity Research)在7月18日发布的报告显示,微软新发布的人工智能办公工具,在第一年将为公司创造约140亿美元收入。


麦格里的分析师萨拉·欣德里安-鲍勒在投资者报告中表示:“我们认为,Office CoPilot是微软将其对OpenAI的100亿美元投资货币化的首次合理尝试;Office 365是微软的拳头产品,也是商界不可或缺的关键任务软件。”

自7月18日发布人工智能驱动的CoPilot 365以来,微软的股价上涨近3%。微软办公生产力软件套装的用户每个月付费30美元就能够使用新产品,其中整合了类似于ChatGPT的功能。这意味着用户可以像与聊天机器人聊天一样,将许多繁琐的办公任务以及数据表操作、PowerPoint演示文稿和其他类似应用程序轻松自动化。

测试者对该项服务给出了积极评价,认为它能够提升劳动生产率。《PC World》称它是人工智能需要的“杀手级应用”。

报告称,CoPilot 365从3月起开放企业Beta测试,微软的600家最大客户,包括美国银行(Bank of America)、福特(Ford)和沃尔玛(Walmart)等,均购买了公测版。


麦格里估计,微软Office 365产品约有3.82亿企业用户。按照报告预测的最差情景,如果其中2.5%决定支付30美元升级至CoPilot 365,微软的年收入就将额外增加34亿美元。

如果十分之一企业用户选择升级,微软的年收入就将额外增长137.5亿美元。按照麦格里预测的最佳情景,如果20%的Office 365用户支付30美元升级,微软的年收入就将增加275亿美元。





Microsoft wowed users earlier this year when it gave the first peek at the pairing of its products with generative A.I. technology. Now it’s investors’ turn to be dazzled as the first estimates of the technology’s money-making potential emerge.

According to a report from Macquarie Equity Research on July 18, Microsoft’s newly-announced A.I. tool for office workers could add roughly $14 billion to the company’s topline in its first full year.

That estimate, which assumes 10% of Microsoft’s existing corporate users sign on for the product, would instantly recoup the company’s hefty investment in ChatGPT-maker OpenAI, which developed the technology used in Microsoft’s new offering.

“In our view, the Office CoPilot is the logical choice for Microsoft’s first attempt to monetize their $10 billion investment in OpenAI; Office 365 is Microsoft’s bread-and-butter product and is mission-critical software for the business world,” said Macquarie analyst Sarah Hindlian-Bowler in the note to investors.

Shares of Microsoft have gained nearly 3% since July 18’s announcement of the A.I.-powered CoPilot 365. The feature, which Microsoft is offering for $30 a month to users of its office productivity software suite, integrates ChatGPT-like functionality into the products. That means users can automate many office chores and work on spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations and other familiar apps as easily as talking to a chatbot.

Testers have described the service as positive and productivity-enhancing. PC World calls it the “killer app” that AI needed.

The beta-testing for CoPilot 365 has been available for business since March, and 600 of Microsoft’s largest customers, including Bank of America, Ford and Walmart, paid for the pre-rollout version, according to the report.

While Microsoft has yet to announce when CoPilot will be available to all of its customers, Macquarie’s Hindlian-Bowler said the potential was huge.

Macquarie estimates that Microsoft has roughly 382 million commercial users of its Office 365 product. If only 2.5% of those users decide to pay the $30 upgrade for CoPilot 365—the worst-case scenario outlined in the report—Microsoft stands to generate $3.4 billion in additional annual revenue, according to the firm.

If one out of ten commercial users go for the upgrade, Microsoft could see an additional $13.75 billion in annual revenue. And if 20% of Office 365 users pay the $30 upgrade—the best case that Macquaire outlined—Microsoft could generate $27.5 billion in annual revenue.

Microsoft invested $10 billion in OpenAI in January, in addition to $3 billion it has previously invested in the San Francisco A.I. startup over the years. While the amount of profit Microsoft can cash in from its stake in OpenAI is capped as a result of the deal structure, the money that Microsoft generates from using OpenAI technology in its own products is not believed to be bound by any such strictures.

Macquarie, which has an “outperform” rating on Microsoft’s stock, did not change its estimates in July 18’s note to investors.
