


去年4月,在佛罗里达州迈阿密,PayPal联合创始人彼得·泰尔在2022年比特币大会上大谈特谈比特币。图片来源:MARCO BELLO—GETTY IMAGES

亿万富翁风险投资家彼得·泰尔曾在于迈阿密召开的大会上发表演讲,大谈特谈比特币的好处。而在此之前一个月,他的风险投资公司Founders Fund已经减少了持续八年的加密货币投资。



但4月,在迈阿密召开的2022年比特币大会(Bitcoin 2022)上,泰尔对于其基金大规模减持加密货币的做法却只字未提。他支持比特币的态度也没有丝毫改变。他在演讲中表示:“我们的法定货币制度即将终结。”他还表示,比特币的价值被低估,但“有巨大潜力取代黄金”。

Founders Fund拒绝向路透社发表意见。

去年,随着多家业内知名度最高的公司破产,包括加密货币对冲基金Three Arrows Capital和加密货币交易平台FTX等,几乎所有加密货币的价格都大幅下跌。FTX的破产和对其前CEO山姆·班克曼-弗莱德的刑事指控,对其他公司造成了影响,并引起了监管部门的密切关注。

位于旧金山的Founders Fund从2014年开始买入比特币,当时的交易价格不到1,000美元,之后八年不断加仓。泰尔也是最早投资比特币的知名投资者之一。

据《金融时报》报道,由于Founders Fund出售比特币和从长期持有的Airbnb等公司和泰尔参与创建的数据分析公司Palantir退出,该公司在2020年至去年年底向投资者返还了共130亿美元。该公司管理的资产规模超过110亿美元。(财富中文网)



亿万富翁风险投资家彼得·泰尔曾在于迈阿密召开的大会上发表演讲,大谈特谈比特币的好处。而在此之前一个月,他的风险投资公司Founders Fund已经减少了持续八年的加密货币投资。



但4月,在迈阿密召开的2022年比特币大会(Bitcoin 2022)上,泰尔对于其基金大规模减持加密货币的做法却只字未提。他支持比特币的态度也没有丝毫改变。他在演讲中表示:“我们的法定货币制度即将终结。”他还表示,比特币的价值被低估,但“有巨大潜力取代黄金”。

Founders Fund拒绝向路透社发表意见。

去年,随着多家业内知名度最高的公司破产,包括加密货币对冲基金Three Arrows Capital和加密货币交易平台FTX等,几乎所有加密货币的价格都大幅下跌。FTX的破产和对其前CEO山姆·班克曼-弗莱德的刑事指控,对其他公司造成了影响,并引起了监管部门的密切关注。

位于旧金山的Founders Fund从2014年开始买入比特币,当时的交易价格不到1,000美元,之后八年不断加仓。泰尔也是最早投资比特币的知名投资者之一。

据《金融时报》报道,由于Founders Fund出售比特币和从长期持有的Airbnb等公司和泰尔参与创建的数据分析公司Palantir退出,该公司在2020年至去年年底向投资者返还了共130亿美元。该公司管理的资产规模超过110亿美元。(财富中文网)



One month before billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel raved about the advantages of Bitcoin during a speech at a Miami conference, his VC firm Founders Fund had already offloaded an eight-year bet on cryptocurrencies.

While crypto was once one of its core positions, by March 2022, the firm had generated $1.8 billion from selling off the vast majority of its crypto holdings, the Financial Times reported, citing a person close to the fund. Two-thirds of its crypto investment consisted of Bitcoin, according to the FT.

The selloff was timely, and protected the firm from the collapse in Bitcoin’s price later that year that would take it to about $15,599 last November, its lowest price in two years.

But in April at the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami, Thiel made no mention of his fund’s massive crypto selloff. He also didn’t waver in his support for Bitcoin. During a speech, he said, “We are at the end of the fiat money regime,” and added that Bitcoin was undervalued but “has every potential to replace gold.”

Founders Fund declined to comment to Reuters.

The price of almost all cryptocurrencies plummeted last year as the industry experienced the bankruptcies of some of its most high-profile companies, including the crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital and crypto exchange FTX. The collapse of FTX and the criminal charges handed down to former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried in particular have caused damage to several other companies and have drawn outsized attention from regulators.

San Francisco-based Founders Fund first bought into Bitcoin in 2014 when it traded for under $1,000 and increased its holdings over the next eight years. Thiel was also one of the first well known investors to put money into Bitcoin.

In part, because of its Bitcoin selloff, along with exits from long-held companies like Airbnb and the Thiel-cofounded data analytics group Palantir, Founders Fund returned about $13 billion to investors between 2020 and the end of last year, according to the FT. The company has more than $11 billion under management.
