

Vivienne Walt 2022-11-18








直到本月,时年30岁的SBF一直把自己塑造成加密货币版《狂野西部》(Wild West)中一身正气、肩负重任的枪手,与政界人士和慈善家建立良好关系,并拯救陷入困境的竞争对手。在中国和加拿大长大的时年45岁的赵长鹏,在许多商业领袖看来是一个神秘的局外人,至少在美国是这样。他在美国没有什么深厚的关系,交易业务经常被怀疑未能封锁受制裁的公司。


多年来,币安一直在包括美国在内的多个国家接受调查,有关部门指控它未能阻止用户在其平台上洗钱,未能建立固定的运营总部,并规避法律制裁。路透社(Reuters)在本月早些时候报道称,自2018年以来,币安处理了约78亿美元伊朗购买的加密货币。巴黎仲裁律师艾加·莱伊涅代表币安用户就网站中断起诉币安。她在今年早些时候告诉《财富》杂志,她认为币安利用“司法管辖权区域跳转”作为一种策略,以逃避法律责任。赵长鹏在11月14日的推特空间(Twitter Spaces)直播会议上表示,他已经设立了“多个总部和办公室”,主要设在迪拜和巴黎,“但从全球运营的角度来看,我们采用的是分布式劳动力模式。”




在FTX垮台之前,SBF从一群持自由论、痴迷于技术的加密货币人士中脱颖而出。他善于交际,在政治上很前卫,给人的印象是你大学宿舍里那个性格温和的书呆子,留着一头凌乱的卷发,而他的商务装就是宽松的短裤和T恤衫。他的父母是斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的法学教授,他在硅谷的中心地带长大,然后毕业于麻省理工学院(MIT),获得了物理学学位。他在避税天堂巴哈马群岛的一套顶层公寓里经营着FTX——直到本月,这一经历还被视为丰富多彩,而不是令人担忧。

SBF也是华盛顿的常客,他与美国国会议员和高级官员过从甚密。班克曼-弗里德成为美国民主党最大的捐赠者之一,并在美国参议院委员会(他西装革履)就该行业作证。他甚至为迈阿密热火队(Miami Heat)的篮球馆签订了一份价值1.35亿美元的FTX冠名权协议。与此同时,赵长鹏的中国血统使他更难在华盛顿找到盟友。

对于加密货币观察人士来说,过去一周令人晕眩的经历之一就是目睹了这两位巨头的角色调转,其转变可谓翻天覆地,而他们的行为导致了这场灾难的发生。澳大利亚数字财富管理公司Zerocap的首席投资官乔恩·德·韦特于11月13日对《财富》杂志表示:“我们刚刚经历了一件大事。 这是加密货币面临全球金融危机的时刻。”

事情始于11月2日,当时加密货币新闻网站CoinDesk披露,班克曼-弗里德的交易公司Alameda Research的146亿美元资产中,有很大一部分是FTX自己的加密代币FTT。这促使赵长鹏在推特(Twitter)上向770万粉丝宣布,币安将出售所有的FTT代币,引发客户取现超过50亿美元。到了11月8日,班克曼-弗里德无法满足客户的提款需求,于是打电话给赵长鹏求助。赵长鹏提出让币安以超低价收购FTX来救助FTX。仅仅一天后,赵长鹏在推特上写道:“由于公司的尽职调查”,他放弃了这项协议。

这不是两人的命运第一次交织在一起。SBF比币安晚两年推出FTX,业务发展迅速,稳步挤占币安的主导地位。币安投资了FTX,在公开场合,赵长鹏称赞FTX的快速增长对行业有利。但据《纽约时报》(New York Times)援引的消息来源称,据报道,班克曼-弗里德在华盛顿的私人会议上煽风点火,助长了权贵人士对赵长鹏的怀疑。



投资者在事件发生后陷入困境,赵长鹏加紧巩固自己业内成年人的地位。11月11日,在巴厘岛举行的印度尼西亚技术峰会(Indonesia Tech Summit)上,他对座无虚席的观众说,该行业“基本上倒退了几年”,但从长远来看,它将变得更强大,竞争者更少,更可靠——虽然赵长鹏没有明说,但言下之意是币安很可能成为业界的领军企业。

但SBF并不是赵长鹏唯一的诋毁者。在11月16日的阿布扎比金融周(Abu Dhabi Finance Week)上,著名经济学家、Nouriel Macro Associates的首席执行官努里埃尔·鲁比尼称币安的首席执行官是“一枚行走的定时炸弹”,应该被驱逐出他在迪拜的总部,并称加密货币是“一个完全腐败的生态系统”。他后来在推特上说,币安允许“在他们不法平台上进行各种肮脏的交易”。







重建对该行业的信任将是赵长鹏的紧迫任务。但是,要赢回投资者的信任,很可能意味着放弃加密货币自由放任、不受监管的状况——到目前为止,他已经从中获得巨额利益。上周他承诺,币安将开始发布其“储备金证明”,并呼吁其他公司也这样做。他还没有这样做,但在另一项彰显透明度的举措中,币安确实发布了币安桥(Binance Bridge)挂钩代币的抵押证明。











直到本月,时年30岁的SBF一直把自己塑造成加密货币版《狂野西部》(Wild West)中一身正气、肩负重任的枪手,与政界人士和慈善家建立良好关系,并拯救陷入困境的竞争对手。在中国和加拿大长大的时年45岁的赵长鹏,在许多商业领袖看来是一个神秘的局外人,至少在美国是这样。他在美国没有什么深厚的关系,交易业务经常被怀疑未能封锁受制裁的公司。


多年来,币安一直在包括美国在内的多个国家接受调查,有关部门指控它未能阻止用户在其平台上洗钱,未能建立固定的运营总部,并规避法律制裁。路透社(Reuters)在本月早些时候报道称,自2018年以来,币安处理了约78亿美元伊朗购买的加密货币。巴黎仲裁律师艾加·莱伊涅代表币安用户就网站中断起诉币安。她在今年早些时候告诉《财富》杂志,她认为币安利用“司法管辖权区域跳转”作为一种策略,以逃避法律责任。赵长鹏在11月14日的推特空间(Twitter Spaces)直播会议上表示,他已经设立了“多个总部和办公室”,主要设在迪拜和巴黎,“但从全球运营的角度来看,我们采用的是分布式劳动力模式。”



在FTX垮台之前,SBF从一群持自由论、痴迷于技术的加密货币人士中脱颖而出。他善于交际,在政治上很前卫,给人的印象是你大学宿舍里那个性格温和的书呆子,留着一头凌乱的卷发,而他的商务装就是宽松的短裤和T恤衫。他的父母是斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的法学教授,他在硅谷的中心地带长大,然后毕业于麻省理工学院(MIT),获得了物理学学位。他在避税天堂巴哈马群岛的一套顶层公寓里经营着FTX——直到本月,这一经历还被视为丰富多彩,而不是令人担忧。

SBF也是华盛顿的常客,他与美国国会议员和高级官员过从甚密。班克曼-弗里德成为美国民主党最大的捐赠者之一,并在美国参议院委员会(他西装革履)就该行业作证。他甚至为迈阿密热火队(Miami Heat)的篮球馆签订了一份价值1.35亿美元的FTX冠名权协议。与此同时,赵长鹏的中国血统使他更难在华盛顿找到盟友。

对于加密货币观察人士来说,过去一周令人晕眩的经历之一就是目睹了这两位巨头的角色调转,其转变可谓翻天覆地,而他们的行为导致了这场灾难的发生。澳大利亚数字财富管理公司Zerocap的首席投资官乔恩·德·韦特于11月13日对《财富》杂志表示:“我们刚刚经历了一件大事。 这是加密货币面临全球金融危机的时刻。”

事情始于11月2日,当时加密货币新闻网站CoinDesk披露,班克曼-弗里德的交易公司Alameda Research的146亿美元资产中,有很大一部分是FTX自己的加密代币FTT。这促使赵长鹏在推特(Twitter)上向770万粉丝宣布,币安将出售所有的FTT代币,引发客户取现超过50亿美元。到了11月8日,班克曼-弗里德无法满足客户的提款需求,于是打电话给赵长鹏求助。赵长鹏提出让币安以超低价收购FTX来救助FTX。仅仅一天后,赵长鹏在推特上写道:“由于公司的尽职调查”,他放弃了这项协议。

这不是两人的命运第一次交织在一起。SBF比币安晚两年推出FTX,业务发展迅速,稳步挤占币安的主导地位。币安投资了FTX,在公开场合,赵长鹏称赞FTX的快速增长对行业有利。但据《纽约时报》(New York Times)援引的消息来源称,据报道,班克曼-弗里德在华盛顿的私人会议上煽风点火,助长了权贵人士对赵长鹏的怀疑。



投资者在事件发生后陷入困境,赵长鹏加紧巩固自己业内成年人的地位。11月11日,在巴厘岛举行的印度尼西亚技术峰会(Indonesia Tech Summit)上,他对座无虚席的观众说,该行业“基本上倒退了几年”,但从长远来看,它将变得更强大,竞争者更少,更可靠——虽然赵长鹏没有明说,但言下之意是币安很可能成为业界的领军企业。

但SBF并不是赵长鹏唯一的诋毁者。在11月16日的阿布扎比金融周(Abu Dhabi Finance Week)上,著名经济学家、Nouriel Macro Associates的首席执行官努里埃尔·鲁比尼称币安的首席执行官是“一枚行走的定时炸弹”,应该被驱逐出他在迪拜的总部,并称加密货币是“一个完全腐败的生态系统”。他后来在推特上说,币安允许“在他们不法平台上进行各种肮脏的交易”。







重建对该行业的信任将是赵长鹏的紧迫任务。但是,要赢回投资者的信任,很可能意味着放弃加密货币自由放任、不受监管的状况——到目前为止,他已经从中获得巨额利益。上周他承诺,币安将开始发布其“储备金证明”,并呼吁其他公司也这样做。他还没有这样做,但在另一项彰显透明度的举措中,币安确实发布了币安桥(Binance Bridge)挂钩代币的抵押证明。




The man sipping espresso in a posh London hotel looked like any high-flying executive, in his dark suit, iPhone at the ready. It was a far cry from the trademark look of Changpeng Zhao, CEO and cofounder of the world’s biggest crypto exchange, Binance: sneakers and a black hoodie.

The makeover was necessary, Zhao explained over breakfast with Fortune earlier this year, because he was headed to a day of meetings and a cheese-and-wine reception with British lawmakers and business leaders, in a country where Binance was under scrutiny and legally barred from soliciting clients. Then Zhao, or CZ as he’s commonly known, pushed up his shirt sleeve to show the Binance logo tattooed on his right forearm: He was still a rebel at heart.

As of last week, you can add another description to Zhao’s complicated public persona: FTX killer.

Amid the implosion of Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto exchange, Zhao has emerged as the one true victor for now—a spectacular turn of events in under two weeks. FTX’s epic collapse sent the wealth of its founder and CEO—Zhao’s archrival—into free fall as $15.5 billion of Bankman-Fried’s wealth evaporated in days. Countless FTX investors and customers have little hope of recovering their funds soon, if ever. On November 11, FTX declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and it is possible that SBF (to use Bankman-Fried’s moniker) could do prison time in the U.S. for committing wire fraud, if authorities find that he used customers’ money to plug his ballooning corporate debts.

Contrast that to Zhao. Binance’s chief executive is now worth an estimated $17.7 billion (down from $77 billion in March, thanks to the crypto market’s drubbing in the months since). With FTX obliterated, Zhao’s five-year-old company has for the moment crushed its closest competitor, trading about $13.56 billion of coins and tokens in the latest 24-hour period, in comparison with FTX’s zero.

No heroes in crypto

In every gladiator war, a bloodied loser is left trampled on the ground. But this battle has brought a drastic role reversal that is perhaps even more important to Zhao than eclipsing his key rival and business threat.

Until this month, SBF, 30, had cast himself as the responsible straight shooter within crypto’s Wild West, cultivating ties with politicians and philanthropists, and bailing out troubled competitors. Raised in China and Canada, Zhao, 45, has seemed an enigmatic outsider to many business leaders, at least in the U.S. He has few deep ties there, and his trading business has regularly been suspected of failing to block sanctioned companies.

Now the FTX blowout has handed CZ a rare gift: the chance to reframe himself as the leader the industry needs in order to dig itself out of the morass.

For years, Binance has been under investigation in multiple countries, including the U.S., with authorities accusing it of failing to stop users from laundering money on its platform, failing to establish a fixed operational headquarters, and skirting sanctions laws. Reuters reported earlier this month that Binance has processed about $7.8 billion in Iranian-bought crypto since 2018. The Paris arbitration lawyer Aija Lejniece, who represents Binance users suing the company over a site outage, told Fortune earlier this year she believed CZ used “jurisdiction-hopping” as a strategy to shield the company from legal accountability. CZ told a live Twitter Spaces session on November 14 that he had set up “multiple headquarters and offices,” the main ones in Dubai and Paris, “but in a global operational sense we use a distributed workforce.”

A relationship gone sour

Bankman-Fried was a perfect foil to CZ. At one time, the crypto titans were reportedly friends and confidantes, which added an element of Shakespearian betrayal to the recent drama between the two. (CZ appeared on Fortune’s cover last April, and SBF was on the August cover.)

Until the FTX collapse, SBF stood out from the crowd of libertarian, tech-obsessed crypto types. Gregarious and politically progressive, he came across as the nerdy-but-nice guy from your college dorm, with a shambolic mop of curls, and baggy shorts and T-shirts as his business attire. He is the son of two Stanford law professors and was raised in the heart of Silicon Valley, then graduated from MIT with a degree in physics. He ran FTX out of a group penthouse in tax-haven Bahamas—a detail deemed colorful, rather than alarming, until this month.

SBF was also a regular in Washington, where he hobnobbed with lawmakers and high-level officials. Bankman-Fried became one of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors, and testified before Senate committees (in jacket and tie) about the industry. He even inked a $135 million FTX naming rights deal for the Miami Heat’s basketball arena. Meanwhile, Zhao’s Chinese heritage made it harder for him to find allies in Washington.

To crypto watchers, one of the many dizzying experiences of the past week has been witnessing the drastic switch-around of two titans whose actions led to the meltdown. “It is a massive thing we have just had,” Jon de Wet, chief investment officer at the Australian digital wealth manager Zerocap, told Fortune on November 13. “This is the global financial crisis moment for crypto.”

It began Nov. 2, when the crypto news site CoinDesk revealed that much of the $14.6 billion in assets at Bankman-Fried’s trading company Alameda Research was comprised of FTX’s own crypto token, FTT. That prompted CZ to announce on Twitter, to his 7.7 million followers, that Binance it would sell all its FTT tokens, sparking a run on FTX of more than $5 billion. By Nov. 8, Bankman-Fried had no way to cover customers’ withdrawal orders, and called Zhao for help. Zhao offered to have Binance bail out FTX through a fire-sale purchase deal. Just one day later, Zhao walked away from the arrangement, “as a result of corporate due diligence,” he tweeted.

It was not the first time the two men’s fates were intertwined. Launching FTX two years after Binance, SBF’s business rocketed fast, steadily muscling in on CZ’s dominance. Binance invested in FTX, and in public, CZ hailed FTX’s rapid growth as good for the industry. But behind closed doors, Bankman-Fried reportedly fueled suspicions about CZ in private meetings in Washington, according to sources cited by the New York Times.

Vanquished, SBF admitted to the Times this week that badmouthing his rival—whose help he desperately needed in the end—”was not a good strategic move on my part.” It was a bitter breakup. After dumping a big portion of Binance’s FTX holdings, CZ tweeted coldly: “We won’t pretend to make love after divorce.” FTX was as good as dead.

“Well played; you won”

With investors reeling in the aftermath, Zhao has raced to cement his role as the industry’s adult in the room. He told a packed audience at the Indonesia Tech Summit in Bali on November 11 that the industry has been “set back basically a few years,” but that it would emerge stronger in the long run, with fewer, more responsible players—presumably, though CZ did not state it, with Binance as top dog.

But SBF is not CZ’s only detractor. At the Abu Dhabi Finance Week on November 16, the prominent economist Nouriel Roubini, CEO of Nouriel Macro Associates, called the Binance chief exec “a walking time bomb” who should be expelled from his Dubai base, and said crypto was “an ecosystem that is totally corrupt.” He later tweeted that Binance had allowed “every sleazy activity to occur on their shady platform.”

On November 13, CZ tweeted he was launching a crypto industry recovery fund—apparently led by himself—to protect investors from blowouts like FTX, and called on others to join his effort. In addition, he told the Twitter Spaces audience that he was “trying to form a global industry association in the crypto space,” which would share companies’ proof of reserves, and enhance “transparency.”

Binance’s chief insists he did not manipulate FTX’s downfall. “I apologize for any turmoil I caused,” CZ said on November 14 on Twitter Spaces. “Even me, I didn’t know they were that insolvent until Sam called me.” Bankman-Fried does not seem to buy that. On Twitter on November 11, he lashed out at his “sparring partner” saying: “Well played; you won.”

“Very persistent”

CZ describes himself as “a tech guy at heart, and not good at relationships.” Watching the crypto market heat up, he sold his Shanghai apartment for $1 million and poured the money into launching Binance in 2017.

His close friends barely grasped his idea, but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Daming Zhu, a Shanghai venture capitalist and one of Zhao’s former poker buddies in that city, told Fortune earlier this year that he plowed a million renminbi (about $141,000) into his friend’s crypto startup in 2017, and now regards it as “the best investment I ever made.” At the time, however, he says Zhao’s friends knew nothing about crypto. “None of us understood what he was doing,” he said, “but he was very persistent.”

CZ will need that persistence to ride out crypto’s gyrations. He is keenly aware that FTX’s downfall—in which he had a central part—has shattered investors’ trust in crypto, perhaps for some time. That, he said on the Twitter Spaces session on November 14, is unfair. He complained that media outlets have pilloried all crypto executives in the wake of Bankman-Fried’s collapse—and he drew a contrast to their coverage of Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi-scheme hedge fund, which was cast as being “just his own problem, not the industry’s problem.”

Rebuilding trust in the industry will be Zhao’s urgent task. But winning back investors’ trust could well mean relinquishing crypto’s freewheeling, unregulated status—from which he has hugely benefited until now. Last week he promised that Binance will start releasing its “proof of reserves” and called upon others to do the same. He has yet to do so, but in another move to show transparency, Binance did release proof of collateral for its Binance Bridge pegged tokens.

As he tries to step into the vacuum left by SBF, casting himself as the wise leader, it remains to be seen whether investors will be convinced. “We don’t regard other exchanges as competitors,” he said on Twitter Spaces on November 14. “For us, we are more focused on growing the industry.”

Perhaps that is true. But one thing seems clear: FTX’s obliteration is Binance’s gain—with Zhao the gladiator standing atop its bloodied corpse.
