

Christiaan Hetzner 2022-10-05

据报道,在英国首相利兹·特拉斯(左)及财政大臣夸西·克沃滕提出激进的减税计划之前,一众对冲基金已经通过做空英镑大赚一笔。图片来源:DYLAN MARTINEZ—WPA POOL/GETTY IMAGES


9月26日一早,市场延续了9月23日对保守党新预算案极端负面的反应,英镑兑美元几乎跌至平价,创下了过去无法想象的历史新低。德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)称,这是自1992年索罗斯做空英镑以来,英镑表现第三糟糕的一天,跌幅仅小于第一波新冠疫情爆发时的3.7%和英国脱欧(Brexit)公投后的8.1%。


彭博社(Bloomberg)援引权威机构——美国商品期货交易协会(U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Association)的数据称,在截至9月20日的一周之内,许多投资者实际上大幅增加了自己的英镑多头仓位,达到自今年3月以来的最高水平。

在很多旁观者看来,做空英镑似乎是理所当然的选择。正如曾经在英国央行(Bank of England)扮演决策者角色的丹尼·布兰奇弗劳尔于9月20日在推特(Twitter)发文所称的那样,鉴于其对特拉斯政策的反对之强烈,做空英镑无疑是明智之举。

但那是在9月23日和26日的“汇市大屠杀”发生之前。据《泰晤士报》(The Times,该报鲜少批评持中右翼立场的英国保守党)报道,在推出预算方案、引发英镑和英国国债抛售狂潮前不久,新近宣誓就职的特拉斯恰好设宴款待了参与做空英镑的一众对冲基金经理。一位消息人士在接受鲁伯特·默多克旗下的《伦敦日报》(London daily)采访时说:“出席宴会者均为特拉斯的支持者,而且都在做空英镑。”








“英国金融行为监管局(Financial Conduct Authority)应该对是否存在任何可能的不当行为展开调查,查明本轮英镑暴跌是否可能因为本届保守党政府向其富商友人泄密或提供内幕信息而造成。”工党议员塔利普·西迪克在接受《旗帜晚报》(The Evening Standard)采访时表示。

英国经济事务研究所(Institute of Economic Affairs)所长在接受英国独立电视台(ITV)的《早安英国》(Good Morning Britain)节目采访时称,他很清楚特拉斯政府后续将会推出哪些政策,但此番表态似乎并未起到多大作用。


由于英国需要依靠吸引外资来满足进口需求,所以英镑贬值将会进一步推高通胀,在此背景下,批评者将前述预算案讥为“神夸西经济学”(Kami-Kwasi economics)。


据天空新闻台(Sky News)报道,一位未透露姓名的保守党议员表示,该党的一些后座议员已经对特拉斯刚刚执政不到一个月的政府发起不信任投票。



8月,盛宝银行(Saxo Bank)的分析师克里斯托弗·登比克表示,英国看起来更像新兴市场国家,而非富裕的工业化国家,其给出的理由包括政府更迭带来政治不稳定性、贸易中断频发、能源危机和高企的通胀等。




9月26日一早,市场延续了9月23日对保守党新预算案极端负面的反应,英镑兑美元几乎跌至平价,创下了过去无法想象的历史新低。德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)称,这是自1992年索罗斯做空英镑以来,英镑表现第三糟糕的一天,跌幅仅小于第一波新冠疫情爆发时的3.7%和英国脱欧(Brexit)公投后的8.1%。


彭博社(Bloomberg)援引权威机构——美国商品期货交易协会(U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Association)的数据称,在截至9月20日的一周之内,许多投资者实际上大幅增加了自己的英镑多头仓位,达到自今年3月以来的最高水平。

在很多旁观者看来,做空英镑似乎是理所当然的选择。正如曾经在英国央行(Bank of England)扮演决策者角色的丹尼·布兰奇弗劳尔于9月20日在推特(Twitter)发文所称的那样,鉴于其对特拉斯政策的反对之强烈,做空英镑无疑是明智之举。

但那是在9月23日和26日的“汇市大屠杀”发生之前。据《泰晤士报》(The Times,该报鲜少批评持中右翼立场的英国保守党)报道,在推出预算方案、引发英镑和英国国债抛售狂潮前不久,新近宣誓就职的特拉斯恰好设宴款待了参与做空英镑的一众对冲基金经理。一位消息人士在接受鲁伯特·默多克旗下的《伦敦日报》(London daily)采访时说:“出席宴会者均为特拉斯的支持者,而且都在做空英镑。”








“英国金融行为监管局(Financial Conduct Authority)应该对是否存在任何可能的不当行为展开调查,查明本轮英镑暴跌是否可能因为本届保守党政府向其富商友人泄密或提供内幕信息而造成。”工党议员塔利普·西迪克在接受《旗帜晚报》(The Evening Standard)采访时表示。

英国经济事务研究所(Institute of Economic Affairs)所长在接受英国独立电视台(ITV)的《早安英国》(Good Morning Britain)节目采访时称,他很清楚特拉斯政府后续将会推出哪些政策,但此番表态似乎并未起到多大作用。


由于英国需要依靠吸引外资来满足进口需求,所以英镑贬值将会进一步推高通胀,在此背景下,批评者将前述预算案讥为“神夸西经济学”(Kami-Kwasi economics)。


据天空新闻台(Sky News)报道,一位未透露姓名的保守党议员表示,该党的一些后座议员已经对特拉斯刚刚执政不到一个月的政府发起不信任投票。



8月,盛宝银行(Saxo Bank)的分析师克里斯托弗·登比克表示,英国看起来更像新兴市场国家,而非富裕的工业化国家,其给出的理由包括政府更迭带来政治不稳定性、贸易中断频发、能源危机和高企的通胀等。



Just over 30 years after legendary investor George Soros became a billionaire by shorting the pound, hedge funds were at it again this weekend.

Early on September 26, the U.K.’s currency nearly reached parity with the dollar, a once-unthinkable and record-setting descent that was a continuation of the market’s dramatically negative reaction on September 23 to the new Conservative Party’s budget proposal. Deutsche Bank said it was the third worst day for sterling since Soros’ famous bet in 1992, with only its 3.7% plunge following the first wave of the COVID pandemic and the 8.1% plunge after the Brexit vote being worse.

Soros was a relative rebel and outsider, though. What’s different this time is that U.K.-based hedge funds with close links to the U.K. government seem to have made out with massive paydays—and now may face investigation over whether they were leaked information the rest of the market never received.

In the week to September 20, investors had actually ramped up their bullish bets on the pound to their highest level since March, Bloomberg reported, citing data from no less an authority than the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Association.

Shorting the pound seemed quite obvious to many onlookers. No less an authority than Danny Blanchflower, a former policymaker for the Bank of England, posted on Twitter on September 20 that shorting the pound would only be sensible, given how strenuously he disagreed with Truss’ policies.

But that was before September 23 and September 26’s carnage. According to a report in The Times, a newspaper not known for criticizing the center-right Tories, the only recently sworn-in Prime Minister Liz Truss had hosted a dinner for hedge fund managers shortly before her spending plans sparked a selling frenzy in sterling and gilts. “They were all supporters of Truss and every one of them was shorting the pound,” a source told Rupert Murdoch’s London daily.

The rest of the market seems to have been caught wrongfooted by Truss and Kwarteng’s “mini-budget”, which despite its unassuming name proved to have a “seismic” impact. It contained £45 billion in new borrowing for tax breaks alone in a bid to revitalize an economy facing recession.

That may be due in part because the spending plan announced by Kwarteng on September 23 amounted to a wholesale reversal of the previous budget under his predecessor, Rishi Sunak, a fellow Tory MP.

Short sellers help prevent bull markets from reaching euphoric valuations by identifying assets in danger of entering bubble territory or, in the recent case of truckmaker Nikola, revealing questionable if not downright fraudulent business practices.

Yet the useful function they serve can be abused if they are privy to information that turns a risk-weighted bet into an all-in gamble that can destabilize markets if enough pile into the trade.

And a pile-in it certainly was. And now Truss’ party is starting to get angry.

Possible first signs of party revolt

Labour opposition has called on the U.K. securities market regulator to probe whether the budget had been leaked to investors with privileged ties to the government.

“The Financial Conduct Authority should investigate any possible wrongdoing to determine whether it is possible that leaks or information provided by this Conservative government to its wealthy friends contributed to the pound’s collapse,” Labour’s Tulip Siddiq told the The Evening Standard.

It likely didn’t help that the director general of the Institute of Economic Affairs told ITV’s “Good Morning Britain” he had a good inkling of what government policies were still yet to come under Truss.

“If you thought the mini-budget was a maxi budget, I would say brace yourselves because you’re going to see a flurry of announcements on the supply side of the economy, deregulating enormously,” said Mark Littlewood, who acknowledged Truss was a frequent visitor to his think tank.

The budget has been slammed as “Kami-Kwasi economics” since the U.K. is dependent on attracting money from abroad to fund its import demand, so a weaker pound fuels inflation.

To stabilize its sagging currency, investment banks are now speculating whether the Bank of England will need to announce an emergency rate hike as the world’s fifth largest economy is quickly earning comparisons to more volatile emerging.

Sky News has since reported an unnamed Tory MP as saying some of the party’s backbenchers have officially submitted letters of no confidence in her one month-old government.

“Perhaps it was the unabashed revival of trickle-down economics that had markets a little aghast,” Deutsche Bank said.

UBS, meanwhile, warned the unfunded tax breaks will come out of added borrowing. As a result the total amount of UK government debt the private market will have to absorb over the next 18 months is almost the same as over the previous 54 months.

Last month, Saxo Bank analyst Christopher Dembik argued the UK is looking more like an emerging market than a wealthy, industrialized nation, citing political instability from the change in government, trade disruptions, an energy crisis and high inflation.

“The only major difference,” he wrote at the time, “there is no currency crisis.”
