

Christiaan Hetzner 2022-09-14

图片来源:Getty Images

哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)是美国八所常春藤盟校(Ivy League)之一。在被一名教授曝出虚报数据的行为后,该校的一个本科学院承认,为在排名中获得更高评分提交了虚假信息,就像学生在入学分级考试中为得到高分而抄袭一样。

哥伦比亚大学位于曼哈顿上城(Upper Manhattan)。在2021年《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)久负盛名的年度排名中,凭借使用“过期和不准确的方法”,该校排在了第二位。在丑闻曝光之后,该校的排名滑落到第18位。





一直以来,哈佛大学(Harvard University)每年都会宣扬其申请者的数量,学生为了在哈佛大学接受教育需要支付昂贵的学费,因为该校在4月招收的2026届本科生录取比率只有3.2%,创历史最低。




即使在根据通货膨胀进行调整后,非营利智库美国大学理事会(College Board)估计,2020年至2021年期间,一般私立大学的学费较30年前相比翻了一番。公立大学的学费接近上涨了两倍。




他对网站Gothamist表示:“通过这种愚蠢的排名就认为哥伦比亚大学是美国排在前18名的大学,虽然落后于康奈尔大学(Cornell University),但领先于加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),这种结论有意义吗?当然没有,这是很荒谬的。唯一有意义的是不再关注这种伪造的排名。”


相反,哥伦比亚大学在其声明中强调学校位于纽约市上西区(Upper West Side)的黄金地段,能够为学生提供“无与伦比的”职业和文化机会,这是无形的好处。(财富中文网)



哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)是美国八所常春藤盟校(Ivy League)之一。在被一名教授曝出虚报数据的行为后,该校的一个本科学院承认,为在排名中获得更高评分提交了虚假信息,就像学生在入学分级考试中为得到高分而抄袭一样。

哥伦比亚大学位于曼哈顿上城(Upper Manhattan)。在2021年《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)久负盛名的年度排名中,凭借使用“过期和不准确的方法”,该校排在了第二位。在丑闻曝光之后,该校的排名滑落到第18位。





一直以来,哈佛大学(Harvard University)每年都会宣扬其申请者的数量,学生为了在哈佛大学接受教育需要支付昂贵的学费,因为该校在4月招收的2026届本科生录取比率只有3.2%,创历史最低。




即使在根据通货膨胀进行调整后,非营利智库美国大学理事会(College Board)估计,2020年至2021年期间,一般私立大学的学费较30年前相比翻了一番。公立大学的学费接近上涨了两倍。




他对网站Gothamist表示:“通过这种愚蠢的排名就认为哥伦比亚大学是美国排在前18名的大学,虽然落后于康奈尔大学(Cornell University),但领先于加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),这种结论有意义吗?当然没有,这是很荒谬的。唯一有意义的是不再关注这种伪造的排名。”


相反,哥伦比亚大学在其声明中强调学校位于纽约市上西区(Upper West Side)的黄金地段,能够为学生提供“无与伦比的”职业和文化机会,这是无形的好处。(财富中文网)



Caught fluffing its numbers by one of its own professors, one of America’s elite eight Ivy League undergraduate schools admitted handing in homework cribbed to score higher on a placement test.

Columbia University, located in Upper Manhattan, had been ranked the second best in the prestigious 2021 U.S. News & World Report annual ranking, thanks to the use of “outdated and incorrect methodologies.” It has since been bumped down to 18th as a result of the scandal.

The charges are serious given the ongoing debate over the value of a typical college degree in the humanities, given tuition has been among the largest drivers of national inflation. In August, President Joe Biden ended a fractious debate over the hot-button political issue of student debt by ordering a portion of the over $1.6 trillion owed to the federal government to be canceled.

The admission is furthermore extremely embarrassing as academic honesty is considered the cornerstone of higher education. Students found to have cheated on an exam or plagiarized sources without attribution are subject to immediate disciplinary action that often can involve expulsion.

“Anything less than complete accuracy in the data that we report—regardless of the size or the reason—is inconsistent with the standards of excellence to which Columbia holds itself,” the university said in a statement on September 9.

Unlike in other countries, the college one attends is often much more important to potential employers than what degree they received or the strength of their grade point average. Ivy Leagues are considered the benchmark when it comes to teaching the country’s best and brightest young minds how best to analyze problems and arrive at a solution or present a logically compelling argument.

Harvard University, which has long bragged about the number of applicants it receives every year, can charge its students an arm and a leg for their education given it could only accept a record low 3.2% of applicants for its 2026 undergraduate class in April.

“Bogus rankings”

This culture fosters a heavy emphasis on ranking, boiling down the varied experiences of a university to a narrow number of key performance indicators. Prospective college students and their parents scour the annual special edition of U.S. News & World Report every year before making a decision as to where to apply for admission.

According to Columbia’s own calculations, tuition for this academic year alone costs $65,000; add on room and board, and you’re talking $86,000 with typically three more years still to come before a student has earned his or her undergraduate degree.

Even after adjusting for inflation, nonprofit think tank College Board estimated the cost of tuition at an average private university during the 2020–21 year has doubled relative to where it was 30 years prior. For public universities, it has nearly tripled.

Should a university like Columbia be found not to apply the kind of intellectual rigor expected, it could suffer substantially when attracting the best students and professors, not to mention raising donations from wealthy and successful alumni.

The Columbia professor who flagged the issue

Michael Thaddeus, the Columbia mathematics professor that discovered the inconsistencies, poured scorn on the system of rankings.

“Does it make sense to conclude from this folly that Columbia is the 18th best American university, worse than Cornell University but better than University of California, Berkeley?” he told Gothamist. “Of course not—that would be ridiculous. The only thing that makes sense is paying no attention to these bogus rankings at all.”

The university said a thorough assessment of its processes was so time-consuming that it could no longer meet the deadline for data submission for this year’s U.S. News & World Report undergraduate rankings.

Instead, Columbia emphasized in its statement the intangible benefit its students receive from being exposed to the “incomparable” professional and cultural opportunities offered thanks to its prime location on the Upper West Side of New York City.
