

Lance Lambert 2022-09-09


“毒藤女”(Poison Ivy),这是分析师艾维·泽尔曼在2005年预测房地产泡沫已经达到极限时,看好房地产市场的投资者给她起的一个绰号。

当托尔兄弟公司(Toll Brothers)的首席执行官鲍勃·托尔在2006年称房地产市场已经走出低谷时,泽尔曼用一句很有名的话嘲讽他的盲目自信。她说:“你喝的是什么廉价饮料,我也想来点儿。”当然,事实证明泽尔曼对房市崩溃的担忧非常正确,而当时那些认为人口结构会持续推高房价的人却被证明大错特错。


今年2月,Zelman & Associates的创始人称新冠疫情期间的房地产市场繁荣达到了“最高峰”。她的预测再次准确无误。几周后,抵押贷款利率上涨使美国房地产市场开始下滑。今年夏季,随着房地产市场开始更大幅度回调,泽尔曼在为其精品住宅研究公司的客户评估美国房价时提供了悲观的观点。

她最近在“Macro Hive Conversations”播客中说道:“从免费资金向[抵押贷款]利率和通货膨胀升高的变化,正在产生影响。因此市场正在准备进行一次大规模[房价]回调。过去几个月我们已经看到了这样的迹象。在主要位于西海岸、西南部和山地各州的个别市场,房屋库存量正在快速增长。”



泽尔曼预测在2022年至2024年期间,美国房价将下跌8.8%。从历史上来看,这将是美国有记录以来的三次最大房价跌幅之一。另外两次分别是在大萧条(Great Depression)和大衰退(Great Recession)期间。


当然,并非所有人都认同泽尔曼的悲观预测。Zillow预测,明年美国房价将再次上涨2.4%。高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)预测,美国房价2023年将上涨1.8%,2024年将上涨3.5%。与此同时,美国抵押贷款银行家协会(Mortgage Bankers Association)、CoreLogic、房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)均预测,2023年美国房价将出现低个位数上涨。

但泽尔曼并非唯一看衰房地产市场的分析师。穆迪分析(Moody’s Analytics)预测,美国房价从最高点至最低点的跌幅为0%至5%。如果美国陷入经济衰退,穆迪分析的预测分别提高到了5%至10%。约翰·伯恩斯房地产咨询公司(John Burns Real Estate Consulting)、Zonda、凯投宏观(Capital Economics)和Pantheon等研究机构也预测房价下跌。惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)认为,如果房地产市场下滑状况进一步恶化,美国房价将下跌10%至15%。





“毒藤女”(Poison Ivy),这是分析师艾维·泽尔曼在2005年预测房地产泡沫已经达到极限时,看好房地产市场的投资者给她起的一个绰号。

当托尔兄弟公司(Toll Brothers)的首席执行官鲍勃·托尔在2006年称房地产市场已经走出低谷时,泽尔曼用一句很有名的话嘲讽他的盲目自信。她说:“你喝的是什么廉价饮料,我也想来点儿。”当然,事实证明泽尔曼对房市崩溃的担忧非常正确,而当时那些认为人口结构会持续推高房价的人却被证明大错特错。


今年2月,Zelman & Associates的创始人称新冠疫情期间的房地产市场繁荣达到了“最高峰”。她的预测再次准确无误。几周后,抵押贷款利率上涨使美国房地产市场开始下滑。今年夏季,随着房地产市场开始更大幅度回调,泽尔曼在为其精品住宅研究公司的客户评估美国房价时提供了悲观的观点。

她最近在“Macro Hive Conversations”播客中说道:“从免费资金向[抵押贷款]利率和通货膨胀升高的变化,正在产生影响。因此市场正在准备进行一次大规模[房价]回调。过去几个月我们已经看到了这样的迹象。在主要位于西海岸、西南部和山地各州的个别市场,房屋库存量正在快速增长。”



泽尔曼预测在2022年至2024年期间,美国房价将下跌8.8%。从历史上来看,这将是美国有记录以来的三次最大房价跌幅之一。另外两次分别是在大萧条(Great Depression)和大衰退(Great Recession)期间。


当然,并非所有人都认同泽尔曼的悲观预测。Zillow预测,明年美国房价将再次上涨2.4%。高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)预测,美国房价2023年将上涨1.8%,2024年将上涨3.5%。与此同时,美国抵押贷款银行家协会(Mortgage Bankers Association)、CoreLogic、房利美(Fannie Mae)和房地美(Freddie Mac)均预测,2023年美国房价将出现低个位数上涨。

但泽尔曼并非唯一看衰房地产市场的分析师。穆迪分析(Moody’s Analytics)预测,美国房价从最高点至最低点的跌幅为0%至5%。如果美国陷入经济衰退,穆迪分析的预测分别提高到了5%至10%。约翰·伯恩斯房地产咨询公司(John Burns Real Estate Consulting)、Zonda、凯投宏观(Capital Economics)和Pantheon等研究机构也预测房价下跌。惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)认为,如果房地产市场下滑状况进一步恶化,美国房价将下跌10%至15%。





“Poison Ivy.” That’s what housing bulls called analyst Ivy Zelman after she came out in 2005 and called the top of the housing bubble.

When Toll Brothers CEO Bob Toll tried to say the housing market had bottomed out in 2006, Zelman famously quipped back, “Which Kool-Aid are you drinking, because I want some.” Of course, Zelman’s housing-bust fears proved more than correct, and all those at the time who thought demographics would continue to propel the aughts’ home prices forward were proved dead wrong.

Fast-forward to 2022, and Zelman once again has housing bulls sweating.

Back in February, the founder of Zelman & Associates called the “peak” of the Pandemic Housing Boom. She was on the money again. Just weeks later, spiked mortgage rates pushed the U.S. housing market into a slowdown. This summer, as the housing correction intensified, Zelman provided a bearish assessment of U.S. home prices to clients of her boutique housing research firm.

“So right now we’re getting a backlash of the change in direction from free money to now the rise in [mortgage] rates and inflation. So the market is poised for a fairly significant [price] correction. And we’re already seeing signs of that over the last several months,” Zelman recently said on the Macro Hive Conversations podcast. “Inventories in certain markets—mostly on the West Coast, Southwest, and Mountain states—are rising at Mach speed.”

Zelman’s forecast model predicts that in 2023 U.S. home prices will fall 4%. Then in 2024 she predicts another 5% drop.

“As fast as [inventory levels] are rising and demand is plummeting, we could see pretty substantial [home] price corrections. But it’s going to vary by market,” Zelman says. “I don’t think this will just end quickly. This is going to be a very pressured market nationally in 2023 and 2024.”

Zelman’s outlook amounts to a 8.8% drop in U.S. home prices between 2022 and 2024. Historically speaking, that would make this one of the three sharpest home price drops ever recorded. The other two being those from the Great Depression and Great Recession.

If Zelman’s prediction holds true, Fortune would have to shift our branding from the Pandemic Housing Boom—a period that saw U.S. home prices soar 43% in just over three years—to the Pandemic Housing Bubble. That said, this forecasted drop is still more of a housing correction than a housing crash—something that the industry says requires a 20% price drop. At least it wouldn’t be on the level of the last crash: Peak to trough, U.S. home prices fell 27% between 2006 and 2012.

Not everyone agrees with Zelman’s bearish outlook, to be sure. Over the coming year, Zillow predicts that U.S. home prices will rise another 2.4%. Goldman Sachs predicts that U.S. home prices will rise 1.8% in 2023 and 3.5% in 2024. Meanwhile, firms like the Mortgage Bankers Association, CoreLogic, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac all still predict low single-digit home price jumps in 2023.

But Zelman also isn’t the only housing bear. Peak to trough, Moody’s Analytics expects U.S. home prices to decline from 0% to 5% nationally. If a recession hits, that Moody’s forecast moves to 5% to 10%, respectively. Falling home prices are also predicted by research firms including John Burns Real Estate Consulting, Zonda, Capital Economics, and Pantheon. Fitch Ratings thinks home prices could fall between 10% and 15% if the housing downturn takes a worse turn.

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, tells Fortune that factors including “record low vacancy,” “very good underwriting,” and “plain vanilla lending” won’t be enough to prevent a single-digit drop in home prices. However, it will prevent the U.S. housing market from slipping into a full-blown “housing crash.” This time around, Zandi says, homeowners are in much better financial shape.

Keep in mind that when an economist or analyst says “U.S. home prices,” they don’t mean your house. Across the country, Zandi says, the results of the ongoing housing correction will vary. In frothy markets, like Austin and Boise, Zandi predicts home prices will fall between 5% and 10%. If a recession hits, Zandi expects 15% to 20% drops in the nation’s 187 significantly “overvalued” regional housing markets.
