

Nicole Gull McElroy 2022-07-25





在我写《商业设计》(Business by Design)的第一版时,我采访了罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)的前校长罗斯安妮·萨默森,她简明扼要地定义了设计:“[设计]是分析、战略和创新的严格实践,经常需要重新定义问题以寻求新的解决方案。想想一些行之有效的方法,然后再考虑一些行不通的方法。你开始考虑设计过程了。”


这就是为什么《财富》杂志举办头脑风暴设计(Brainstorm Design)活动,该活动将来自各行各业的思想家、创造者、商业领袖和设计师聚集在一起,探索如何挑战设计思维和推进设计实践。今年,活动参与者包括罗技首席执行官布拉肯·达雷尔以及来自Netflix、沃尔玛(Walmart)、谷歌(Google)、Stripe、Etsy、大通银行(Chase)、Uber、Dropbox、IBM、福特(Ford)、赛富时(Salesforce)、Pentagram等公司的领导者和高管,这些领导者和高管都富有设计理念。为期两天的活动包括圆桌讨论、一对一交谈和小组访谈。(财富中文网)






在我写《商业设计》(Business by Design)的第一版时,我采访了罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)的前校长罗斯安妮·萨默森,她简明扼要地定义了设计:“[设计]是分析、战略和创新的严格实践,经常需要重新定义问题以寻求新的解决方案。想想一些行之有效的方法,然后再考虑一些行不通的方法。你开始考虑设计过程了。”


这就是为什么《财富》杂志举办头脑风暴设计(Brainstorm Design)活动,该活动将来自各行各业的思想家、创造者、商业领袖和设计师聚集在一起,探索如何挑战设计思维和推进设计实践。今年,活动参与者包括罗技首席执行官布拉肯·达雷尔以及来自Netflix、沃尔玛(Walmart)、谷歌(Google)、Stripe、Etsy、大通银行(Chase)、Uber、Dropbox、IBM、福特(Ford)、赛富时(Salesforce)、Pentagram等公司的领导者和高管,这些领导者和高管都富有设计理念。为期两天的活动包括圆桌讨论、一对一交谈和小组访谈。(财富中文网)


My introduction to reporting out this newsletter was a conversation with Logitech CEO Bracken Darrell. He said a lot of interesting things on that call, but the general through line all boiled down to the notion that, in his estimation, as the business world continues to move at a neck-breaking clip and every company is in so many ways a tech company, business leaders and CEOs will need to be designers.

“I have this view that the world moves in marginal gains and a few bold moves,” he said. “That’s the way a company has to work. That’s how CEOs should be and leadership teams should be. They should be unafraid to change.”

Nearly every last CDO, CEO, designer, engineer or product lead I’ve interviewed since that call has shared a story about the aspects of discovery and transformation that come along with any design process. The stories weave together themes of empathy, curiosity, humility, humanity, and discipline. The details might come in the form of building out new features on an app, a website redesign, a new product line launch, leveraging technology to learn more about a customer, using design to increase access for marginalized populations, an effort to re-build or transform culture, and so much more.

Folks like Darrell have increasingly convinced me (and hopefully some of you, too) that design is not a singular silo within a greater org chart. It is not color, finish, or aesthetics. It is the fabric of innovation and strategy at any organization trying to move the needle for its customers and its sphere of influence in the world.

As succinctly defined by former president at Rhode Island School of Design Roseanne Somerson when I spoke to her for my first edition of Business by Design, “[Design] is the rigorous practice of analysis, strategy and innovation that often reframes problems to create new solutions. Think about something that works well, and then think about something that doesn’t work well. You’re beginning to think about a design process.”

Somerson’s sentiment is so simple, yet offers the possibility of infinite complexity and discussion.

That’s why Fortune developed Brainstorm Design, an event that pulls together thinkers, creators, business leaders, and designers from a wide range of industries to explore how design thinking and practice can be challenged and advanced. This year, participants include Logitech CEO Bracken Darrell and design-minded leaders and executives from Netflix, Walmart, Google, Stripe, Etsy, Chase, Uber, Dropbox, IBM, Ford, Salesforce, Pentagram, and more. The two-day event will involve round table discussions, one-on-one and panel interviews.
