

Jane Thier 2022-07-11

Z世代希望按天领取工资。图片来源:GETTY IMAGES


代际动力学中心(Center for Generational Kinetics)的最新报告称,大多数(61%)的Z世代希望雇主提供按日付薪选择。该中心表示,作为在日薪制时代成年的第一代人,Z世代希望尽快领到工资是有道理的。






沃尔登称,DailyPay的用户数据显示过去五年多,Z世代对按需付薪日益感兴趣。她指出,既然人们可以通过Cash App或Venmo即时给朋友转账,为什么雇主不能在每次轮班之后实时将工资支付给员工?



当然,并非所有人都是这种情况。沃尔登表示,虽然“实得工资支取”能够让所有年龄段的人受益,但年轻人更清楚这种做法如何帮助他们管理现金流和支出。她补充道,Z世代用户查看DailyPay Balance(即时收入计算结果)金额的频率,远高于查看支票账户余额的频率。





代际动力学中心(Center for Generational Kinetics)的最新报告称,大多数(61%)的Z世代希望雇主提供按日付薪选择。该中心表示,作为在日薪制时代成年的第一代人,Z世代希望尽快领到工资是有道理的。






沃尔登称,DailyPay的用户数据显示过去五年多,Z世代对按需付薪日益感兴趣。她指出,既然人们可以通过Cash App或Venmo即时给朋友转账,为什么雇主不能在每次轮班之后实时将工资支付给员工?



当然,并非所有人都是这种情况。沃尔登表示,虽然“实得工资支取”能够让所有年龄段的人受益,但年轻人更清楚这种做法如何帮助他们管理现金流和支出。她补充道,Z世代用户查看DailyPay Balance(即时收入计算结果)金额的频率,远高于查看支票账户余额的频率。




Gen Z wants the works at work: a casual dress code, pet-friendly offices, and a paycheck every day.

The majority (61%) of Gen Zers would like their employer to provide the option for a daily wage payment, according to a recent report from the Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK). As the first generation to come of age in a time when daily paychecks are possible, per CGK, it makes sense that Gen Z would want immediate access to their wages.

On-demand pay is most often marketed to employees who find themselves living paycheck to paycheck under the standard biweekly payday. Often referred to as earned wage access, it helps workers access funds on a daily basis in order to pay off loans and bills on time and avoid late payments, overdraft fees, and high payday loan interest rates.

That might be helpful for Gen Z, who are largely subject to entry-level salaries and were hit hardest by pandemic-related economic woes. CGK finds they were the top generation to lose their job, have a pay cut, or see a reduction in hours of work available per week. While they have mostly recovered since the pandemic first struck, the experience has made them eager to stave off debt or avoid missing payments.

Daily payment isn’t a lot to ask for in the minds of young workers, who are used to having things at their fingertips.

The pandemic accelerated the rise of an “on-demand world,” Jeanniey Walden, chief innovation and marketing officer of on-demand pay software company DailyPay, tells Fortune: Food delivery, car rides, housing, and even car buying and selling can all be done at the push of a button. Pay, she says, is the natural next frontier.

“For many of us, this is a welcome evolution, but for Gen Z, [getting things on-demand] is just the way they grew up,” she adds. “It’s not only what they know, it’s what they expect.”

DailyPay’s user data has reflected Gen Z’s growing interest in on-demand pay for over five years, Walden says. If people can send money to friends instantly via Cash App or Venmo, she reasons, why can’t employers pay workers real-time after each shift?

But a daily paycheck has a catch. Unless employers cap on-demand pay at a low amount, employees may need consistent early access to their pay to make up the difference of their reduced paychecks. A 1,000-person survey conducted by GOBankingRates found that 40% of Americans who get paid every day live paycheck to paycheck, and 34% have nothing in savings at all.

“Workers that receive their wages daily tend to spend it immediately upon receipt and live on a day-to-day basis,” Salvador Gonzalez, an auditor and accountant, told Yahoo. “People that earn a daily paycheck are less likely [than workers paid biweekly] to have bank accounts, save, or build assets.”

That need not be the case for everyone. While people of all ages stand to benefit from earned wage access, young people better understand how it can help them manage cash flow and expenses, Walden says. She added that Gen Z users check their DailyPay Balance, an up-to-the-minute calculation of their earnings, much more frequently than their checking account balance.

“For them, knowledge is power,” she says. “It gives them a clear understanding of their spending power. That’s good for everyone.”
