

彭博社 2022-06-14


包括塔吉特公司(Target Corp.)、Zalando SE和亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)等公司在内的摩根士丹利资本国际世界零售业指数(MSCI World Retailing Index)自2008年以来首次出现负值。截至周四,该指数在2022年下跌了约29%,甚至超过了摩根士丹利资本国际世界信息技术指数(MSCI World Information Technology Index)24%的跌幅。

对通货膨胀的担忧令科技股股价下跌,同时也对零售商造成了影响,导致可支配收入减少,推高了从交通到劳动力等方方面面的成本。沃尔玛公司(Walmart Inc.)和塔吉特公司等巨头发出的警告令投资者感到震惊,许多分析师表示,这可能不是最后一次零售巨头发出警告。

Sgurr Ventures首席投资官阿拉斯代尔·麦金农(Alasdair McKinnon)在周五的数据显示美国商品价格上涨加速之前表示:“我们正处于通胀螺旋的开端。消费者收入的减少令许多投资者感到意外。”



包括Abercrombie & Fitch Co.、American Eagle Outfitters Inc.和Gap Inc.在内的几家服装零售公司也对未来预期持谨慎态度。在经历了服装品牌近年来最糟糕的第一季度财报后,未来可能还会有更多的痛苦。


Quo Vadis Capital创始人约翰·佐利迪斯(John Zolidis)表示:“我们实际上只有四分之一的消极意外情况。正常情况下,在经济衰退周期中,在前景和股市触底之前,会有几轮降息。除非我们看到通胀数据出现逆转并且美联储采取不那么强硬的态度,否则我们的猜测是,我们更接近痛苦的开始,而不是结束。”

但不要只相信他的话。据银行业最权威的人物摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)的杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)称,一场经济“飓风”即将来袭。

Bellevue Asset Management的基金经理米歇尔·科乌施(Michel Keusch)表示:“投资者担心每个数据点都指向通胀进一步加剧。沃尔玛公司和塔吉特公司的评论敲响了警钟,从那以后,我们看到许多零售商发出警告,普遍的悲观情绪进一步加剧。”

尽管今年的估值下降反映了这种担忧,但零售股仍然不便宜。就远期市盈率而言,摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数(MSCI World Index)的零售板块仍高于主要基准,这在很大程度上是由于亚马逊公司和Zalando等估值很高的在线商家。

与此同时,做空者看到了机会,他们寻求卖出借入股票,然后以更低的价格买回。根据IHS 的数据,宠物用品零售商Chewy Inc.和瑞典时装连锁店Hennes & Mauritz AB的股票是该行业被做空最多的股票,摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)零售版块的平均卖空股份总额从1月份的3.5% 上升至自由流通股的5.4%。


随着通货膨胀和生活成本的上涨,很少有股票能幸免于难。在英国,电费飙升,消费者信心暴跌,Next Plc、玛莎百货集团(Marks & Spencer Group Plc)和在线时尚零售商Asos Plc等公司股价大幅下跌。

在亚洲,零售业也面临着类似的命运,彭博亚太零售指数(Bloomberg Asia Pacific Retail Index)今年下跌了20%,澳大利亚零售业连锁运营商龙头Wesfarmers Ltd.的股价下跌了26%。

也出现了一些异常值。Janus Henderson Investors的投资组合经理萨特·杜赫拉(Sat Duhra)表示,经过深度调整后,中国优质的国内消费品品牌开始变得有吸引力。


由于低收入家庭寻求更便宜的替代品,以提供大折扣而闻名的零售商也表现良好。T.J. Maxx的所有者TJX Cos公司的利润率高于同行, 而折扣店运营商Dollar Tree Inc.和Dollar General Corp.的销售额均超出分析师预期,这两家公司的股价在一天内飙升。


GAM Investments的投资组合经理斯威塔·拉马钱德朗(Swetha Ramachandran)表示:“沃尔玛公司对一些消费者因通胀而减少午餐肉类消费的评论,与烈酒商人头马君度(Remy-Cointreau))认为路易十三干邑白兰地势头良好的评论似乎很难达成一致。”

好像嫌投资者还不够紧张似的,他们还提供了历史案例:摩根士丹利资本国际世界零售指数(MSCI World Retailing index)此前的年度下跌——2008年、2007年、2002年和2000年——都是在经济衰退时期出现的。

Federated Hermes的投资组合经理路易丝·达德利(Louise Dudley)在电话中表示:“我们意识到从整体板块而言,要增加非必需消费品的持股比例,而这是我们一直在减持的领域。”(财富中文网)



包括塔吉特公司(Target Corp.)、Zalando SE和亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)等公司在内的摩根士丹利资本国际世界零售业指数(MSCI World Retailing Index)自2008年以来首次出现负值。截至周四,该指数在2022年下跌了约29%,甚至超过了摩根士丹利资本国际世界信息技术指数(MSCI World Information Technology Index)24%的跌幅。

对通货膨胀的担忧令科技股股价下跌,同时也对零售商造成了影响,导致可支配收入减少,推高了从交通到劳动力等方方面面的成本。沃尔玛公司(Walmart Inc.)和塔吉特公司等巨头发出的警告令投资者感到震惊,许多分析师表示,这可能不是最后一次零售巨头发出警告。

Sgurr Ventures首席投资官阿拉斯代尔·麦金农(Alasdair McKinnon)在周五的数据显示美国商品价格上涨加速之前表示:“我们正处于通胀螺旋的开端。消费者收入的减少令许多投资者感到意外。”



包括Abercrombie & Fitch Co.、American Eagle Outfitters Inc.和Gap Inc.在内的几家服装零售公司也对未来预期持谨慎态度。在经历了服装品牌近年来最糟糕的第一季度财报后,未来可能还会有更多的痛苦。


Quo Vadis Capital创始人约翰·佐利迪斯(John Zolidis)表示:“我们实际上只有四分之一的消极意外情况。正常情况下,在经济衰退周期中,在前景和股市触底之前,会有几轮降息。除非我们看到通胀数据出现逆转并且美联储采取不那么强硬的态度,否则我们的猜测是,我们更接近痛苦的开始,而不是结束。”

但不要只相信他的话。据银行业最权威的人物摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase & Co.)的杰米·戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)称,一场经济“飓风”即将来袭。

Bellevue Asset Management的基金经理米歇尔·科乌施(Michel Keusch)表示:“投资者担心每个数据点都指向通胀进一步加剧。沃尔玛公司和塔吉特公司的评论敲响了警钟,从那以后,我们看到许多零售商发出警告,普遍的悲观情绪进一步加剧。”

尽管今年的估值下降反映了这种担忧,但零售股仍然不便宜。就远期市盈率而言,摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数(MSCI World Index)的零售板块仍高于主要基准,这在很大程度上是由于亚马逊公司和Zalando等估值很高的在线商家。

与此同时,做空者看到了机会,他们寻求卖出借入股票,然后以更低的价格买回。根据IHS 的数据,宠物用品零售商Chewy Inc.和瑞典时装连锁店Hennes & Mauritz AB的股票是该行业被做空最多的股票,摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)零售版块的平均卖空股份总额从1月份的3.5% 上升至自由流通股的5.4%。


随着通货膨胀和生活成本的上涨,很少有股票能幸免于难。在英国,电费飙升,消费者信心暴跌,Next Plc、玛莎百货集团(Marks & Spencer Group Plc)和在线时尚零售商Asos Plc等公司股价大幅下跌。

在亚洲,零售业也面临着类似的命运,彭博亚太零售指数(Bloomberg Asia Pacific Retail Index)今年下跌了20%,澳大利亚零售业连锁运营商龙头Wesfarmers Ltd.的股价下跌了26%。

也出现了一些异常值。Janus Henderson Investors的投资组合经理萨特·杜赫拉(Sat Duhra)表示,经过深度调整后,中国优质的国内消费品品牌开始变得有吸引力。


由于低收入家庭寻求更便宜的替代品,以提供大折扣而闻名的零售商也表现良好。T.J. Maxx的所有者TJX Cos公司的利润率高于同行, 而折扣店运营商Dollar Tree Inc.和Dollar General Corp.的销售额均超出分析师预期,这两家公司的股价在一天内飙升。


GAM Investments的投资组合经理斯威塔·拉马钱德朗(Swetha Ramachandran)表示:“沃尔玛公司对一些消费者因通胀而减少午餐肉类消费的评论,与烈酒商人头马君度(Remy-Cointreau))认为路易十三干邑白兰地势头良好的评论似乎很难达成一致。”

好像嫌投资者还不够紧张似的,他们还提供了历史案例:摩根士丹利资本国际世界零售指数(MSCI World Retailing index)此前的年度下跌——2008年、2007年、2002年和2000年——都是在经济衰退时期出现的。

Federated Hermes的投资组合经理路易丝·达德利(Louise Dudley)在电话中表示:“我们意识到从整体板块而言,要增加非必需消费品的持股比例,而这是我们一直在减持的领域。”(财富中文网)


For all that the slump in technology stocks has headlined a treacherous year for global equity markets, there’s one sector that’s faring even worse.

The MSCI World Retailing Index, which includes the likes of Target Corp., Zalando SE and Amazon.com Inc., is on track for its first negative year since 2008. The gauge was down about 29% in 2022 through Thursday, surpassing even the 24% decline of the MSCI World Information Technology Index.

The same inflation worries that have sent shivers through tech stocks are also taking a toll on retailers, leading to a squeeze on disposable incomes and pushing up costs of everything from transportation to labor. Warnings from behemoths like Walmart Inc. and Target have shaken investors, and many analysts say they may not be the last.

“We are at the beginning of an inflationary spiral,” said Alasdair McKinnon, chief investment officer of Sgurr Ventures, speaking before Friday’s data showing an unexpected acceleration in price gains in the US. “This squeeze in consumer incomes has come as a surprise to many investors.”

Take Target, whose profit warning on May 18 sent the stock down 25%, the biggest one-day drop since the Black Monday crash of 1987. What’s worse, just three weeks later the U.S. retail giant cut its outlook again—one that raises worries of a fast-deteriorating consumer environment.

Walmart, meanwhile, said this month that it needs another two quarters or so to work through an inventory surge that prompted markdowns and contributed to May’s 16% decline in the retailer’s stock.

Cautious tones were also broadcast by several apparel retail companies including Abercrombie & Fitch Co., American Eagle Outfitters Inc., and Gap Inc. And after one of the worst first-quarter earnings seasons in recent memory for apparel names, there may be more misery to come.

Just the start

“We’ve only really had one quarter of negative surprises,” said John Zolidis, founder of Quo Vadis Capital. “Normally in a recessionary cycle there will be several rounds of cuts before the outlook and stocks bottom. Unless we see a reversal of inflation data and a less hawkish approach from the Federal Reserve, our guess would be that we’re closer to the beginning of the pain than the end of it.”

Don’t just take his word for it though. According to the most powerful person in the banking industry, JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s Jamie Dimon, an economic “hurricane” is on the way.

“Investors are worried about every datapoint pointing to further incremental inflation,” said Michel Keusch, a fund manager at Bellevue Asset Management. “The wake-up call started with the comments from Walmart and Target, and since then we have seen many retailers warning, adding to the general pessimism.”

While such concerns have been reflected in reduced valuations this year, retail stocks still aren’t cheap. The MSCI World Index’s retailing subgroup remains more expensive than the main benchmark in terms of forward price-to-earnings ratios, due in large part to the presence of richly valued online merchants such as Amazon.com and Zalando.

Meanwhile, short sellers are seeing an opportunity, seeking to sell borrowed stock and buy it back for less. Pet products retailer Chewy Inc. and Swedish fashion chain Hennes & Mauritz AB are among the most shorted stocks in the sector, with average short interest rising to 5.4% of free float for the MSCI retail subgroup, from 3.5% in January, according to IHS Markit data.

UK selloff

With inflation and living costs rising pretty much everywhere, few stocks are immune. In the UK, where power bills are surging and consumer confidence plunging, the likes of Next Plc, Marks & Spencer Group Plc, and online fashion retailer Asos Plc have seen a sharp selloff.

In Asia, the sector is meeting a similar fate, with the Bloomberg Asia Pacific Retail Index down 20% this year and bellwether Australian retail-chain operator Wesfarmers Ltd. falling 26%.

There are some outliers. Sat Duhra, a portfolio manager at Janus Henderson Investors, says the quality domestic consumer names in China are beginning to appear attractive after a deep correction.

To be sure, not everyone is tightening their purse strings with some consumers still prepared to spend lavishly. Airlines bookings are surging, while luxury spending hasn’t fallen in the same way it did in 2008.

Retailers known for offering big discounts are also doing well as lower income households seek cheaper alternatives. T.J. Maxx owner TJX Cos.’ margin performance shone against peers, while discount-store operators Dollar Tree Inc., and Dollar General Corp. saw their shares rocket in one day after their sales both beat analyst expectations.

History lesson

“It can seem hard to reconcile comments from Walmart on some consumers trading down in lunch meats due to inflation with those from Remy-Cointreau seeing healthy momentum for its Louis XIII cognac,” said Swetha Ramachandran, a portfolio manager at GAM Investments.

As if investors weren’t nervous enough already, they also have history against them: The MSCI World Retailing index’s previous annual declines—2008, 2007, 2002 and 2000—all came around recession years.

“We’re conscious of increasing our exposure to consumer discretionary as a segment overall, and that’s an area that we have been more underweight,” Louise Dudley, portfolio manager at Federated Hermes, said by phone.
