

Vivek Wadhwa, Ismail Amla, Alex Salkever 2022-03-07

罗技公司(Logitech)的首席执行官布拉肯·达雷尔在其开放式办公桌旁边的会议室墙上,保存着一份传奇设计师迪特尔·拉姆斯撰写的“好设计的十大原则”(Ten Principles for Good Design)。这位德国工业设计师是当代许多顶级产品设计师的导师,其中就包括苹果公司(Apple)的乔尼·艾夫斯。达雷尔也信奉设计的力量。自2013年出任首席执行官以来,他正是依靠着这一理念,引领这家陷入困境的公司华丽转型。


受苹果的成功案例,以及他自己此前执掌宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)的家电品牌博朗(Braun)的启发,达雷尔决定将罗技重新打造为“一家设计公司”。对于一家鼠标和键盘制造商来说,这似乎是一个艰巨的任务。他知道,唯有与一位设计达人并肩合作,他才能将罗技无可挑剔的产品工程学和制造工艺与令人大开眼界的设计结合在一起。达雷尔相信,这种融合将推动罗技涅槃重生,让它真正成为一家让客户、投资者和自家员工倍感振奋的公司。


图片来源:Courtesy of Berrett-Koehler Publishers










例如,罗技的Circle Home安全流媒体摄像机系统提供了一个视觉原则——这款设备是圆形的——以及一种直抵用户心房的语言:这个圆形所包含的,是我们的家、我们所爱的人,我们关心和想要注视的地方。罗技的Spotlight演示指针旨在帮助听众关注演讲者。甚至对于一些源自罗技过去的产品,设计团队也在努力添加一两个开创性的功能,以改善用户的生活。比如,罗技开始为键盘增添旋钮,以便人们用键盘滚动菜单,而不再使用不够精确的鼠标。


达雷尔帮助打破的一个重要神话,涉及到那些能够实现指数级创新的人的专业背景:他们不必是极客或书呆子。在这个问题上,史蒂夫·乔布斯也持有特别强烈的看法。“一个融入苹果DNA的理念是,仅有技术是不够的——技术必须与人文艺术和人文学科完美结合,才能产生让人怦然心动的效果。没有什么可以比这些后PC时代的设备更加真实地体现出这一点了。”乔布斯在2011年3月举行的iPad 2发布会上如是说道。达雷尔本人早年在阿肯色州一所小型文理学院主修英语,之后在哈佛大学(Harvard University)获得MBA学位。

《从增量式创新到指数级创新》(From Incremental to Exponential)的主要作者维韦克·瓦德瓦。图片来源:Courtesy of Berrett-Koehler Publishers



当达雷尔开始重塑罗技时,Dollar Shave Club等数字原生品牌是市场上的酷儿。他们已经搞清楚了如何直接向客户销售,如何绕过繁冗的传统销售流程——你必须得拓展分销渠道,并在一家大型实体店获得货架空间。他们尤其擅长在亚马逊(Amazon)等电商平台上搞促销活动,仿佛天生就是干这个的,而传统品牌往往疲于应对这些营销攻势。这些数字原生代经常会创造一些市场热点,最初让千禧一代和X一代产生共鸣,随后往往也会打动其他年龄段的消费群体。他们还倾向于更加频繁地更新产品,并采取因产品而异的营销方式。

在达雷尔的领导下,罗技加速推进多品牌战略,不仅寻求更好地利用现有资产,还收购了一些新资产。罗技UE(Ultimate Ears)迅速成长为一个备受欢迎的蓝牙音箱品牌,屡屡斩获音频评论期刊和科技出版物颁发的权威奖项。2016年,罗技从澳大利亚企业家贾德·阿姆斯特朗的手中,收购了快速增长的无线耳机公司Jaybird,成就了另一次关键的扩展。Jaybird开创了一个高端无线音频品牌,在运动员和冒险运动专业人士中拥有极高的人气。罗技随后又收购了两个迅速扩张的互补品牌:Blue(麦克风)和ASTRO Gaming(游戏耳机)。







本文节选自维韦克·瓦德瓦、伊斯梅尔·阿姆拉和亚历克斯·萨尔克弗合著的《从增量式创新到指数级创新》(From Incremental to Exponential)一书。版权所有©2021。转载经Berrett-Koehler出版社许可。www.bkconnection.com。


罗技公司(Logitech)的首席执行官布拉肯·达雷尔在其开放式办公桌旁边的会议室墙上,保存着一份传奇设计师迪特尔·拉姆斯撰写的“好设计的十大原则”(Ten Principles for Good Design)。这位德国工业设计师是当代许多顶级产品设计师的导师,其中就包括苹果公司(Apple)的乔尼·艾夫斯。达雷尔也信奉设计的力量。自2013年出任首席执行官以来,他正是依靠着这一理念,引领这家陷入困境的公司华丽转型。


受苹果的成功案例,以及他自己此前执掌宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)的家电品牌博朗(Braun)的启发,达雷尔决定将罗技重新打造为“一家设计公司”。对于一家鼠标和键盘制造商来说,这似乎是一个艰巨的任务。他知道,唯有与一位设计达人并肩合作,他才能将罗技无可挑剔的产品工程学和制造工艺与令人大开眼界的设计结合在一起。达雷尔相信,这种融合将推动罗技涅槃重生,让它真正成为一家让客户、投资者和自家员工倍感振奋的公司。











例如,罗技的Circle Home安全流媒体摄像机系统提供了一个视觉原则——这款设备是圆形的——以及一种直抵用户心房的语言:这个圆形所包含的,是我们的家、我们所爱的人,我们关心和想要注视的地方。罗技的Spotlight演示指针旨在帮助听众关注演讲者。甚至对于一些源自罗技过去的产品,设计团队也在努力添加一两个开创性的功能,以改善用户的生活。比如,罗技开始为键盘增添旋钮,以便人们用键盘滚动菜单,而不再使用不够精确的鼠标。


达雷尔帮助打破的一个重要神话,涉及到那些能够实现指数级创新的人的专业背景:他们不必是极客或书呆子。在这个问题上,史蒂夫·乔布斯也持有特别强烈的看法。“一个融入苹果DNA的理念是,仅有技术是不够的——技术必须与人文艺术和人文学科完美结合,才能产生让人怦然心动的效果。没有什么可以比这些后PC时代的设备更加真实地体现出这一点了。”乔布斯在2011年3月举行的iPad 2发布会上如是说道。达雷尔本人早年在阿肯色州一所小型文理学院主修英语,之后在哈佛大学(Harvard University)获得MBA学位。



当达雷尔开始重塑罗技时,Dollar Shave Club等数字原生品牌是市场上的酷儿。他们已经搞清楚了如何直接向客户销售,如何绕过繁冗的传统销售流程——你必须得拓展分销渠道,并在一家大型实体店获得货架空间。他们尤其擅长在亚马逊(Amazon)等电商平台上搞促销活动,仿佛天生就是干这个的,而传统品牌往往疲于应对这些营销攻势。这些数字原生代经常会创造一些市场热点,最初让千禧一代和X一代产生共鸣,随后往往也会打动其他年龄段的消费群体。他们还倾向于更加频繁地更新产品,并采取因产品而异的营销方式。

在达雷尔的领导下,罗技加速推进多品牌战略,不仅寻求更好地利用现有资产,还收购了一些新资产。罗技UE(Ultimate Ears)迅速成长为一个备受欢迎的蓝牙音箱品牌,屡屡斩获音频评论期刊和科技出版物颁发的权威奖项。2016年,罗技从澳大利亚企业家贾德·阿姆斯特朗的手中,收购了快速增长的无线耳机公司Jaybird,成就了另一次关键的扩展。Jaybird开创了一个高端无线音频品牌,在运动员和冒险运动专业人士中拥有极高的人气。罗技随后又收购了两个迅速扩张的互补品牌:Blue(麦克风)和ASTRO Gaming(游戏耳机)。







本文节选自维韦克·瓦德瓦、伊斯梅尔·阿姆拉和亚历克斯·萨尔克弗合著的《从增量式创新到指数级创新》(From Incremental to Exponential)一书。版权所有©2021。转载经Berrett-Koehler出版社许可。www.bkconnection.com。


Logitech’s CEO, Bracken Darrell, keeps a copy of the legendary designer Dieter Rams’s "Ten Principles for Good Design” on the wall of the conference room next to his open office desk. The German industrial designer is a guru to many of the leading product designers of our time, including Jony Ives of Apple. Darrell, too, believes passionately in the power of design. This belief is what has underlain his execution of a stunning turnaround of his struggling company since he became CEO in 2013.

The Logitech that Darrell arrived at in 2012, when he joined as president, was known mostly for cheap computer mice in neutral colors and clunky, forgettable keyboards. The Swiss company created products to fit price points and often launched products without significant market testing. At best, the products were uninspired; at worst, they were ugly.

Inspired by Apple as well as by his own experience as president of Procter & Gamble’s Braun division, Darrell resolved to reinvent Logitech “as a design company.” This seemed a tall order for a maker of mice and keyboards, and he knew that he would need a design leader as his partner and to build a culture of design excellence before he could pair Logitech’s impeccable product engineering and manufacturing with eye-popping design. That combination, Darrell believed, would turn the company around and make it a lot more exciting to customers, investors, and its own employees.

The alternative was a dark future. Logitech sales had stagnated before Darrell joined. The market for plain PC peripherals was not growing: Smartphone and laptop users had no need for them.

Design principles and purpose

To effect the transformation, Darrell assigned resources to match his vision. He took two-thirds of the company’s $200 million annual R&D budget away from mice and keyboards and used it to place bets on faster-growing sectors. He recruited a very respected designer who had led design at Nokia: Alastair Curtis. The team, now boasting more than 100 designers, has subsequently attracted talent from Nike, IDEO, and other leading companies.

To give this transformation a heart and soul, Darrell and Curtis created design principles that echoed those of Dieter Rams. Logitech’s principles are simple and elegant:

Powerful Idea: clarity of purpose and the benefit to the consumer

Soul: unique personality of the product/experience

Effortless: relentless pursuit of creating friction-free experiences

Crafted: simplifying, perfecting, and stripping down to the essential

Magical: interactions that are alive and expressive

The idea is not to build products merely to fill a niche, but to build products to fill a need, and to do so in a way that creates emotional resonance and crafts a comfortable, seamless user experience. Having a major unifying idea behind every new product was a powerful way to force designers, marketers, and everyone else working for Logitech to check whether the feature they were designing or the marketing campaign they were planning fitted the unifying idea of the product.

For example, Logitech’s Circle Home security streaming-camera system provides a visual principle—the device is circle-shaped—and a language concerning the circle encompassing our homes, our loved ones, and the places we care about and want to watch. Logitech’s Spotlight Presentation Pointer is designed to help audiences focus on the speaker. Even in products deriving from Logitech’s past, the design teams are striving to add one or two seminal features that improve the lives of their users. On keyboards, for instance, Logitech began adding dials so that people could scroll through menus with their keyboard rather than with an inexact mouse.

Innovation is considered the domain of mathematicians and scientists, and engineering often receives all the focus. But the most important lesson that Steve Jobs taught the tech industry concerned the importance of form. As Jobs told Fortune in an interview in 2000, “Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.” This is what Darrell also demonstrated: Engineering is assuredly important, but what makes a technology product most successful is its design.

An important myth that Darrell helps shatter concerns the backgrounds of people who can make exponential innovations happen: They don’t need to be geeks and nerds. This too is something on which Steve Jobs held a very strong opinion. “It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough—that it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing. And nowhere is that more true than in these post-PC devices,” said Jobs at the unveiling of the iPad 2 in March 2011. Darrell himself majored in English at a small liberal arts college in Arkansas before completing an MBA at Harvard.

There are other great liberal arts examples: YouTube’s chief executive, Susan Wojcicki, majored in history and literature; Slack’s founder, Stewart Butterfield, in English; Airbnb’s founder, Brian Chesky, in the fine arts; and, in China, Alibaba’s chief executive, Jack Ma, in English. In the new era of converging exponentially advancing technologies, creating the most disruptive solutions often requires a knowledge of fields such as biology, education, health sciences, and human behavior. Tackling today’s greatest social and technological challenges requires the ability to think critically about their human context—something in which humanities graduates happen to be well trained.

Diversifying and simplifying

As Darrell was beginning to reinvent Logitech, digital-native brands such as Dollar Shave Club were the cool kids on the block. They had figured out how to sell directly to customers, bypassing the traditional song and dance of securing distribution and shelf space at a major physical storefront. They played the Amazon merchandising game as if they were born to it, running circles around legacy brands. These digital natives often created market buzz that resonated initially with Millennials and Generation Xers, often expanding then into other demographic age groups. They also tended to refresh products more often and vary their approaches to marketing.

Under Darrell, Logitech accelerated a multi-brand strategy, better utilizing existing assets and, in a few instances, acquiring new ones. Logitech’s UE (Ultimate Ears) brand broke out as a popular Bluetooth speaker brand, winning numerous prestigious awards from audio reviews and tech publications. The company made another key acquisition in 2016 with the purchase of Jaybird, a fast-growing wireless-earbuds company founded by Australian entrepreneur Judd Armstrong. Jaybird had carved out a premium wireless-audio brand with a strong following among athletes and adventure-sports pros. Logitech then went on to acquire two rapidly expanding complementary brands, Blue (microphones) and ASTRO Gaming (gaming headsets).

Darrell’s years at large companies had taught him the good and bad of them. On the positive side, they remained disciplined on cost and invested in sales and marketing. On the negative, they could be stiflingly bureaucratic and slow and could kill off entrepreneurship and innovation as business grew. At Logitech, Darrell kept teams small and independent, to maintain the feeling of a small company, and he flattened the organization, having more than twenty senior managers report to him directly.

Meanwhile, Logitech’s senior managers were clearly signaling that they welcomed speculative ventures that could be moonshots returning 1000% on investments.

Recognizing “people people”

One other practice of Darrell’s that stands the company in good stead is staying in touch with his employees. Review after review on Glassdoor remarks on how he spends time with employees and listens to their points of view.

None of this should be taken as minimizing the company’s struggles in making this transformation. There have been failed products. Reallocating the R&D money resulted in some anger and fear. Middle-level managers struggled to acclimate to the new environment. But the numbers bear Darrell out. Profits have increased by an order of magnitude; the company now derives less than a third of its revenues from the sales of keyboards and mice, and it is now a perennial winner of prestigious design awards. Investors have likewise benefited. Share prices have risen more than tenfold since their nadir, when Darrell joined.

After five years as CEO, Darrell decided to undertake an exercise of firing himself and assessing whether he would hire himself back. It sounds like a gimmick, but Darrell was seriously considering whether he was the right guy for the job. He decided he was an acceptable candidate after all.

Excerpted from the book From Incremental to Exponential, by Vivek Wadhwa and Ismail Amla with Alex Salkever, Copyright © 2021. Reprinted by permission of Berrett-Koehler Publishers, www.bkconnection.com.
