

Nicole Goodkind 2022-01-12


目前,美国的四大肉制品公司嘉吉(Cargill)、泰森食品(Tyson Foods)、JBS和全国牛肉包装公司(National Beef Packing)大约控制了美国猪牛鸡肉市场的55%到85%。美国政府认为,这四家公司为了获得创纪录的利润而一味涨价,对当前的食品通胀负有不可推卸的责任。


美国农业部部长汤姆·维尔萨克表示,美国农业部(Department of Agriculture)将从美国救援计划(American Rescue Plan)中拿出10亿美元,通过拨款、贷款和组织培训等手段来鼓励独立肉类加工企业的发展。



不过,美国国家鸡肉委员会(National Chicken Council)的主席迈克·布朗认为,拜登的计划是“为了解决问题而创造问题。”





JBS公司的总部位于巴西,它是世界上最大的肉制品加工公司。它2021年第三季度的报告收益为177亿美元,较上年同期增长32%。2007年,JBS通过收购当时的全球第三大猪肉和牛肉加工企业Swift & Co.进入美国市场。此后,JBS又收购了史密斯菲尔德公司(Smithfield)的牛肉业务、嘉吉公司的猪肉业务,以及美国第二大家禽加工企业Pilgrim 's Pride。



JBS的创始人约斯利·巴蒂斯塔和卫斯理·巴蒂斯塔兄弟迄今仍然控制着JBS公司的相当一部分股权,并曾经因为涉嫌一桩贿赂丑闻而在巴西缴纳了32亿美元罚款。两兄弟承认曾经向1800多位巴西政界人士行贿1.5亿多美元,以非法获得巴西开发银行(Brazilian Development Bank)的贷款和融资。共和党参议员马尔科·卢比奥等美国议员称,JBS正是利用了这些贷款收购了史密斯菲尔德公司和Pilgrim 's Pride等美国企业。









尽管有这么多负面新闻,美联储(Federal Reserve)还是买了不少泰森公司的债券以示支持,并且还给它提供了一些财政拨款。



嘉吉公司是美国最大的私营企业之一。它出名的产品是“Shady Brook Farms”和“Honeysuckle White”品牌的火鸡产品,嘉吉公司称这些火鸡来自“独立的家庭农场”。然而事实上,它们都是由嘉吉公司控制的工业级农场饲养的。

国家牛肉包装公司的总部位于美国密苏里州的堪萨斯市,但它的大部分股权都在一家名叫Marfrig Global Food的巴西公司手中。这家公司也因为涉嫌侵犯人权、故意破坏亚马逊雨林等罪名而屡次遭到指控。




目前,美国的四大肉制品公司嘉吉(Cargill)、泰森食品(Tyson Foods)、JBS和全国牛肉包装公司(National Beef Packing)大约控制了美国猪牛鸡肉市场的55%到85%。美国政府认为,这四家公司为了获得创纪录的利润而一味涨价,对当前的食品通胀负有不可推卸的责任。


美国农业部部长汤姆·维尔萨克表示,美国农业部(Department of Agriculture)将从美国救援计划(American Rescue Plan)中拿出10亿美元,通过拨款、贷款和组织培训等手段来鼓励独立肉类加工企业的发展。



不过,美国国家鸡肉委员会(National Chicken Council)的主席迈克·布朗认为,拜登的计划是“为了解决问题而创造问题。”





JBS公司的总部位于巴西,它是世界上最大的肉制品加工公司。它2021年第三季度的报告收益为177亿美元,较上年同期增长32%。2007年,JBS通过收购当时的全球第三大猪肉和牛肉加工企业Swift & Co.进入美国市场。此后,JBS又收购了史密斯菲尔德公司(Smithfield)的牛肉业务、嘉吉公司的猪肉业务,以及美国第二大家禽加工企业Pilgrim 's Pride。



JBS的创始人约斯利·巴蒂斯塔和卫斯理·巴蒂斯塔兄弟迄今仍然控制着JBS公司的相当一部分股权,并曾经因为涉嫌一桩贿赂丑闻而在巴西缴纳了32亿美元罚款。两兄弟承认曾经向1800多位巴西政界人士行贿1.5亿多美元,以非法获得巴西开发银行(Brazilian Development Bank)的贷款和融资。共和党参议员马尔科·卢比奥等美国议员称,JBS正是利用了这些贷款收购了史密斯菲尔德公司和Pilgrim 's Pride等美国企业。









尽管有这么多负面新闻,美联储(Federal Reserve)还是买了不少泰森公司的债券以示支持,并且还给它提供了一些财政拨款。



嘉吉公司是美国最大的私营企业之一。它出名的产品是“Shady Brook Farms”和“Honeysuckle White”品牌的火鸡产品,嘉吉公司称这些火鸡来自“独立的家庭农场”。然而事实上,它们都是由嘉吉公司控制的工业级农场饲养的。

国家牛肉包装公司的总部位于美国密苏里州的堪萨斯市,但它的大部分股权都在一家名叫Marfrig Global Food的巴西公司手中。这家公司也因为涉嫌侵犯人权、故意破坏亚马逊雨林等罪名而屡次遭到指控。



President Joe Biden announced plans for new rules and $1 billion in funding for independent meat processors and ranchers in an effort to combat what he calls a lack of "meaningful competition" in the meat sector.

The four major meat companies in the U.S.—Cargill, Tyson Foods, JBS, and National Beef Packing—control 55% to 85% of the hog, cattle, and chicken markets. The White House accused these companies of contributing to inflation by raising prices while generating record profits.

"Capitalism without competition isn't capitalism. It's exploitation," Biden said on January 3. "That's what we're seeing in meat and poultry industries now."

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) will spend $1 billion from the American Rescue Plan to help independent meat processors by financing grants, guaranteeing loans, and funding worker training, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

The federal government will also propose rules to clarify the meaning of "Product of USA" meat labels, which companies fudge by raising their cattle abroad and slaughtering them in the U.S.

The net incomes of the four largest meat processors in the U.S. have surged more than 500% during the pandemic and are the biggest contributors to rising costs at the grocery store, according to the White House.

National Chicken Council president Mike Brown, meanwhile, called Biden's plan "a solution in search of a problem."

“It’s time for the White House to stop playing chicken with our food system and stop using the meat industry as a scapegoat for the significant challenges facing our economy,” he wrote in a statement. “This administration should be looking at the chicken industry as a model of success, instead of creating a boogeyman to justify an unnecessary and expensive foray into our meat supply.”

But just who are these meat suppliers and how have they come to dominate our farms, slaughterhouses, and grocery stores?

Let’s meet the meat.


JBS, based in Brazil, is the world’s largest meat-processing company. In the third quarter of 2021, the company reported revenue of $17.7 billion, a year-over-year increase of 32%. In 2007, JBS entered the U.S. market by acquiring Swift & Co., the third-largest beef and pork processor at the time. Since then, JBS has acquired Smithfield’s beef business, Cargill’s pork business, and Pilgrim’s Pride, America’s second-largest poultry processor.

But the company’s U.S. plants are some of the country's biggest polluters. They’ve been the subject of multiple lawsuits for anticompetitive behavior, animal cruelty, environmental harm, and discrimination against Muslims. Nearly four out of five meat products recalled since 2014 came from JBS plants. JBS USA, meanwhile, received more than $90 million in contracts with the USDA since 2018.

U.S. subsidiaries of JBS received at least $62 million from Trump administration farm bailouts while their parent company was one of the biggest winners of Trump's trade war, signing nearly $13 billion in deals with China.

Brothers Joesley and Wesley Batista, the founders of JBS, who still control a large portion of the company, have paid $3.2 billion in fines for the company's role in a bribery scandal in Brazil. As part of that settlement, the brothers admitted to bribing more than 1,800 Brazilian politicians with more than $150 million in order to illicitly secure loans and financing from the Brazilian Development Bank. Those loans, U.S. legislators like Republican Sen. Marco Rubio claim, were used by JBS to acquire its American portfolio of companies like Smithfield and Pilgrim’s Pride.

In Brazil, the company has been accused of using cattle that illegally graze in and destroy the Amazon rain forest, and analysis shows that the company’s carbon footprint is nearly as big as the next three closest competitors combined.

JBS, meanwhile, has a number of lobbyists who focus on its interests with the USDA and a political action committee that has donated over $500,000 to candidates and causes.

Tyson Foods

Tyson is the world’s second-largest meat packer and America’s largest poultry producer.

In its fiscal year 2021, Tyson's sales of $47 billion increased 8.9% while volume of products decreased 2.8%. That’s likely because the average price it charged for its products grew 13%. That increase wasn't all due to higher operating costs, as the company's operating profit margin grew to 9.3% from 7% in fiscal year 2020.

Tyson, meanwhile, has been implicated in a number of recent scandals. The company limited employee breaks to the point where some processing plant workers were forced to wear diapers. It also faced a class-action lawsuit alleging that the company, along with others, engaged in a long-term price fixing scheme that cost average families the equivalent of $330 a year.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Tyson reportedly incentivized sick workers to stay on the job, stonewalled health inspectors and agencies, underreported positive COVID cases, and lied to interpreters who translate for non–English speaking employees about the dangers of the virus.

Managers at Tyson’s Waterloo, Iowa, pork plant organized a betting pool about how many of their employees would contract COVID-19. Those managers have since been fired.

Through all of this, the Federal Reserve bought Tyson bonds to help prop the company up and provide some financial aid.

The company spent $1.3 million on lobbyists in 2020 and $514,000 on political donations.

Cargill and National Beef Packing

Cargill is among the largest privately held U.S. companies. It often markets and labels its turkey products sold under the Shady Brook Farms and Honeysuckle White brands as being raised by “independent family farmers,” when, in fact, they come from its own corporate-controlled industrial farms.

Meanwhile, Marfrig Global Food, a Brazilian company, owns the majority of National Beef Packing Co., based in Kansas City, Mo. Its parent company has been accused of human rights violations, knowingly destroying the Amazon rain forest, and other environmental violations.

Both companies are the subject of antitrust investigations into whether they artificially raised prices for American consumers.
