

KYLIE LOGAN 2021-10-25



这款产品被怀疑含有类鼻疽,可感染人类和动物的肺部、血液。根据美国疾病控制中心(Centers for disease Control)的说法,人类相互传播这种疾病的情况极为罕见,大多数感染来自受污染的灰尘、土壤和水源。


美国疾病控制与预防中心提醒说,如果你在过去21天内使用过该产品,即使没有出现症状,你也应该去看医生。美国消费者产品安全委员会(Consumer Product Safety Commission)建议,对于购买了这款香薰喷雾的人,应该用双层塑料袋包裹后将其送回商店,不要直接扔掉。

类鼻疽病,也被称为惠特莫尔病,是由一种叫做类鼻疽伯克氏菌的细菌引起的疾病。此次检测到的特定菌株似乎来自南亚。据Stat News报道,这种喷雾在印度制造。疾控中心将东南亚和澳大利亚北部列为最有可能发现这种疾病的地区,而在美国,它只会在波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛“自然发生”。





这款产品被怀疑含有类鼻疽,可感染人类和动物的肺部、血液。根据美国疾病控制中心(Centers for disease Control)的说法,人类相互传播这种疾病的情况极为罕见,大多数感染来自受污染的灰尘、土壤和水源。


美国疾病控制与预防中心提醒说,如果你在过去21天内使用过该产品,即使没有出现症状,你也应该去看医生。美国消费者产品安全委员会(Consumer Product Safety Commission)建议,对于购买了这款香薰喷雾的人,应该用双层塑料袋包裹后将其送回商店,不要直接扔掉。

类鼻疽病,也被称为惠特莫尔病,是由一种叫做类鼻疽伯克氏菌的细菌引起的疾病。此次检测到的特定菌株似乎来自南亚。据Stat News报道,这种喷雾在印度制造。疾控中心将东南亚和澳大利亚北部列为最有可能发现这种疾病的地区,而在美国,它只会在波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛“自然发生”。



Walmart has recalled bottles of an aromatherapy room spray that is suspected of containing a bacteria that killed two people, including a child, and infected two others.

The recall is for the Better Homes and Gardens Lavender and Chamomile Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones, sold at Walmart for $4. The recall also includes versions with lavender, lemon and mandarin, peppermint, sandalwood and vanilla, and lime and eucalyptus.

The product is suspected of containing melioidosis, which can infect the lungs or bloodstream in humans and animals. Humans passing the disease to each other is extremely rare, according to the Centers for Disease Control, with most infections coming from contaminated dust, soil, or water droplets.

The recall covers the around 3,900 bottles that Walmart sold from February to October 21. The sales were in Georgia, Kansas, Minnesota, and Texas, where there were four melioidosis cases between March and July.

If you have used the product in the last 21 days, you should see a doctor, even if you don't have the known symptoms, says the CDC. For people have bought a bottle, the Consumer Product Safety Commission advises returning it to the store in a double bag rather than throwing it out.

Melioidosis, otherwise known as Whitmore’s disease, is caused by the bacteria called Burkholderia pseudomallei. The particular strain detected appears to be from South Asia; the spray was made in India, reports Stat News. The CDC lists Southeast Asia and northern Australia as the most likely areas to find the disease. In the U.S., it only “occurs naturally” in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

A bottle of the Better Homes and Gardens spray from the home of one of the people who fell ill was found to be contaminated with melioidosis. However, it's unknown whether the spray actually infected all four people.
