

Marco Quiroz-Gutierrez 2021-04-27

对于美国总统乔·拜登的2万亿美元“美国就业计划”(American Jobs Plan),大企业基本都持反对态度。但小企业主究竟是否应该支持这项法案,则见仁见智。

在这项计划中,拜登考虑将公司税率从21%提高到28%,以筹集推行基建计划的资金。这一打算遭到了商业圆桌会议(Business Roundtable)等商业组织的反对,他们认为,提高公司税率将减缓美国企业的业务扩张速度,让美国在世界范围内处于竞争劣势。

但小企业看到了计划积极的一面。Small Business for America’s Future的联合主席小弗兰克·克纳普认为,大公司是时候缴纳它们的应缴税款了。

“小企业仅享有临时减税,而大企业的税率却是永久下调,这不公平。”克纳普在接受采访时说。他指的是美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普于2017年提出的《减税和就业法案》(Tax Cuts and Jobs Act)。


一些小企业主也表态支持这项法案。以史蒂夫·布朗为例,作为位于休斯顿的Capital Assets Sustainable Energy Development & Public Affairs的总裁,他对这项法案持支持态度,因为该计划明确地将重点放在了清洁能源投资和建筑翻新上面,他的企业将从中获利。



弗兰克和金伯利·斯皮尔斯是一对夫妇,也是农村发展咨询公司Rural Community Solutions的共同所有者,他们也支持该计划,因为其将为农村提供100%的宽带覆盖。





一些小企业主认为,上调公司税率实际上可能会损害小企业的利益。位于华盛顿特区的餐饮公司Wine Key Experience的老板马塞尔·福克说,在新冠疫情爆发前,她本来以为2020年自己公司的利润将增加一倍以上。





对于美国总统乔·拜登的2万亿美元“美国就业计划”(American Jobs Plan),大企业基本都持反对态度。但小企业主究竟是否应该支持这项法案,则见仁见智。

在这项计划中,拜登考虑将公司税率从21%提高到28%,以筹集推行基建计划的资金。这一打算遭到了商业圆桌会议(Business Roundtable)等商业组织的反对,他们认为,提高公司税率将减缓美国企业的业务扩张速度,让美国在世界范围内处于竞争劣势。

但小企业看到了计划积极的一面。Small Business for America’s Future的联合主席小弗兰克·克纳普认为,大公司是时候缴纳它们的应缴税款了。

“小企业仅享有临时减税,而大企业的税率却是永久下调,这不公平。”克纳普在接受采访时说。他指的是美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普于2017年提出的《减税和就业法案》(Tax Cuts and Jobs Act)。


一些小企业主也表态支持这项法案。以史蒂夫·布朗为例,作为位于休斯顿的Capital Assets Sustainable Energy Development & Public Affairs的总裁,他对这项法案持支持态度,因为该计划明确地将重点放在了清洁能源投资和建筑翻新上面,他的企业将从中获利。



弗兰克和金伯利·斯皮尔斯是一对夫妇,也是农村发展咨询公司Rural Community Solutions的共同所有者,他们也支持该计划,因为其将为农村提供100%的宽带覆盖。





一些小企业主认为,上调公司税率实际上可能会损害小企业的利益。位于华盛顿特区的餐饮公司Wine Key Experience的老板马塞尔·福克说,在新冠疫情爆发前,她本来以为2020年自己公司的利润将增加一倍以上。





Large corporations have largely come out against President Biden’s $2 trillion American Jobs Plan, but for small businesses, whether to support the bill or not is a more complicated question.

The proposed infrastructure improvement plan, which includes raising the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%, has prompted a negative response from groups such as the Business Roundtable who say a corporate tax increase will hinder U.S. companies’ business and decrease their competitiveness globally.

But small businesses see an upside. Frank Knapp Jr., cochair of Small Business for America’s Future, said it’s about time large corporations paid their fair share of taxes.

“It wasn’t fair that small businesses only got a temporary deduction of their taxes, and the corporate tax rate was a permanent reduction,” Knapp said in an interview, referring to former President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

Trump’s tax plan permanently cut the corporate tax rate to a single 21% rate from the original rate of 35% while allowing small businesses to deduct 20% of their qualified business income until 2025.

Some small-business owners like Steve Brown, president of Houston-based Capital Assets Sustainable Energy Development & Public Affairs, said he supports the bill because of its emphasis on investing in clean energy and retrofitting for buildings, which would benefit his business.

Brown said he thinks Biden’s plan would accelerate the transition to sustainable energy across the country, which would not only be good for his business but for the environment.

He told Fortune: “At the very least it would raise awareness for the need for these types of energy retrofits and knowing that this green energy transition is taking place.”

Frank and Kimberlee Spillers, a married couple and co-owners of rural development consulting firm Rural Community Solutions, said they support Biden’s plan because it will bring broadband access to small communities.

Their company, based in Atlantic, a city in the southwestern part of Iowa, specializes in helping sparsely populated counties attract entrepreneurs. Frank said better broadband infrastructure would help these rural communities attract more small-business owners.

“We’re working with the smallest of the small and trying to build their economy because they should be given the same benefits as somebody that’s living in downtown Omaha or downtown Des Moines,” he said.

The main issue large corporations have with the Biden plan is the corporate tax increase and the targeting of foreign profits.

The Business Roundtable said in a survey last week that 98% of the 178 CEOs it questioned said the corporate tax rate hike would have a “moderately” or “very” significant adverse effect on their company’s competitiveness.

Some small-business owners agree that more taxes for corporations could actually harm small business. Marcelle Folk, owner of Washington D.C., catering firm Wine Key Experience, said she had expected her profits to more than double in 2020 until the pandemic hit.

Now, Folk said, she has been relying on food banks and donations to feed herself and her daughter as she struggles to pay the operating expenses for her business.

Before the pandemic, many of her clients were corporations, and she said if the corporate tax rate increases, that business may not come back.

“Even bigger businesses have budgets too,” Folk said. “If they have cuts it’s likely going to be the holiday party or wine tasting that they organize through a small business.”
