

美联社 2021-03-30



3月29日早间,大众在其网站上发布了一份简短的新闻稿,宣布了品牌名称更改的消息。在该新闻稿被撤下之前,《今日美国》(USA Today)的一名记者注意到了此事。稿中显示的日期为4月29日。



知情人士说,美国大众集团(Volkswagen Group of America)的名称不会改变,大众旗下的奥迪(Audi)、宾利(Bentley)、布加迪(Bugatti)和兰博基尼(Lamborghini)等品牌也不会改变。只有大众自己的“k”将被改成“t”。




在美国以外,大众汽车和其他汽车制造商一样,大幅扩张电动汽车。在欧洲,该公司的电池驱动汽车销量从2019年的4.5万辆增至2020年的13.4万辆,增长了三倍之多。在欧盟(European Union)严格限制汽车排放之前,大众就已经开始销售新款电动紧凑车型ID.3。

在美国,全电动汽车去年在新车销量中所占比例不到2%。Autodata Corp.公司的数据显示,特斯拉(Tesla)在美国市场的销量为20.56万辆。通用汽车(General Motors)的雪佛兰Bolts销量略低于2.1万辆,而日产(Nissan)的Leaf电动汽车销量略高于9500辆。

2015年,美国当局发现大众所谓的“清洁柴油”汽车在排放测试中作弊后,大众一直在试图修复其形象。这些柴油发动机在美国国家环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency)的运行测试中启动了污染控制装置,但当真正上路时,这一装置实际是被关闭的。





3月29日早间,大众在其网站上发布了一份简短的新闻稿,宣布了品牌名称更改的消息。在该新闻稿被撤下之前,《今日美国》(USA Today)的一名记者注意到了此事。稿中显示的日期为4月29日。



知情人士说,美国大众集团(Volkswagen Group of America)的名称不会改变,大众旗下的奥迪(Audi)、宾利(Bentley)、布加迪(Bugatti)和兰博基尼(Lamborghini)等品牌也不会改变。只有大众自己的“k”将被改成“t”。




在美国以外,大众汽车和其他汽车制造商一样,大幅扩张电动汽车。在欧洲,该公司的电池驱动汽车销量从2019年的4.5万辆增至2020年的13.4万辆,增长了三倍之多。在欧盟(European Union)严格限制汽车排放之前,大众就已经开始销售新款电动紧凑车型ID.3。

在美国,全电动汽车去年在新车销量中所占比例不到2%。Autodata Corp.公司的数据显示,特斯拉(Tesla)在美国市场的销量为20.56万辆。通用汽车(General Motors)的雪佛兰Bolts销量略低于2.1万辆,而日产(Nissan)的Leaf电动汽车销量略高于9500辆。

2015年,美国当局发现大众所谓的“清洁柴油”汽车在排放测试中作弊后,大众一直在试图修复其形象。这些柴油发动机在美国国家环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency)的运行测试中启动了污染控制装置,但当真正上路时,这一装置实际是被关闭的。



Volkswagen plans to change its brand name in the United States to “Voltswagen” as its shifts its production increasingly toward electric vehicles and tries to distance itself from an emissions cheating scandal.

A person briefed on the plan said a formal announcement is planned for March 30. The person didn't want to be identified because the plans had not been made public.

The company had briefly posted a press release on its website early March 29 announcing the brand name change. The press release was noticed by a reporter from USA Today before it was removed. The release was dated April 29.

The premature release comes as VW is taking reservations for the new ID.4 small electric SUV in the U.S. It’s the company’s only new electric model sold in the United States, though there are plans for more, including a nostalgic reprise of the company’s Microbus.

Even with the ID.4 fully on sale, only a small fraction of VWs on U.S. roads will bear the “Voltswagen” name. The vast majority of VW’s vehicle sales in the U.S. will still be powered by gasoline for the foreseeable future and will continue to be labeled simply as “VW.” The German automaker sold just under 326,000 VW-branded vehicles in the U.S. last year.

The person who was briefed on the plan said the name Volkswagen Group of America, which also includes the Audi, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini brands, won't change. Rather, only the ‘k’ in the Volkswagen brand itself will be changed to a ‘t.’

An exterior badge with the name “Voltswagen” will be affixed to the company’s electric vehicles, while gas-powered vehicles will still have the normal “VW,” but no brand name on them, the person said.

The premature news release said the move amounted to a public declaration of the company’s future investment in electric mobility.

“We might be changing out our K for a T, but what we aren’t changing is this brand’s commitment to making best-in-class vehicles for drivers and people everywhere,” VW of America CEO Scott Keogh said in the errant release.

Outside the United States, Volkswagen, like some other automakers, has sharply expanded its EV footprint. In Europe, the company tripled its battery-powered vehicle sales from 45,000 in 2019 to 134,000 in 2020. VW began selling its new electric compact ID.3 ahead of strict new European Union limits on auto emissions.

In the U.S., fully electric vehicles last year accounted for less than 2% of new vehicle sales. Tesla led the way, with an estimated 205,600 in U.S. sales, according to Autodata Corp. General Motors sold just under 21,000 Chevrolet Bolts, while Nissan sold a little more than 9,500 Leaf electric cars.

VW has been trying to repair its image after U.S. authorities in 2015 discovered that its so-called “clean diesel” vehicles cheated on emissions tests. The diesels switched pollution controls on during Environmental Protection Agency treadmill tests, then turned them off while on real roads.

Volkswagen in 2017 pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $4.3 billion in U.S. civil and criminal penalties on top of billions more to buy back cars. Two people were sent to prison.
