

Alan Levin, Julie Johnsson, 彭博社 2021-02-23

近日,一架波音公司(Boeing Co.)的777型号飞机在美国丹佛上空发生了引擎爆炸事故,一些零件残骸从空中掉落,并散落在丹佛城郊。日本当局立即叫停同型号的飞机,美国监管机构下令,要求对发动机涡扇叶片展开紧急调查。韩国国土交通部也已告知全部航空公司停飞该机型。

美国联邦航空管理局(U.S. Federal Aviation Administration)在2月21晚发布的一份电子邮件声明中说,该机构在检查了一个坏掉的空心涡扇后,下令对装有普惠公司PW4077型号发动机的波音777飞机进行进一步的调查,该型号的发动机由美国军工巨头商雷神技术公司(Raytheon Technologies Corp.)下属的航空制造商——普惠公司(Pratt & Whitney)生产。

这架从丹佛飞往檀香山的美联航(United Airlines Flight)328号航班在起飞后不久便发生了该起事故。当时,机上有231名乘客和10名机组人员。飞机安全迫降在丹佛,掉落的碎片也未造成人员伤亡。机上一名乘客拍下了发动机起火的镜头,地面上也有人捕捉到了飞机在空中的场景,以及飞机零件四处飞散,掉落在民宅附近的样子。

对全球航空业来说,这起事故引起的恐慌发生在一个极为敏感的时期——当下,新冠疫情及其对旅行的打击已经让航空业陷入危机。埃塞俄比亚和印尼航空的重大空难让波音遭受重创,不得不将其最畅销的737 Max机型停飞了将近两年。如今刚要从寒冬中恢复,又受到这般打击。而发动机制造商普惠也麻烦重重:它为空客公司(Airbus)的SE A320neo喷气式飞机配备的齿轮涡扇发动机此前也出现过其他问题,尤其是在印度。

美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)表示,在美联航的这架事故飞机上,有两个涡扇的叶片出现断裂。故障范围大部分控制在发动机内部,机体只受到了很小的损害。在联邦航空管理局发布检查令后,美联航表示将自愿配合,并停运其24架涉事飞机。

虽然事故并没有表明波音777存在更大的问题,但在被叫停两年的737 Max刚刚得到批准能在美国和欧洲市场重新起飞之际,这起事件又把另一个紧迫的新问题抛在了波音面前。该公司已经暂停了波音787梦想客机(787 Dreamliner)的交付,以检查是否可能存有制造缺陷。


美国,日本和韩国的航空公司都有安装了普惠4000系列发动机的波音777飞机。美联航是唯一拥有这种组合机型的美国航空公司。而日本航空公司(Japan Airlines Co.)一架装有该发动机的波音777-200型飞机也在去年12月4日发生了类似的故障。

日本航空和全日空(ANA Holdings Inc.)的发言人在2月22日表示,他们已经遵照运输部的命令停飞了波音777机型,并正使用其他型号的飞机替代,而韩国的运输部门也表示他们正在调查这一问题。

大韩航空(Korean Air)拥有12架安装了PW4090发动机的波音777-200机型和4架波音777-300机型。由于疫情原因,这些飞机中有一半以上都在库存中并未使用。韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)共有9架带有普惠发动机的777机型,但因为疫情,大多也都停飞了。

彭博行业研究(Bloomberg Intelligence)的分析师乔治•弗格森从航空研究公司Cirium发布的数据中发现,全球只有60架装有普惠引擎的波音777-200和300机型仍在飞行。还有67架喷气机在库存中,尽管它们还没有正式退役。


波音777的特点是其涡扇的宽度几乎与737喷气式客机的一样。普惠的PW4000-112发动机于1995年第一次与波音777搭配亮相,并完成首航,后来的波音777-200ER和300机型也可以安装这种发动机。1999年,波音公司与通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)签订了独家合同,由后者的GE90发动机为更新、持航更长的777系列提供动力,并最终淘汰了普惠的产品。













印度的SpiceJet公司(SpiceJet Ltd.)和新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)印度分公司Vistara的前高管桑吉夫•卡普尔说:“几十年来,PW4000系列发动机一直非常可靠,在多种机型中均受欢迎。最近发生在波音777和波音747上的这些事件表明,有必要对旧PW4000引擎进行更仔细的检查和维护。”

2018年,美国西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines Co.)的一架737-700型客机发生引擎故障,导致碎片撞进了飞机的窗户,这是美国航班史上最近一起导致乘客死亡的航空事故。(财富中文网)


近日,一架波音公司(Boeing Co.)的777型号飞机在美国丹佛上空发生了引擎爆炸事故,一些零件残骸从空中掉落,并散落在丹佛城郊。日本当局立即叫停同型号的飞机,美国监管机构下令,要求对发动机涡扇叶片展开紧急调查。韩国国土交通部也已告知全部航空公司停飞该机型。

美国联邦航空管理局(U.S. Federal Aviation Administration)在2月21晚发布的一份电子邮件声明中说,该机构在检查了一个坏掉的空心涡扇后,下令对装有普惠公司PW4077型号发动机的波音777飞机进行进一步的调查,该型号的发动机由美国军工巨头商雷神技术公司(Raytheon Technologies Corp.)下属的航空制造商——普惠公司(Pratt & Whitney)生产。

这架从丹佛飞往檀香山的美联航(United Airlines Flight)328号航班在起飞后不久便发生了该起事故。当时,机上有231名乘客和10名机组人员。飞机安全迫降在丹佛,掉落的碎片也未造成人员伤亡。机上一名乘客拍下了发动机起火的镜头,地面上也有人捕捉到了飞机在空中的场景,以及飞机零件四处飞散,掉落在民宅附近的样子。

对全球航空业来说,这起事故引起的恐慌发生在一个极为敏感的时期——当下,新冠疫情及其对旅行的打击已经让航空业陷入危机。埃塞俄比亚和印尼航空的重大空难让波音遭受重创,不得不将其最畅销的737 Max机型停飞了将近两年。如今刚要从寒冬中恢复,又受到这般打击。而发动机制造商普惠也麻烦重重:它为空客公司(Airbus)的SE A320neo喷气式飞机配备的齿轮涡扇发动机此前也出现过其他问题,尤其是在印度。

美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)表示,在美联航的这架事故飞机上,有两个涡扇的叶片出现断裂。故障范围大部分控制在发动机内部,机体只受到了很小的损害。在联邦航空管理局发布检查令后,美联航表示将自愿配合,并停运其24架涉事飞机。

虽然事故并没有表明波音777存在更大的问题,但在被叫停两年的737 Max刚刚得到批准能在美国和欧洲市场重新起飞之际,这起事件又把另一个紧迫的新问题抛在了波音面前。该公司已经暂停了波音787梦想客机(787 Dreamliner)的交付,以检查是否可能存有制造缺陷。


美国,日本和韩国的航空公司都有安装了普惠4000系列发动机的波音777飞机。美联航是唯一拥有这种组合机型的美国航空公司。而日本航空公司(Japan Airlines Co.)一架装有该发动机的波音777-200型飞机也在去年12月4日发生了类似的故障。

日本航空和全日空(ANA Holdings Inc.)的发言人在2月22日表示,他们已经遵照运输部的命令停飞了波音777机型,并正使用其他型号的飞机替代,而韩国的运输部门也表示他们正在调查这一问题。

大韩航空(Korean Air)拥有12架安装了PW4090发动机的波音777-200机型和4架波音777-300机型。由于疫情原因,这些飞机中有一半以上都在库存中并未使用。韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)共有9架带有普惠发动机的777机型,但因为疫情,大多也都停飞了。

彭博行业研究(Bloomberg Intelligence)的分析师乔治•弗格森从航空研究公司Cirium发布的数据中发现,全球只有60架装有普惠引擎的波音777-200和300机型仍在飞行。还有67架喷气机在库存中,尽管它们还没有正式退役。


波音777的特点是其涡扇的宽度几乎与737喷气式客机的一样。普惠的PW4000-112发动机于1995年第一次与波音777搭配亮相,并完成首航,后来的波音777-200ER和300机型也可以安装这种发动机。1999年,波音公司与通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)签订了独家合同,由后者的GE90发动机为更新、持航更长的777系列提供动力,并最终淘汰了普惠的产品。













印度的SpiceJet公司(SpiceJet Ltd.)和新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)印度分公司Vistara的前高管桑吉夫•卡普尔说:“几十年来,PW4000系列发动机一直非常可靠,在多种机型中均受欢迎。最近发生在波音777和波音747上的这些事件表明,有必要对旧PW4000引擎进行更仔细的检查和维护。”

2018年,美国西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines Co.)的一架737-700型客机发生引擎故障,导致碎片撞进了飞机的窗户,这是美国航班史上最近一起导致乘客死亡的航空事故。(财富中文网)


An explosive engine failure that showered debris over a Denver suburb prompted authorities in Japan to halt flights using Boeing Co. 777 aircraft and spurred U.S. regulators to order emergency inspections of engine fan blades.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration ordered the checks after examining a hollow fan blade that failed, the agency said in an emailed statement February 21 evening. The inspections apply to 777s equipped with PW4077 engines made by Raytheon Technologies Corp.’s Pratt & Whitney division.

The incident on United Airlines Flight 328 from Denver to Honolulu took place shortly after it took off with 231 passengers and 10 crew members. The plane landed safely back at Denver and nobody was injured by the falling debris. Footage of the burning engine was filmed by a passenger aboard the flight, while people on the ground captured scenes of the plane overhead and scattered aircraft parts near houses.

The scare comes at an extremely sensitive time for the global aviation industry, which has been plunged into crisis by the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on travel. Boeing is only just dusting itself off from the nearly two-year grounding of its best-selling 737 Max following fatal crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia, while Pratt has faced separate issues with its geared turbofan engines on Airbus SE A320neo jets, particularly in India.

Two fan blades were fractured on the United flight, the National Transportation Safety Board said. Most of the destruction was contained to the engine and the plane suffered only minor damage. United said it will voluntarily halt operations of 24 of its planes while the FAA order is carried out.

While the incident doesn’t suggest broader problems with the 777, it adds another urgent issue to Boeing’s to-do list only just after the 737 Max was cleared to fly again in markets including the U.S. and Europe. The company has halted deliveries of its 787 Dreamliners to check for manufacturing flaws.

“We recommended suspending operations of the 69 in-service and 59 in-storage 777s powered by Pratt & Whitney 4000-112 engines until the FAA identifies the appropriate inspection protocol,” Boeing said in a statement, adding that it supports decisions by the FAA and Japan’s Civil Aviation Bureau to temporarily ground aircraft powered by the engines.

Airlines in the U.S., Japan and South Korea operate 777s with the PW4000 family of engines. United is the only U.S. carrier with that combination. A Japan Airlines Co. 777-200 with the engines suffered a similar failure on Dec. 4.

Spokespeople for Japan Airlines and ANA Holdings Inc. said on February 22 they’ve grounded their 777s following the transport ministry’s order and are using other aircraft, while South Korea’s transport ministry said it was looking into the issue.

Korean Air has PW4090 engines on 12 777-200s and four 777-300s. More than half of those planes are in storage due to the pandemic. Asiana Airlines has nine 777s with the Pratt engines, but most of them are also grounded due to COVID-19.

Only 60 Pratt-powered 777-200 and -300 models are still flying globally, according to analysis of Cirium data by George Ferguson at Bloomberg Intelligence. Another 67 of the jets are sitting in storage, although they haven’t officially been retired.

The latest inspections could hasten the end of the earliest 777 models if the repairs turn out to be costly, Ferguson said. “They are already out of favor because of their size and the pandemic.”

The 777 is distinctive for its hulking turbofans that are about as wide as a 737 jetliner cabin. The PW4000-112 debuted with the first of the 777s to fly in 1995, and was also available to customers of the later -200ER and -300 models. In 1999, Boeing awarded General Electric Co. an exclusive contract to power newer, longer-ranger versions of the 777 with its GE90 engines and eventually phased out the Pratt offering.

“Pratt has not had any market share in this space for a long time,” Ferguson said. “It’s all GE.”

The crack that led the fan blade to break on the United flight was similar to one that occurred on a 2018 United flight, said a person familiar with the preliminary investigation results who wasn’t authorized to discuss them.

In the latest failure, one fan blade cracked and broke off near where it attached to a rotating hub, according to the person. A second blade was also broken, apparently after it was struck by the first blade.

The fan blades on this type of PW4000 are hollow and made of titanium. The cracks appear to start from within the surface, making them hard to detect. Airlines can use technologies such as ultrasound to find cracks beneath the surface. The blades are only used on some 777 planes, said the FAA, which is stepping up the frequency of inspections.

Pratt has dispatched a team to work with investigators and is coordinating with airlines and regulators to support inspections. “Any further investigative updates regarding this event will be at the discretion of the NTSB,” the company said in a statement.

FAA Administrator Steven Dickson said in an emailed statement that the aggressive inspections “will likely mean that some airplanes will be removed from service.” The exact details of what type of inspections will be needed and how quickly they must be done are still being worked out, he said.

“After consulting with my team of aviation safety experts about yesterday’s engine failure aboard a Boeing 777 airplane in Denver, I have directed them to issue an Emergency Airworthiness Directive that would require immediate or stepped-up inspections of Boeing 777 airplanes equipped with certain Pratt & Whitney PW4000 engines,” Dickson said.

United has 52 of the planes in its fleet. Of those 28 are in storage, the airline said. Many carriers have stopped using planes during the pandemic because of a steep drop in air travel, particularly on international routes serviced by the 777.

“Since yesterday, we’ve been in touch with regulators at the NTSB and FAA and will continue to work closely with them to determine any additional steps that are needed to ensure these aircraft meet our rigorous safety standards and can return to service,” the company said in an emailed statement.

A flaw in a fan blade on a United 777 in 2018 was blamed by the NTSB on inadequate test standards at Pratt. An inspector had seen a possible sign of a crack during a test years before the failure, but attributed it to paint, the NTSB said.

The company said last June that it had taken corrective actions to address the cause of the failure. After the incident during the San Francisco to Hawaii flight on Feb. 13, 2018, the company re-inspected all 9,600 fan blades and didn’t find any others with potential safety problems, the NTSB said.

Separately, Dutch investigators are looking into another engine failure that occurred on Saturday, when a Boeing 747-400 cargo plane shed engine parts after taking off from Maastricht, according to reports. The Pratt model was a PW4056, which is from the same range as the PW4077.

“The PW4000 family has been a very popular and reliable engine now for decades across multiple aircraft types,” said Sanjiv Kapoor, a former top executive at SpiceJet Ltd. and Vistara, the Indian affiliate of Singapore Airlines. “These recent incidents on the 777 and a 747 do suggest a closer look needs to be taken at the older PW4000 engines and their inspections and maintenance.”

An engine failure on a Southwest Airlines Co. 737-700 in 2018 that sent debris into a window on the plane resulted in the most recent fatality of a passenger on a U.S. flight.
