

Sy Mukherjee 2020-12-24

你可能已经获悉,英国和美国在前所未有的新冠疫苗推广问题上遭遇了一些早期的障碍。美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)授予辉瑞(Pfizer)和BioNTech的新冠疫苗紧急使用授权,用于对某些新冠病毒高风险易感人群进行预防接种,例如医疗工作者和养老院的老人。自这之后一周多的时间中,各地便出现了分配问题,以及与“谁应该最先使用疫苗”相关的一些毫不相干、令人疑惑的政策。




虽说可能存在副作用,甚至还可能很严重,但对大多数没有过敏史或炎症史的人群来说,疫苗不大可能会造成伤害。这一点已经从辉瑞和Moderna的大规模临床试验,以及美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的结论得到了充分证明。




梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)的专家梅兰妮•斯威夫特博士最近向《财富》杂志透露,为了让所剩无几的劳动力尽可能地选择接种疫苗,从而保持在岗工作,她所在的医疗系统列出了一个新冠疫苗副作用与新冠病毒感染症状对照表。


哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)的一名导医称:“感染新冠后,普通的症状包括发热、身体疼痛、干咳、疲劳、发冷、头疼、咽喉疼、没胃口以及嗅觉变差。对于某些人来说,症状会更严重,例如高烧、严重的咳嗽以及呼吸急促,也就是通常肺炎的症状。感染新冠病毒的人群还会出现神经性症状,消化道症状,或兼而有之。这些可能会伴随呼吸系统症状出现,也有可能单独出现。”





你可能已经获悉,英国和美国在前所未有的新冠疫苗推广问题上遭遇了一些早期的障碍。美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)授予辉瑞(Pfizer)和BioNTech的新冠疫苗紧急使用授权,用于对某些新冠病毒高风险易感人群进行预防接种,例如医疗工作者和养老院的老人。自这之后一周多的时间中,各地便出现了分配问题,以及与“谁应该最先使用疫苗”相关的一些毫不相干、令人疑惑的政策。




虽说可能存在副作用,甚至还可能很严重,但对大多数没有过敏史或炎症史的人群来说,疫苗不大可能会造成伤害。这一点已经从辉瑞和Moderna的大规模临床试验,以及美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的结论得到了充分证明。




梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)的专家梅兰妮•斯威夫特博士最近向《财富》杂志透露,为了让所剩无几的劳动力尽可能地选择接种疫苗,从而保持在岗工作,她所在的医疗系统列出了一个新冠疫苗副作用与新冠病毒感染症状对照表。


哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)的一名导医称:“感染新冠后,普通的症状包括发热、身体疼痛、干咳、疲劳、发冷、头疼、咽喉疼、没胃口以及嗅觉变差。对于某些人来说,症状会更严重,例如高烧、严重的咳嗽以及呼吸急促,也就是通常肺炎的症状。感染新冠病毒的人群还会出现神经性症状,消化道症状,或兼而有之。这些可能会伴随呼吸系统症状出现,也有可能单独出现。”





You may have read that the unprecedented COVID-19 vaccine rollouts in the U.K. and the U.S. have hit some early road bumps. In the slightly more than a week since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Pfizer and BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine an emergency authorization for certain groups at the highest risk of COVID, such as health workers and nursing home residents, there have already been issues with distribution and disparate, confusing policies on to whom exactly the first doses should go.

None of this is all that unexpected, given the highly complex nature of this project and the gamut of stakeholders who need to work together to make a vaccine campaign successful. But one thing that may be giving Americans pause as the effort rolls out is the wave of initial reports of side effects experienced by some of the first people in the U.K. and the U.S. to receive doses of Pfizer's COVID vaccine, including health workers.

At least two health care professionals in Alaska developed serious reactions, including one who had to be hospitalized. Two other health care workers in the U.K. developed similar symptoms, including anaphylactic symptoms, but most of the workers recovered from their symptoms quickly, including one within slightly more than an hour. More of these stories will inevitably trickle in, since the vaccine is so new and the sheer number of people, all with different biological peccadilloes, are expected to eventually take it. (We'll find out in the coming months exactly when other groups can get a shot, which will likely depend on where you live.)

An allergic reaction certainly sounds like an unpleasant prospect, but if it's deterring you from getting a vaccine, it shouldn't. Instead, you should keep an eye on potential side effects and prepare to potentially take a day or two off from work if they prove severe.

Although side effects are possible and can be severe, they tend not to be debilitating in most people without a severe history of allergies or inflammatory problems. There's plenty of evidence of that, both from Pfizer's and Moderna's large-scale clinical trials and from the conclusions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .

That said, side effects are fairly widespread, per the CDC report. The most common by far is some pain at the site of the first COVID vaccine injection, which is usually done in the arm. In a trial of Pfizer's vaccine versus a placebo, more than 83% of people aged 18 to 55 reported experiencing this side effect.

But 51.1% of the study participants reported that the injection site pain was mild; another 30% reported it was moderate. Severe and above was limited to 1%. Other side effects such as redness and swelling were far more rare. Other common issues, which lasted a median of about one day, according to the CDC, included fatigue, headache, and muscle pain (although which mild to moderate side effects hit which age groups can vary).

Healthy skepticism is understandable. But health care experts note it's still more important to get a COVID vaccine than risk getting COVID-19 itself. That latter option is far more precarious.

One expert, Dr. Melanie Swift of the Mayo Clinic, recently told Fortune that her own health system has developed a grid of side effects related to COVID vaccines versus those related to active coronavirus infections, in order to keep as much of a depleted workforce in place as possible.

So how do these (generally) mild-to-medium, (usually) brief side effects compare to the symptoms that hit you when you actually contract the disease?

"When the virus does cause symptoms, common ones include fever, body ache, dry cough, fatigue, chills, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, and loss of smell," according to a guide from Harvard Medical School. "In some people, COVID-19 causes more severe symptoms like high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath, which often indicates pneumonia. People with COVID-19 are also experiencing neurological symptoms, gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, or both. These may occur with or without respiratory symptoms."

There have been more than 18.5 million coronavirus cases and 326,000 COVID-related deaths in the U.S. to date. That's more than five times as many deaths in the highest range of the CDC's estimates for annual flu-related deaths since 2010.

Those numbers make an even stronger case for taking a chance on the vaccine.
