

Lance Lambert; Anne Sraders 2020-11-17





在竞选期间,拜登主张大规模刺激,他对个人救助支票方案表示赞同,同时还倡导减免每人1万美元的联邦学生贷款,并提出要为企业职工谋求带薪病假。他指责共和党人未能在5月通过众议院所提请的《英雄法案》(HEROES Act),如果该法案施行,其刺激金额可达3万亿美元,每位纳税人及未成年的被抚养人也会分别获得1200美元及500美元。不过,拜登并没有就他此后期望的具体救助金额及救助条件做出过说明。


影响谈判结果的另外一个不确定因素在于民主党在参议院中的席位问题。众所周知,佐治亚州有2个席位将于明年1月5日决选,如果共和党能够保住其中之一,那么他们便依旧是参议院多数党。在这种情况下,部分经济学家预计国会最终推出的刺激法案不会规模太大,大概率在1万亿美元左右徘徊。但如果民主党一举吞并了2个席位,共和党和民主党之间的席位数量便会呈现“50:50”对半开的状态,届时现任副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)就可以实行宪法权力,为民主党投上关键一票,以此打破两党的对峙僵局。







在竞选期间,拜登主张大规模刺激,他对个人救助支票方案表示赞同,同时还倡导减免每人1万美元的联邦学生贷款,并提出要为企业职工谋求带薪病假。他指责共和党人未能在5月通过众议院所提请的《英雄法案》(HEROES Act),如果该法案施行,其刺激金额可达3万亿美元,每位纳税人及未成年的被抚养人也会分别获得1200美元及500美元。不过,拜登并没有就他此后期望的具体救助金额及救助条件做出过说明。


影响谈判结果的另外一个不确定因素在于民主党在参议院中的席位问题。众所周知,佐治亚州有2个席位将于明年1月5日决选,如果共和党能够保住其中之一,那么他们便依旧是参议院多数党。在这种情况下,部分经济学家预计国会最终推出的刺激法案不会规模太大,大概率在1万亿美元左右徘徊。但如果民主党一举吞并了2个席位,共和党和民主党之间的席位数量便会呈现“50:50”对半开的状态,届时现任副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)就可以实行宪法权力,为民主党投上关键一票,以此打破两党的对峙僵局。



Prior to the election, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump were both in agreement to send another $1,200 stimulus check to Americans. But that plan was held up as the two sides debated the other items and final price tag of the next stimulus package: House Democrats stood firm at $2.2 trillion, while the White House’s final offer was about $1.9 trillion.

But the Joe Biden win has changed the dynamics of the negotiations. Now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has taken the reins for Republicans in stimulus negotiations. And unlike Trump, McConnell doesn't believe the economy needs another multi-trillion aid package nor more stimulus checks. The Kentucky Senator reiterated that assessment last week after the unemployment rate dropped to 6.9% in October—down from its 14.7% peak in April.

Instead, McConnell would prefer a more measured approach like the $500 billion “skinny” stimulus package that Senate Republicans put forward twice this year, which he deems "more appropriate." Both times Senate Democrats blocked the package, which didn't include another round of $1,200 stimulus checks, and Speaker Pelosi is maintaining that kind of deal is a "nonstarter," recently telling reporters a smaller version "doesn't appeal" to her.

It's widely expected on Capitol Hill that nothing will get passed until after the inauguration in January. That means where Biden stands on the direct checks—and if he's willing to stand his ground against McConnell—will largely determine the fate of another round of stimulus checks.

During the campaign Biden advocated for another round of stimulus checks that would be included in a massive economic aid package, along with items like forgiving $10,000 per person in federal student loans and providing emergency paid sick leave. However, Biden didn't specify the amount or the conditions for the stimulus checks. And while on the campaign trail Biden accosted Republicans for not passing the $3 trillion HEROES Act, which passed in the Democratic-controlled House in May. The HEROES Act would have provided another $1,200 stimulus check to tax payers, and $500 for each dependent.

In all likelihood, Biden and Pelosi would press for similar economic aid proposals—something that could ultimately end up resembling the HEROES Act. But they're likely to face a stiff negotiating partner in McConnell—someone who was just reelected for six years—and is worried that another multi-trillion stimulus package would further ballon U.S. debt.

The wild card in the stimulus debates are the pair of Republican Georgia Senate seats going into runoffs in early January. If Republicans hold one Georgia seat, they retain the chamber, and some economists expect a smaller deal, around or under $1 trillion, would be more realistic to pass under a divided Congress. If Democrats take both, they'd have power of the 50–50 spilt chamber through the tie-breaking vote the Constitution grants the Vice President (now Vice President–elect Kamala Harris).

If Democrats manage to secure both legislative bodies, Democrats could move to use budget reconciliation in the Senate to pass a massive stimulus package including another round of stimulus checks after Biden's inauguration in January. But if Republicans win one of the Georgia runoffs and retain the Senate, Democrats would need McConnell on board in order to pass another economic aid package.
