

骆杰峰(Jeff John Roberts) 2020-11-09


美国司法部于11月5日缴获了一大批比特币。图片来源:TRAVISWOLFE VIA GETTY IMAGES

美国司法部(U.S. Justice Department)在11月5日宣布,从被其称为“个人X”的神秘人处缴获了接近7万枚比特币。


美国司法部的起诉书称,持有该笔比特币的数字钱包属于一名黑客。这名黑客从臭名昭著的黑市网站丝路(Silk Road)的经营者处盗取了这些比特币。“丝路”是一个庞大的毒品及其他犯罪活动的在线交易平台。美国联邦政府在2013年取缔了该网站,并逮捕了其所有人。目前该网站的所有人仍然在监狱服刑。









美国司法部不仅从“个人X”处缴获了69,370.22491543枚比特币,还包括同样数量的三种分叉货币Bitcoin Cash、Bitcoin Gold和Bitcoin SV。这三种货币的价值约为3,000万美元。

美国政府尚未公布将如何处置被缴获的比特币,但以往的做法是,通过由美国法警署(U.S. Marshals Service)组织的拍卖对外出售,拍卖所得将归执法部门所有。(财富中文网)



美国司法部(U.S. Justice Department)在11月5日宣布,从被其称为“个人X”的神秘人处缴获了接近7万枚比特币。


美国司法部的起诉书称,持有该笔比特币的数字钱包属于一名黑客。这名黑客从臭名昭著的黑市网站丝路(Silk Road)的经营者处盗取了这些比特币。“丝路”是一个庞大的毒品及其他犯罪活动的在线交易平台。美国联邦政府在2013年取缔了该网站,并逮捕了其所有人。目前该网站的所有人仍然在监狱服刑。









美国司法部不仅从“个人X”处缴获了69,370.22491543枚比特币,还包括同样数量的三种分叉货币Bitcoin Cash、Bitcoin Gold和Bitcoin SV。这三种货币的价值约为3,000万美元。

美国政府尚未公布将如何处置被缴获的比特币,但以往的做法是,通过由美国法警署(U.S. Marshals Service)组织的拍卖对外出售,拍卖所得将归执法部门所有。(财富中文网)



The U.S. Justice Department announced on November 5 it has seized nearly 70,000 Bitcoins from a person the agency would describe only as "Individual X."

The news is remarkable because of the value of Bitcoin seized—the haul is worth around $1.05 billion based on today's Bitcoin price of $15,000—but also because of the timing and the mysterious nature of the seizure.

According to a Justice Department complaint, the digital wallet holding the Bitcoins belonged to a hacker who stole them from the operator of the Silk Road, a notorious black market website that acted as a giant online bazaar for drugs and other criminal activity. The federal government took down the Silk Road and arrested its owner—who is now serving life in prison—in 2013.

The Justice Department complaint says IRS agents reviewed the hacker's activities earlier this year with the help of a cryptocurrency forensics firm. That firm, Chainalysis, published a blog post detailing how it analyzed the Bitcoin blockchain—a tamper-proof public ledger of transactions—to track the hacker's activities.

The blog post includes the graphic below, which shows the stolen Bitcoins moving to different wallets, including one transaction in which the hacker moved 101 Bitcoins to a now-shuttered criminal exchange called BTC-e:

According to a person familiar with the investigation, the hacker's robbery of Silk Road—which took the form of 54 transactions in less than 24 hours—took place in 2012. Meanwhile, the transfer of 101 Bitcoins took place in 2015, with no further transactions after that.

This raises the question of why the so-called Individual X hasn't touched any of the funds, even as Bitcoin has soared in price. There appear to be two possible explanations: The person is a wealthy individual who did not need to sell any of the Bitcoins, or else the person is in prison without access to a website needed to transfer the funds.

The source familiar with the investigation said it is significant the complaint was filed in San Francisco, and that Individual X signed a consent decree. This implies the person in question is located in Northern California and is cooperating with law enforcement—as does the fact the Justice Department was able to seize the Bitcoin, which could only have occurred if the person provided the password or "private key" needed to transfer Bitcoin funds.

As for why the Justice Department didn't name the individual, the source speculated it was because the person could be at risk of violent retaliation from criminals tied to the Silk Road.

“They’re not in the safest business in the world," the source said.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment as to whether Individual X is in prison. Nor did the agency state if a criminal complaint—as opposed to the civil one unveiled—will be forthcoming. The lack of any criminal complaint may suggest Individual X is already incarcerated and may have agreed to turn over the Bitcoin as part of a cooperation arrangement with authorities.

The Justice Department seized not only 69,370.22491543 Bitcoins from Individual X, but the same amount in three spinoff currencies known as Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, and Bitcoin SV. Together, those other currencies are worth around $30 million.

The government hasn't announced what it will do with the seized Bitcoins, but in the past it has sold them though auctions run by the U.S. Marshals Service, with the proceeds primarily going to law enforcement agencies.
