

Rachel King 2020-08-21

英国洋酒巨头帝亚吉欧集团(Diageo)在8月17日宣布,计划收购金酒品牌Aviation American Gin以及Davos Brands销售的多款酒精饮料。《死侍》男主角、著名影星瑞安•雷诺兹是Aviation American Gin的股东之一。

此次收购的对价总额高达6.1亿美元,其中初期支付3.35亿美元,根据Aviation Gin未来10年的业绩可能额外支付2.75亿美元。帝亚吉欧在一份声明中表示,该财务计划体现了该品牌目前的增长趋势和预期增长潜力。该笔交易预计将在2020年年底之前完成。雷诺兹将保留他在Aviation Gin的所有者权益。

Aviation Gin在2005年成立于俄勒冈州波特兰市。它一直以“美式金酒”自称,形容其酿酒使用的草本原料,比伦敦干金酒更柔和、更顺口。2016年11月,该公司被精酿烈酒进口商Davos Brands收购,之后一直被该公司全资所有。Davos销售的其他烈酒包括TY KU Sake、Sombra Mezcal和Astral Tequila等。


瑞安•雷诺兹将保留他在Aviation Gin的所有者权益。图片来源:Courtesy of Aviation Gin


除了雷诺兹和克鲁尼以外,多年来有许多好莱坞名人曾经投资酒精饮料品牌,但到目前为止,只有包括他们在内的少数人获得了高回报。到现在为止,其他较为成功的合作包括“吹牛老爹”从2007年起担任伏特加品牌Cîroc的代言人;贾斯汀•汀布莱克与Casa Sauza在龙舌兰酒方面的合作;以及真人秀明星贝瑟妮•弗兰克尔与宾三得利(Beam Suntory)合作创立的Skinnygirl品牌,涵盖了葡萄酒、伏特加、玛格丽塔酒和桑格里酒等。马修•麦康纳也在2018年宣布,他将与他人合作推出一款使用得克萨斯州牧豆灌木和橡木炭过滤的波旁威士忌Wild Turkey Longbranch。

葡萄酒行业同样与明星们关系密切,例如,弗朗西斯•福特•柯波在纳帕谷买下的一座庞大的酒庄,以及他在2012年与尚未离婚的安吉丽娜•朱莉和布拉德•皮特夫妇合作购买的Miraval Rosé酒庄。该酒庄位于法国著名的普罗旺斯产区。同样,并非所有明星代言的葡萄酒和烈酒都能受到粉丝欢迎,有些品牌不仅没有给明星们带来收入,反而带来了嘲笑。卡梅隆•迪亚兹最近首次进军葡萄酒市场,在今年夏天推出了一款所谓的纯净葡萄酒Avaline,但消费者的反应平平,因为它实际上并没有达到天然葡萄酒的标准。

Aviation American Gin是使用各种草本原料精心酿制的美式金酒,有淡淡的杜松子味,口感顺滑。图片来源:Courtesy of Aviation Gin


对帝亚吉欧来说,收购Aviation Gin丰富了公司的产品组合,扩大了其在高级优质金酒市场的影响力。尽管对于所谓“高级优质”的定义仍然存在争议,但近几年这类酒的人气飙升。IWSR的数据显示,2019年,Aviation Gin的销量增长了一倍以上,销量增长幅度最高,对全美高级优质金酒增长的贡献率高达40% 。

但在产品组合中增加一个金酒品牌也有好处;过去几年,金酒销量的增长正是得益于Negroni等鸡尾酒品牌的畅销。未来,帝亚吉欧旗下将包括Aviation Gin、Tanqueray、Gordon’s和Gilbey’s等金酒品牌。来自伦敦的帝亚吉欧旗下还有苏格兰威士忌品牌尊尼获加(Johnnie Walker)、摩根船长(Captain Morgan)朗姆酒、百利甜酒(Baileys Irish Cream)、唐胡里奥(Don Julio)龙舌兰酒、健力士(Guinness)啤酒以及思美洛(Smirnoff)、Cîroc和坎特一号(Ketel One)等伏特加品牌。(财富中文网)


英国洋酒巨头帝亚吉欧集团(Diageo)在8月17日宣布,计划收购金酒品牌Aviation American Gin以及Davos Brands销售的多款酒精饮料。《死侍》男主角、著名影星瑞安•雷诺兹是Aviation American Gin的股东之一。

此次收购的对价总额高达6.1亿美元,其中初期支付3.35亿美元,根据Aviation Gin未来10年的业绩可能额外支付2.75亿美元。帝亚吉欧在一份声明中表示,该财务计划体现了该品牌目前的增长趋势和预期增长潜力。该笔交易预计将在2020年年底之前完成。雷诺兹将保留他在Aviation Gin的所有者权益。

Aviation Gin在2005年成立于俄勒冈州波特兰市。它一直以“美式金酒”自称,形容其酿酒使用的草本原料,比伦敦干金酒更柔和、更顺口。2016年11月,该公司被精酿烈酒进口商Davos Brands收购,之后一直被该公司全资所有。Davos销售的其他烈酒包括TY KU Sake、Sombra Mezcal和Astral Tequila等。



除了雷诺兹和克鲁尼以外,多年来有许多好莱坞名人曾经投资酒精饮料品牌,但到目前为止,只有包括他们在内的少数人获得了高回报。到现在为止,其他较为成功的合作包括“吹牛老爹”从2007年起担任伏特加品牌Cîroc的代言人;贾斯汀•汀布莱克与Casa Sauza在龙舌兰酒方面的合作;以及真人秀明星贝瑟妮•弗兰克尔与宾三得利(Beam Suntory)合作创立的Skinnygirl品牌,涵盖了葡萄酒、伏特加、玛格丽塔酒和桑格里酒等。马修•麦康纳也在2018年宣布,他将与他人合作推出一款使用得克萨斯州牧豆灌木和橡木炭过滤的波旁威士忌Wild Turkey Longbranch。

葡萄酒行业同样与明星们关系密切,例如,弗朗西斯•福特•柯波在纳帕谷买下的一座庞大的酒庄,以及他在2012年与尚未离婚的安吉丽娜•朱莉和布拉德•皮特夫妇合作购买的Miraval Rosé酒庄。该酒庄位于法国著名的普罗旺斯产区。同样,并非所有明星代言的葡萄酒和烈酒都能受到粉丝欢迎,有些品牌不仅没有给明星们带来收入,反而带来了嘲笑。卡梅隆•迪亚兹最近首次进军葡萄酒市场,在今年夏天推出了一款所谓的纯净葡萄酒Avaline,但消费者的反应平平,因为它实际上并没有达到天然葡萄酒的标准。


对帝亚吉欧来说,收购Aviation Gin丰富了公司的产品组合,扩大了其在高级优质金酒市场的影响力。尽管对于所谓“高级优质”的定义仍然存在争议,但近几年这类酒的人气飙升。IWSR的数据显示,2019年,Aviation Gin的销量增长了一倍以上,销量增长幅度最高,对全美高级优质金酒增长的贡献率高达40% 。

但在产品组合中增加一个金酒品牌也有好处;过去几年,金酒销量的增长正是得益于Negroni等鸡尾酒品牌的畅销。未来,帝亚吉欧旗下将包括Aviation Gin、Tanqueray、Gordon’s和Gilbey’s等金酒品牌。来自伦敦的帝亚吉欧旗下还有苏格兰威士忌品牌尊尼获加(Johnnie Walker)、摩根船长(Captain Morgan)朗姆酒、百利甜酒(Baileys Irish Cream)、唐胡里奥(Don Julio)龙舌兰酒、健力士(Guinness)啤酒以及思美洛(Smirnoff)、Cîroc和坎特一号(Ketel One)等伏特加品牌。(财富中文网)


Diageo announced on August 17 it plans to acquire Aviation American Gin, which is co-owned by actor Ryan Reynolds, among other liquors sold by Davos Brands.

The total consideration is up to $610 million, which includes an initial payment of $335 million and a further potential consideration of up to $275 million, based on the performance of Aviation Gin over a 10-year period. Diageo said in a statement that this financial plan reflects the brand’s current growth trajectory and expected upside potential. The transaction is expected to close before the end of 2020. Reynolds will retain an ongoing ownership interest in Aviation Gin.

Founded in Portland, Ore., with inspiration for the company dating back to 2005, Aviation Gin has historically described itself as an “American gin,” boasting a botanical mix touted to be smoother and easier to drink when compared with London Dry gins. The company had previously been owned solely by craft spirits importer Davos Brands after being purchased in November 2016. Other spirits in Davos’s portfolio include TY KU Sake, Sombra Mezcal, and Astral Tequila.

The Deadpool actor made a splash in February 2018 with the surprise announcement of his ownership stake. Also serving as the face of the brand on billboards and in commercials, Reynolds told reporters a few months later that he planned to take an active role in the day-to-day business and creative direction of the company.

The acquisition marks Diageo’s second purchase in recent years of a Hollywood-backed spirit. In 2017, the liquor conglomerate acquired the tequila brand Casamigos, which had been cofounded four years earlier by George Clooney and Rande Gerber, in a deal estimated to be worth $1 billion.

Reynolds and Clooney are just two among many Hollywood personalities who have invested in liquor brands in the past several years, although they are among the few who have seen the most in returns thus far. Some of the other more successful collaborations to date include Sean “Diddy” Combs serving as brand ambassador for vodka brand Cîroc since as far back as 2007; Justin Timberlake’s tequila collaboration with Casa Sauza; and reality star Bethenny Frankel’s Skinnygirl line, which spans wine, vodka, margaritas, and sangria in partnership with Beam Suntory. Matthew McConaughey also announced in 2018 that he was working on a collaboration to launch Wild Turkey Longbranch, a bourbon filtered with Texas mesquite and oak charcoals.

The well is deep with celebrities in the wine industry, too, including Francis Ford Coppola’s sprawling wine estates in Napa Valley, and Miraval Rosé, sourced from France’s famed Provence region and a joint purchase in 2012 by then-couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Then again, not all celebrity-endorsed wines and spirits find success with fans, and some have become more sources of mockery than revenue. Cameron Diaz’s recent wine-market debut, the so-called clean wine Avaline, was met this summer with a lukewarm reception given it doesn’t actually meet natural wine standards.

Nevertheless, Diageo’s multimillion (and billion)-dollar purchases will likely entice more celebrities to lend their names to beer, wine, and spirits brands, providing perhaps a safer stream of cash, especially while television and film productions remain in limbo in the U.S. as the pandemic continues.

For Diageo, the purchase of Aviation Gin pads the company’s extensive portfolio—expanding its presence in the super-premium gin market, which has surged in popularity in recent years even if the definition of super-premium still remains debatable. In 2019, Aviation Gin grew volumes at over 100%, adding the highest number of cases and contributing 40% of super-premium gin segment growth, according to IWSR data.

But it also helps to have another gin brand in the mix; gin sales have been up in the past few years thanks to the rising popularity of certain cocktails, namely the Negroni. Aviation Gin will join Tanqueray, Gordon’s, and Gilbey’s gin in the Diageo liquor cabinet. The London-based corporation also owns Scotch whisky maker Johnnie Walker, Captain Morgan rum, Baileys Irish Cream, Don Julio tequila, Guinness beer, and vodka makers Smirnoff, Cîroc, and Ketel One.
