

柯问思(Beth Kowitt) 2020-06-27

女性健康初创公司Modern Fertility将推出两款测试产品:一个是妊娠测试,另一个是排卵测试。这些产品将很快在竞争中脱颖而出。它没有花哨的外表,而是在补阙拾遗:包装上没有任何可爱婴儿的形象。


然而,当Modern Fertility对其用户进行调查时,近75%的受调对象称她们当前没有怀孕计划。然而,她们据称会使用荷尔蒙测试来更好地了解自己的生育健康情况。

Modern Fertility的联合创始人兼首席执行官埃弗顿·维切瑞说:“它反映了一个广泛的行业和社会趋势,并证明整个生育产业的内涵需要进一步扩大。”


然而,Modern Fertility新产品的发布以及即将推出的应用程序(帮助解读和跟踪测试结果),是公司采取的具有更广泛影响力的举措,目的是将生育领域转变为维切瑞所称的“主流健康”领域。

风投资本公司Forerunner Ventures是Modern FertilityA轮融资的领投者,其创始合伙人科斯腾·格林说:“如果你思考一下公司的创建准则和初衷,你会发现其目的在于扩大有关生育的对话,甚至是其定义。”尽管这个领域的很多研究和资金都流向了不孕不育领域,或那些难以怀孕的夫妇,但维切瑞说,其目标是“为没有生育问题的女性组建一家生育公司”,这样她们便可以在生育问题上更加主动。

Modern Fertility 在决定推出这款新产品之前曾经从用户那里获悉:当前市场上衡量女性生育峰值窗口期的排卵测试对她们来说不实用。这种回答有关女性“是否”排卵的简单测试对那些自身荷尔蒙水平达不到测试标准门槛的女性来说是没有意义的。在应用程序的帮助下,Modern Fertility的产品能够给出排卵促黄体激素的具体值,并在一段时间内跟踪其水平,而不是仅仅简单地回答阳性或阴性。


应当承认,Modern Fertility的妊娠测试非常标准,但公司将在其网站上销售,四组14美元。顶级妊娠测试的成本可高达其两倍。

对于格林来说,Modern Fertility与其公司的理念完美契合,她说,新冠疫情反而加速了这一理念的成形。她说:“过去十年人们大多谈论的是满足愿望和欲望,而未来十年将更多地专注于对人们充分享受生活至关重要的需求和事物。”她还说:“它完全在于人类本身和人类赋能,以及我们如何围绕这一理念打造更好的业务。”(财富中文网)


女性健康初创公司Modern Fertility将推出两款测试产品:一个是妊娠测试,另一个是排卵测试。这些产品将很快在竞争中脱颖而出。它没有花哨的外表,而是在补阙拾遗:包装上没有任何可爱婴儿的形象。


然而,当Modern Fertility对其用户进行调查时,近75%的受调对象称她们当前没有怀孕计划。然而,她们据称会使用荷尔蒙测试来更好地了解自己的生育健康情况。

Modern Fertility的联合创始人兼首席执行官埃弗顿·维切瑞说:“它反映了一个广泛的行业和社会趋势,并证明整个生育产业的内涵需要进一步扩大。”


然而,Modern Fertility新产品的发布以及即将推出的应用程序(帮助解读和跟踪测试结果),是公司采取的具有更广泛影响力的举措,目的是将生育领域转变为维切瑞所称的“主流健康”领域。

风投资本公司Forerunner Ventures是Modern FertilityA轮融资的领投者,其创始合伙人科斯腾·格林说:“如果你思考一下公司的创建准则和初衷,你会发现其目的在于扩大有关生育的对话,甚至是其定义。”尽管这个领域的很多研究和资金都流向了不孕不育领域,或那些难以怀孕的夫妇,但维切瑞说,其目标是“为没有生育问题的女性组建一家生育公司”,这样她们便可以在生育问题上更加主动。

Modern Fertility 在决定推出这款新产品之前曾经从用户那里获悉:当前市场上衡量女性生育峰值窗口期的排卵测试对她们来说不实用。这种回答有关女性“是否”排卵的简单测试对那些自身荷尔蒙水平达不到测试标准门槛的女性来说是没有意义的。在应用程序的帮助下,Modern Fertility的产品能够给出排卵促黄体激素的具体值,并在一段时间内跟踪其水平,而不是仅仅简单地回答阳性或阴性。


应当承认,Modern Fertility的妊娠测试非常标准,但公司将在其网站上销售,四组14美元。顶级妊娠测试的成本可高达其两倍。

对于格林来说,Modern Fertility与其公司的理念完美契合,她说,新冠疫情反而加速了这一理念的成形。她说:“过去十年人们大多谈论的是满足愿望和欲望,而未来十年将更多地专注于对人们充分享受生活至关重要的需求和事物。”她还说:“它完全在于人类本身和人类赋能,以及我们如何围绕这一理念打造更好的业务。”(财富中文网)


Women’s health startup Modern Fertility is launching a pair of tests—one for detecting pregnancy and the other for ovulation—that will immediately stand out from the competition. Not for any extra bells and whistles, but for what they lack: Not a single cute baby adorns their packaging.

It’s a very intentional choice by the three-year-old startup. The San Francisco–based company’s first product was an at-home hormone fertility test—one that historically would only be given at a fertility clinic to women struggling to conceive.

And yet when Modern Fertility surveyed its users, nearly 75% of them said they were not currently trying to get pregnant. Instead, they reported using the hormone test to better understand their reproductive health.

“It reflects a broader industry and societal trend,” says Modern Fertility cofounder and CEO Afton Vechery. “It validates that the whole fertility category needs to be broader.”

She noted that with half the pregnancies in the U.S. unplanned and one in six couples struggling to conceive, some of the baby-centric products currently on the market “can be triggering to a lot of women. When you go to buy these products,” she says, “they imply that you’re trying for one thing—that you’re thinking about babies right now.”

The launch of Modern Fertility’s new products and an upcoming app, which helps read and track test results, is part of a broader push by the company to shift the fertility category into what Vechery calls “mainstream wellness.”

“If you think about the founding principles and goals for the company,” says Kirsten Green, founding partner of venture capital firm Forerunner Ventures, which led Modern Fertility’s Series A round of funding, “it’s really about broadening the conversation around fertility—even the definition of it.” While much of the research and funding in the space has been invested in infertility, or couples struggling to conceive, Vechery says her goal is “building a fertility company for women who don’t have fertility issues” so they can be more proactive about their reproductive health.

Modern Fertility decided to launch its new products after hearing from some of its users that the ovulation tests—which measure a woman’s peak fertile window—currently on the market weren’t working for them. The simple yes/no tests that tell women whether they are ovulating are ineffective for women whose hormones don’t align with the tests’ standard threshold. Modern Fertility’s product, with the help of its app, gives a specific value of the luteinizing hormone that leads to ovulation and tracks its level over time, instead of giving just a simple positive or negative.

In a survey of 400 women, the company found that the most popular reason women wanted to track their ovulation was not necessarily because they were trying to get pregnant but because they wanted to learn more about their bodies. “These traditional products were designed for this one specific person”—a woman trying to conceive—“but women were using them in new ways,” Vechery says. “We wanted to create the product experience for this new landscape.”

Modern Fertility’s pregnancy tests are admittedly pretty standard, but the company will sell them on its website for $14 for a four-count; top pregnancy tests can cost up to double that amount.

For Green, Modern Fertility fits squarely into her firm’s thesis—one that she says has only been accelerated by COVID-19. “The last decade was a lot about satisfying wants and desires,” she says, “and this next decade will be much more focused on need and things that are vital to us living our best lives.” She adds, “It’s about people and human empowerment and how we can build better businesses around that.”
