

Chris Morris 2020-01-15


随着展会临近尾声,Engadget、The Verge等技术网站也分别发布了它们眼中的CES年度最佳产品。虽然过去几年各家网站往往能对哪项技术最有趣达成共识,但今年的结果却并非那么明朗。


在The Verge这边,虽然内部有不一样的声音,但最终还是将联想的可折叠计算机ThinkPad X1 Fold评为本届CES的最佳产品。在今年的CES展上,联想不止带来了概念机,还提供了产品规格信息及确定的发布日期,也正是凭借这一点,联想成功打动The Verge,当选年度最佳。

虽然CNET并未选出某件特定的CES最佳产品,而是将目光放在了20种不同产品上,但是其对Impossible Foods生产的Impossible Pork格外另眼相看,本次参展是Impossible Pork的年度首秀,获得了口味测试人员的诸多好评,这也是继去年后该公司再度载誉而归。

其它品类的一些产品也吸引了Engadget编辑们的目光,例如新型助听器Phonak Virto Black,这是一种为用户耳道量身定制的产品,具备蓝牙流媒体功能,可以充当接听电话的耳塞,同时其还配备了名为“Roger”的外部设备,能够帮助实现远程聆听。

凭借新款电视机产品线,三星和LG也双双获奖,The Verge认为三星的QLED无边框8K电视机更胜一筹,而Engadget则对LG 的CX系列OLED电视更为青睐。CNET更偏好Vizio的新款OLED电视,根据过往经验,后者提供的电视产品售价往往更低廉。(财富中文网)




随着展会临近尾声,Engadget、The Verge等技术网站也分别发布了它们眼中的CES年度最佳产品。虽然过去几年各家网站往往能对哪项技术最有趣达成共识,但今年的结果却并非那么明朗。


在The Verge这边,虽然内部有不一样的声音,但最终还是将联想的可折叠计算机ThinkPad X1 Fold评为本届CES的最佳产品。在今年的CES展上,联想不止带来了概念机,还提供了产品规格信息及确定的发布日期,也正是凭借这一点,联想成功打动The Verge,当选年度最佳。

虽然CNET并未选出某件特定的CES最佳产品,而是将目光放在了20种不同产品上,但是其对Impossible Foods生产的Impossible Pork格外另眼相看,本次参展是Impossible Pork的年度首秀,获得了口味测试人员的诸多好评,这也是继去年后该公司再度载誉而归。

其它品类的一些产品也吸引了Engadget编辑们的目光,例如新型助听器Phonak Virto Black,这是一种为用户耳道量身定制的产品,具备蓝牙流媒体功能,可以充当接听电话的耳塞,同时其还配备了名为“Roger”的外部设备,能够帮助实现远程聆听。

凭借新款电视机产品线,三星和LG也双双获奖,The Verge认为三星的QLED无边框8K电视机更胜一筹,而Engadget则对LG 的CX系列OLED电视更为青睐。CNET更偏好Vizio的新款OLED电视,根据过往经验,后者提供的电视产品售价往往更低廉。(财富中文网)



Despite all the attention paid to sexual wellness products at this year’s CES, when it was time to pick the best of show, traditional tech ruled supreme.

Technology sites, such as Engadget and The Verge, have rolled out their annual Best of CES awards as the show winds down. And while previous years have frequently seen a consensus about the show’s most interesting tech, this year was a bit less clear.

Engadget gave this year’s nod to Hydraloop, a device that recycles water used in the home by up to 85% say its manufacturers. That could significantly reduce water consumption and help in drought stricken areas. The device carries a beefy $4,000 price tag, but Engadget editors were impressed with how frictionless the device was, which could make it more appealing to consumers

The Verge, meanwhile, named Lenovo’s ThinkPad X1 Fold, a foldable computer, as its best of show winner, though it did admit there was some internal disagreement about the choice. By offering a spec sheet and a firm release date, rather than just showcasing a concept unit, Lenovo made the cut, though.

CNET didn’t name any one particular item its best of show (focusing instead on 20), but it did show appreciation for Impossible Foods’ Impossible Pork, which made its debut at CES this year, noting the positive comments from taste testers and the continuation of the company’s winning streak from last year.

Other products that caught editors eyes in different categories at Engadget included Phonak Virto Black, a new style of hearing aid that’s custom made for users’ ear canals, offers Bluetooth streaming, acts as an earbud for phone calls and comes with an external device (called “Roger”) that helps with distance listening.

And Samsung and LG both got awards for their new line of TVs, with The Verge leaning towards Samsung’s QLED Bezel-less 8K set, while Engadget favored the LG CX-series OLED TVs. CNET was more enamored with Vizio’s new OLED TV, noting the company’s history of offering more affordable sets.
