

赖新基(Adam Lashinsky) 2019-03-26

2018年1月9日,北京中南海紫光阁,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(中间)在等待与中国总理李克强会面时挥手。图片来源:Mark Schiefelbein—Pool/Getty Images



但马斯克所犯的错误也不比其传奇事迹少多少。他杠上了政府监管方,挑起了一场极具破坏力的不必要争斗。有一天他说,特斯拉将关闭其所有展厅。随后《华尔街日报》称,展厅地主并不打算让特斯拉退租。马斯克随即澄清,公司并非要关闭所有的展厅。他曾经宣布了一些自己工厂无法实现的生产目标,然后又重蹈覆辙。Bernstein的分析师托尼·萨科纳吉在抱怨马斯克承诺过的新Model Y两厢车的交付时限时说道:“我们忍不住要问,这一幕难道不觉得眼熟吗?”





How is it that Elon Musk has traveled so quickly from slavishly admired disruptive visionary to widely ridiculed industry punchline?

Vintage Musk was the maverick who time and again showed others the future. He helped invent online payments at PayPal. He oversaw a team that built a gorgeous electric car without Detroit’s help. He led the way to commercial space exploration. He showed how the residential solar panel business could go mainstream. The list is endless.

Fumbling Musk’s list of screw-ups is equally long. He picks unnecessary and distracting fights with government regulators. One day he says Tesla will close all its showrooms. Then The Wall Street Journal reports that landlords have no intention of letting Tesla out of its leases. Musk next announces not all the showrooms will close after all. He declares production targets his factories can’t meet. Then he does it again. “We can’t help but wonder whether we’ve seen this movie before,” laments Bernstein analyst Toni Sacconaghi about manufacturing timelines Musk has promised for the new Model Y hatchback.

At first blush, Musk is demonstrating all the attributes of a bright-shiny-objects manager, an inexperienced executive who chases fads either because they suit his whims or because they cover up existing problems. But Musk is no rookie. He has built real businesses.

Then again, his critics always said automobile manufacturing would be different. It’s a mass-production business that requires otherworldly attention to capital allocation, labor management, and regulatory compliance. With Tesla, Musk and his colleagues—it’s always important to remember this isn’t a one-man show, in good times and bad—delivered one of the great artisanal products of our day. Turning that into a global car company requires the types of skills that winging it simply won’t supply.
