

Ed McLaughlin 2016-10-10

以下内容摘自埃德·麦克劳克林和维恩·里德克尔的新书《目的即利润》(Purpose Is Profit),其中详尽描述了麦克劳克林辞去高管职务,创立一家蓬勃发展的新公司,并最终被《财富》100强公司收购的过程。作为一位连续创业者,麦克劳克林目前是房地产和投资公司Blue Sunsets创始人兼首席执行官,该公司总部设在康涅狄格州达里恩镇。





- 你是否会提供服务或产品,直接从客户那里获得销售收入?

- 贵公司是否会充当中间人,帮助买卖双方走到一起,然后收取相应的服务费,或者按其交易额收取佣金?

- 贵公司是否会发布内容或者建立在线社区,然后对内容或社区访问者收费?

- 你是否会提供内容或在线社区收费,并从瞄准贵公司受众或用户的广告主那里获得收入?

- 你是否会通过允许他人使用自己的产品来收取授权费?

- 你是否会收集数据并向营销人员收取数据访问费吗?

- 贵公司会综合采用多种收入模式吗?






- 你会建立一种崭新的定价模式吗?

- 你的价格会和传统基准保持一致吗?

- 你的价格会有竞争力吗?

- 你会销售优质产品,进而可以确立高于竞争对手的价格吗?还是会进行低价竞争呢?

- 你应该通过简单加成定价来覆盖单位成本吗?

- 如果你是内容供应商,你推出的那种广告的主流费用是多少?

- 如果你是数据供应商,营销人员一般会为访问类似信息付多少钱呢?

- 你的价格会覆盖成本并为实现合理利润留下空间吗?







- 原型成本

- 你怎样制作原型或样品来确保客户预购?

- 制作原型或样品需要多少钱?

- 生产成本

- 量化生产所需的原料、劳动力和设备的类型、数量和来源。

- 初步估算生产所需的原料、劳动力和设备的成本。

- 就自行生产还是外包生产做出决定。


- 你的原材料成本是多少?

- 你的劳动力成本是多少?

- 你的设备成本是多少?

- 你的设施成本是多少?

- 你的经销成本是多少?

- 你生产产品需要多长时间?

- 你的总单位生产成本是多少?






The following is an excerpt from Ed McLaughlin and Wyn Lydecker’s new book The Purpose Is Profit (Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2016), which recounts how, after quitting his high-level corporate job, McLaughlin started a thriving business that was eventually acquired by a Fortune 100 company. A serial entrepreneur, McLaughlin is the founder and CEO of Blue Sunsets, a real estate and investment firm based in Darien, Connecticut.

A key step in developing your revenue model is determining the types and sources of revenue your business will generate. Revenue types include product sales, service fees, advertising sales, data access fees, license fees, and/or commissions.

Each type of revenue generated can come from a multitude of sources. For example, sources of revenue from service sales can vary depending on customer type and category, including online, mobile, consumer, corporate, institutional, and/or government. Additionally, each category can expand into multiple sources. For example, the corporate sales category can include major accounts, named accounts, vertical markets, geographic territories, partnerships, and one-off sales.

My business had a pretty simple revenue model. We sold real estate portfolio management and transaction management services to corporations. Our customers paid us fees for dedicated resources and commissions on transactions. As the business evolved and our service lines expanded, we developed a more complex fee structure suited to the types of services our customers consumed.

How will you structure your revenue model?

— Will you collect sales revenue directly from customers in exchange for the service or product?

— Will your business act as an intermediary, helping to bring buyers and sellers together and collecting a fee for the service or a commission on the resulting sale?

— Will your business be a publisher of content or the creator of an online community that charges for access to the content or community?

— Will you provide content or community for free and collect revenues from advertisers who want to target your readers or users?

— Will you give permission for your product to be used in exchange for a license fee?

— Will you be a collector of data and charge fees to marketers for access to that information?

— Will your business use a combination of these revenue models?

Determining the types and sources of revenue your business will generate is the first step toward realizing a profit.

Product pricing: What will you charge for your product?

Determine your price by selecting your revenue model while factoring in your competitive positioning and your ideal profit target. Each type of revenue model will most likely have market benchmarks you can research to help you price competitively.

From my previous corporate sales experience, I had a firm understanding of traditional pricing models for real estate services. By aggregating portfolio and transaction services through a single source, I knew I could cover my costs and beat the competition with aggressive volume-based pricing. If you know your industry, you may be able to do the same.

Consider the following questions:

— Will you be developing a radical new pricing model?

— Will your price be aligned with traditional benchmarks?

— Will your price be competitive?

— Will you be selling a premium product, enabling you to charge more than your competitors, or will you undercut the competition?

— Should you use a simple markup to cover your unit costs?

— If you are a content provider, what are the prevailing rates for the type of advertising you are selling?

— If you are a provider of data, what do marketers typically pay for access to similar information?

— Will your price cover your cost and leave room for a reasonable profit?

Once you can explain the basic revenue model and your pricing, you can estimate how many customers you expect to have, how many sales you’ll likely make to each one, and how often you will make those sales—daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. Taken together, this information will enable you to project your total revenue.

Production and distribution: What will it take to create, manufacture, and deliver your product to your customers?

For a manufactured product, you will need to think through and quantify your requirements for raw materials, labor, machinery, inventory, and distribution. For a service business, you will need to quantify your service fulfillment costs including staffing, travel costs, response times, and performance reporting.

Since my business was a service business, we were concerned about sales and service delivery costs. Beyond the production of proposals and due-diligence binders, we did not have a manufacturing cost. The key components of our product were account management, data management, market knowledge, and negotiation skills. My company’s expenses were very similar to a traditional consulting business, with most of our employees situated on-site at our customers’ headquarters.

On the other hand, a manufacturing and distribution business has a more significant challenge in accurately estimating production costs. It will be important to develop a thorough production cost model to ensure you have considered all of the major costs.

Some of the factors you will need to address to estimate production costs include the following:

— Prototype costs

— How will you create a prototype or samples to help you secure preorders?

— How much will it cost to create a prototype or sample products?

— Production costs

— Quantify the type, amount, and source of materials, labor, and equipment needed to manufacture your product.

— Generate a preliminary estimate of costs for materials, labor, and/or equipment needed for your product.

— Determine whether you will make your product or outsource its production.

If you make your product,

— What are your raw material costs?

— What are your labor costs?

— What are your equipment costs?

— What are your facilities costs?

— What are your distribution costs?

— How long will it take to manufacture your product?

— What is the total unit production cost of your product?

— If you outsource, who will make your product, how much will it cost, and how long will it take?

Finalize the make vs. buy decision by weighing the quantitative and qualitative benefits of each.

Determining accurate production costs and time frames for a manufacturing business is critical to the development of a profitable and reliable business model. Please keep in mind that this is merely a high-level outline designed to get you started.
