

ROSS MCCAMMON 2023-02-04


乱蓬蓬的头发并不能说明什么。超特大号的T恤衫也不能说明什么。那张困窘的脸,那自嘲的笑容却将加密货币交易所创始人萨姆·班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)如何走向名誉扫地暴露无遗。




我写了一本关于职场行为的书。好吧,也许不是那本书。而是一本题为《与他人合作无间》(Works Well With Others)的书。该书于2015年出版,讲述了我作为一名年轻的、来自德克萨斯州的机上杂志编辑,如何在纽约市媒体界(以注重身份地位而闻名)游刃有余的故事。我这本书的论点是,无论你在哪个领域,得到同事和雇主青睐是通往职业成功的路径。书中有介绍握手、寒暄和祝酒礼仪的章节,还有一章的标题是“如何在满是重要人物的高级餐厅吃一顿有意义的午餐”。

我写这本书的目标受众并不仅仅是男性。但现在回想起来,我发现其中一些建议更适合我所在的群体: 直男、白人、男性。




与此相关的一种行为是“战略性无能”(有时也被称为“技能型无能”或“武器化无能”)。莉莎•韦斯特伦德(Lise Vesterlund)与三位合著者合著了《拒绝俱乐部:给女性毫无前途的工作画上句号》(The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work)一书。战略性无能指的是同事声称自己数学很差,这样就能让你处理所有的电子表格。丈夫打扫卫生做得很糟糕,以至于你不得不承担家务。这并不是懒惰那么简单,而是不愿意做那些低价值工作(韦斯特伦德和合著者琳达•巴布科克(Linda Babcock), 布伦达•佩瑟(Brenda Peyser)和劳里•温格特(Laurie Weingart)将这些工作称为“不利于升职”的工作)。这些工作无法获得太多荣誉或赞誉;这些工作人们往往视而不见。不仅仅是男性会回避这些工作——但我在骗谁呢?主要是男性会回避这些工作。






多元化、公平和包容咨询公司ReadySet的首席执行官伊-冯娜·哈钦森(Y-Vonne Hutchinson)说,女性和有色人种一直都能看到一些白人男性被假定无罪的情况。她说:"这一点司空见惯,无处不在。人们对能力的定义存在偏见。这存在种族偏见,也存在性别偏见......这种偏见无孔不入。"





为什么我同事不直接拒绝,或者把手机递给我让我拿着? 在一个仍然期望女性做苦差事的文化中,这说起来容易做起来难。在一系列的实验中,韦斯特伦德和她的合著者发现,女性被男经理要求做会议记录等不利于升职的工作的几率比男性高出44%,女性答应完成这样的工作的几率比男性高出50%。只有当女性不在办公室里的时候,男性才会主动去做那些必要却乏味的工作。

我在职业生涯的早期就认识到,让别人做你的工作才是成功的应有之义。在《绅士》(Esquire)和《智族》(GQ)等光鲜亮丽的杂志那种类似《广告狂人》(Mad men)的环境中工作,就如同置身于虚张声势和战略性无能的大师级课堂。





学习如何举办大型会议的最好方法就是举办一场大型会议——即使你在第一次、第二次、第三次都把事情搞砸了; 即使你会犯一些可笑的错误。如果没有试错的经验,就无法真正精通,许多男人都罹患冒名顶替综合症:我认为这是男性平庸症。我们能够取得成功,甚至得到美差和晋升,但我们并不知道自己是否擅长相应的工作。通常情况下,我们并不擅长。

澄清一下,我不是在寻求同情。如果男性废话在工作中失去了影响力,这是件好事。专攻关键性调整的职业教练斯泰西•施塔特曼(Stacey Staaterman)表示,每个行业都在发生代际变化。她说:“谢天谢地,Z世代带来了变化。现在人们无所遁形了。要掩盖你的罪恶很难。要掩盖你的不足也很难。”







如何杜绝工作中的 "战略性无能"现象












本文另一版本登载于《财富》杂志2023年2/3月刊,标题为《是时候谈谈男性在工作中的平庸了》(It’s time to talk about male mediocrity at work)。


乱蓬蓬的头发并不能说明什么。超特大号的T恤衫也不能说明什么。那张困窘的脸,那自嘲的笑容却将加密货币交易所创始人萨姆·班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)如何走向名誉扫地暴露无遗。




我写了一本关于职场行为的书。好吧,也许不是那本书。而是一本题为《与他人合作无间》(Works Well With Others)的书。该书于2015年出版,讲述了我作为一名年轻的、来自德克萨斯州的机上杂志编辑,如何在纽约市媒体界(以注重身份地位而闻名)游刃有余的故事。我这本书的论点是,无论你在哪个领域,得到同事和雇主青睐是通往职业成功的路径。书中有介绍握手、寒暄和祝酒礼仪的章节,还有一章的标题是“如何在满是重要人物的高级餐厅吃一顿有意义的午餐”。

我写这本书的目标受众并不仅仅是男性。但现在回想起来,我发现其中一些建议更适合我所在的群体: 直男、白人、男性。




与此相关的一种行为是“战略性无能”(有时也被称为“技能型无能”或“武器化无能”)。莉莎•韦斯特伦德(Lise Vesterlund)与三位合著者合著了《拒绝俱乐部:给女性毫无前途的工作画上句号》(The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work)一书。战略性无能指的是同事声称自己数学很差,这样就能让你处理所有的电子表格。丈夫打扫卫生做得很糟糕,以至于你不得不承担家务。这并不是懒惰那么简单,而是不愿意做那些低价值工作(韦斯特伦德和合著者琳达•巴布科克(Linda Babcock), 布伦达•佩瑟(Brenda Peyser)和劳里•温格特(Laurie Weingart)将这些工作称为“不利于升职”的工作)。这些工作无法获得太多荣誉或赞誉;这些工作人们往往视而不见。不仅仅是男性会回避这些工作——但我在骗谁呢?主要是男性会回避这些工作。






多元化、公平和包容咨询公司ReadySet的首席执行官伊-冯娜·哈钦森(Y-Vonne Hutchinson)说,女性和有色人种一直都能看到一些白人男性被假定无罪的情况。她说:"这一点司空见惯,无处不在。人们对能力的定义存在偏见。这存在种族偏见,也存在性别偏见......这种偏见无孔不入。"





为什么我同事不直接拒绝,或者把手机递给我让我拿着? 在一个仍然期望女性做苦差事的文化中,这说起来容易做起来难。在一系列的实验中,韦斯特伦德和她的合著者发现,女性被男经理要求做会议记录等不利于升职的工作的几率比男性高出44%,女性答应完成这样的工作的几率比男性高出50%。只有当女性不在办公室里的时候,男性才会主动去做那些必要却乏味的工作。

我在职业生涯的早期就认识到,让别人做你的工作才是成功的应有之义。在《绅士》(Esquire)和《智族》(GQ)等光鲜亮丽的杂志那种类似《广告狂人》(Mad men)的环境中工作,就如同置身于虚张声势和战略性无能的大师级课堂。





学习如何举办大型会议的最好方法就是举办一场大型会议——即使你在第一次、第二次、第三次都把事情搞砸了; 即使你会犯一些可笑的错误。如果没有试错的经验,就无法真正精通,许多男人都罹患冒名顶替综合症:我认为这是男性平庸症。我们能够取得成功,甚至得到美差和晋升,但我们并不知道自己是否擅长相应的工作。通常情况下,我们并不擅长。

澄清一下,我不是在寻求同情。如果男性废话在工作中失去了影响力,这是件好事。专攻关键性调整的职业教练斯泰西•施塔特曼(Stacey Staaterman)表示,每个行业都在发生代际变化。她说:“谢天谢地,Z世代带来了变化。现在人们无所遁形了。要掩盖你的罪恶很难。要掩盖你的不足也很难。”







如何杜绝工作中的 "战略性无能"现象












本文另一版本登载于《财富》杂志2023年2/3月刊,标题为《是时候谈谈男性在工作中的平庸了》(It’s time to talk about male mediocrity at work)。



The unkempt hair wasn’t the tell. The XXXL T-shirt wasn’t the tell. No, the giveaway about disgraced cryptocurrency exchange founder Sam Bankman-Fried was on his sheepish face: that self-deprecating grin.

“I’m sorry … I fucked up,” Bankman-Fried tweeted in November, owning up with a virtual shrug to a crypto calamity that erased $8 billion in other people’s money. “Had I been a bit more concentrated on what I was doing, I would have been able to be more thorough,’’ Bankman-Fried told the New York Times as his crypto exchange, FTX, unraveled.

Bankman-Fried’s ostentatious display of incompetence is likely self-serving, given that he faces criminal fraud charges, but the implication is unmistakable: Other, lesser minds should have been sweating the small stuff.

When I read about Bankman-Fried’s professed ineptitude, my first thought was “What a clown!” But increasingly I’ve begun to feel a wary connection: “There, but for the grace of God …”

I wrote the book on workplace behavior. Okay, maybe not the book. But a book. It’s called Works Well With Others. Published in 2015, it tells the story of how I, as a young in-flight-magazine editor from Texas, navigated New York City’s famously status-conscious media world. My book’s thesis is that being well-liked by your colleagues and bosses is a path to professional success, in whatever field you’re in. There are chapters on shaking hands, making small talk, and giving a toast, and a chapter called “How to Have a Meaningful Lunch in a Fancy Restaurant Full of Important People.”

I didn’t write the book just for men. But in retrospect I see that some of its advice works best for the demographic I happen to belong to: straight, white, male.

And at some point in the last few years, I started to realize that those particular “people skills” weren’t working for me the way they used to. Maybe it was the COVID-19 pandemic and rise of remote work, which stripped away many of the hierarchies, conventions, and pretensions of office life. Maybe it was the reckonings about sexism and racism that have eroded some of the baseline privilege granted to people who look like me, while elevating some of those who have been historically marginalized. Maybe bullshit has simply become less of a currency. Whatever it was, my go-to moves of humor, ingratiation, and self-deprecation just didn’t seem to be landing.

Even worse, I started to understand some of those behaviors as manipulative, a way of getting others to do work I didn’t want to do. When I saw those tendencies in myself, I couldn’t unsee them. And I began to see the damage this kind of behavior does to women and people of color—and to the morale, productiveness, and creativity of everyone in a workplace.

Whether they are truly competent or not, many men are very good at performing competence. It’s kind of easy, actually. You don’t talk a lot in meetings, and when you do you ask questions of the people who made assertions, or repeat and praise good points others made. You ride the wake of the boldness and risk-taking of others.

A related behavior, says Lise Vesterlund, who along with three coauthors wrote The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work, is “strategic incompetence” (sometimes called “skilled incompetence” or “weaponized incompetence”). Strategic incompetence is the colleague who claims to be terrible at math, so that you handle all the spreadsheets. The husband who does such a bad vacuuming job that you take on the chore yourself. It’s not straightforward laziness—it’s a reluctance to do the lower-value jobs that Vesterlund and coauthors Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, and Laurie Weingart call “non-promotable.” This is the work that doesn’t get much credit or garner accolades; work that’s often invisible. It’s not just men who avoid it—but who am I kidding? It’s mostly men.

“It’s very convenient,” Vesterlund told me, that women and people of color tend to get saddled with this non-promotable work—organizing the office party, sitting on hiring committees, chairing a DEI task force. “Oftentimes the reason we ask women is because, Oh, they’re so good at it, because they’ve demonstrated time and time again that they are good at it. But it might be worth sort of taking a step back and saying [to men], How could you possibly do all the promotable work, and not be able to do the non-promotable work?”

I immediately recognized what Vesterlund was talking about, and it made me think of a Zoom call I was on with two women colleagues a couple of years ago. My boss, a woman of color, asked that I map out a timeline for completing a project. “That’s a great plan,” I said, then looked to my other colleague on the screen. “I’ll just need help working up a project flow,” I said to her. I made a self-deprecating joke about my inability to plan complex initiatives without help.

The thing is: I didn’t actually know if I was bad at mapping out a project timeline. I just had never done it, and I didn’t particularly want to learn how. I knew my colleague to be an excellent project manager, so it only made sense to me that she should take on that responsibility.

But this time, my request was not seconded. What I was expecting was a “Sure!,” but what I got was a protracted, excruciating silence, like in a Western, when a gunslinger with a suspiciously clean hat enters a saloon. After a few long seconds, I backtracked. “You know what? I’ll handle it myself!” I said. Then I metaphorically backed through the swinging saloon doors and shuffled on my way.

For my then boss, the incident didn’t amount to more than an eye roll. (She didn’t even remember it when I asked her about it recently.) But that meeting was the first time I realized—really understood—that I had made a habit of using charm (or smarm, depending on how you see it) as a way of getting other people to do work for me.

Of course, the benefit of the doubt granted to some white men has never been invisible to women and people of color, says Y-Vonne Hutchinson, CEO of a diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting firm ReadySet. “I see it in almost every aspect of the work that we do,” she says. “There is a bias toward what competence looks like. It’s a racial bias, a gender bias … it’s incredibly pervasive.”

The converse of this phenomenon is the persistent underestimation of women and people of color. Vesterlund recounted an example from her book of an attorney who was asked to recruit a cohort of interns. It was presented as a terrific opportunity for growth, Vesterlund explained, but the time-consuming work of reading applications and interviewing ended up cutting into her billable hours, and stalling her advancement at the firm. “So the conversation shouldn’t just be, Are you good at recruiting interns, or do you enjoy recruiting interns?”

Vesterlund told me. It should be: “If you want to make partner, you can recruit interns for one year, but then we’re going to give [that job] to somebody else.”

In their 2022 Women in the Workplace report, LeanIn.org and McKinsey & Company found that women leaders were switching jobs at an unprecedented rate. The researchers’ surveys of 40,000 employees found that the women had similar ambitions to men, but that “they experience microaggressions that undermine their authority and signal that it will be harder for them to advance.”

Reading this, another professional episode came to mind, and made me cringe. A woman colleague and I were looking at some printed materials and needed to FaceTime someone who was working remotely so that he could weigh in. I didn’t have my phone on me, so I asked my colleague if she could use hers. “Sure,” she said. The task required her to hold her phone toward a wall for about 15 minutes as we talked about things we wanted to change. I thought nothing of it, but for weeks after that I felt a chill in communications with her. Eventually it became clear to me that the phone incident was the reason. I was defensive and confused. I didn’t think what I’d done was even remotely objectionable behavior.

Now I understand that my colleague may well have experienced the moment as offensive and demoralizing. When I told Vesterlund the anecdote, she said, “This probably wasn’t the first time that she was in a position where she was doing the equivalent of holding the phone, unable to participate in the meeting on the same level as everybody else.”

Why didn’t my colleague just say no, or hand me the phone to hold? That’s easier said than done, in a culture that still expects women to do much of the grunt work. In a series of experiments, Vesterlund and her coauthors found that women are 44% more likely than men to be asked by male managers to perform non-promotable tasks such as taking meeting notes, and 50% more likely to say yes. It’s only when women aren’t in the room that men volunteer to do that necessary, unglamorous work.

I learned early in my career that getting other people to do your job was what success looked like. Working in the Mad Men–like environment of glossy magazines, including Esquire and GQ, was a master class in bluster and strategic incompetence.

I would raise my voice while I was on the phone, so colleagues would know I was talking with someone important. I would furrow my brow anytime I was at my computer. (You can’t relate to what it’s like to be a man in the modern workplace unless you’ve scowled pensively while Googling frittata recipes.)

The men’s magazines I worked at, like so many other traditionally masculine organizations, are places driven by fear as much as opportunity. The risk of failing, or embarrassing oneself, especially if you’re a man who has risen to a leadership position, can feel pathetically existential. You must succeed from day one.

This is an impossible standard, so the obvious strategy is to fake it, and to avoid any situation where your inadequacy will be visible. If you don’t know how to run a meeting, avoid doing so. If you haven’t ever created a profit and loss statement, delegate it.

This behavior is obviously unfair to those who are left doing the real work, of any gender or race. But it’s also corrosive to those asserting this privilege themselves, and to companies. It suppresses risk-taking, innovation, and “psychological safety”—the quality that Google’s much-cited 2015 study of successful teams found to be “far and away” the most important dynamic of the highest-performing groups. Without psychological safety, we’re reluctant to try new things, and we miss out on opportunities to learn and grow professionally.

The best way to learn how to run a big meeting is to run a big meeting—even if you screw it up the first, second, third time; even if you make ridiculous flubs. Without the experience of trial and error that leads to real mastery, many men suffer from a kind of strange impostor syndrome: I think of it as a male mediocrity disorder. We can be successful, and even get plum assignments and promotions, but we have no real idea whether we’re any good at our jobs. Often, we’re not.

To be clear, I’m not asking for sympathy. If traditionally masculine bullshit is losing its currency at work, that’s a good thing. A generational change is underway in every industry, says Stacey Staaterman, a career coach specializing in pivots. “Thank God for what Gen Z has brought to the table,” she says. “It’s harder to hide now. It’s harder to cover up your sins. It’s harder to cover up your inadequacies.”

The kind of candor I see in Gen Z colleagues is inspiring. They are quick to tell you when they are overloaded and can’t take on more—because why should anyone be overloaded with work? Isn’t that bad for the employee and the business? They are quick to ask questions. They’re open about their deficiencies and areas for growth. And they are bewildered by managers who won’t come clean about their own.

If I had a chance to revise my book, I’d say: Whatever your demographic profile, ask uncomfortable, revealing questions about yourself. What are my weak spots? What would I say about myself if I had to work with me? What am I bad at? What do I avoid in a knee-jerk way? And perhaps most important: Who picks up the slack?

Lately, I’ve begun to see the “non-promotable” work I’ve always tried to avoid as an opportunity for growth—project planning and note-taking, for example. And in doing these tasks, I have found puzzle pieces that I should have located years ago: qualities that make me a better colleague who produces better work.

I have started using my people skills—communication, collaboration, and emotional intelligence—in a different way. When I read a room now, it’s less about how I think people are seeing me, but how they are seeing and understanding and influencing one another. And I’ve discovered unexpected talents in myself. For instance, I often find that I can sense and identify unrest, and defuse it before it escalates.

These “soft skills,” traditionally associated more with women than men, are key for getting ahead in today’s transformed workplace—but they don’t work unless you’re also doing a great job.

But the sun is setting on the age of unchecked male mediocrity, and thank goodness. It’s a relief for everyone, including mediocre men.

How to stamp out ‘strategic incompetence’ at work

There’s a lot that managers and company leaders can do to ensure that everyone is sharing the burden of “non-promotable” work.

Explain the difference between reasonable delegating and the offloading of drudgery.

There’s nothing wrong with delegating; indeed, often it can be a kindness, an opportunity to let colleagues shine. And some tasks have to get done, even if they’re not particularly rewarding. Still, it helps to name what’s happening when the same colleagues always take on the “office housework” and others shirk it entirely: Make “non-promotable” work a part of your workplace’s vocabulary. Encourage clear conversations about the value of all tasks, even if they’re not billable hours or high-profile assignments.

Don’t ask for volunteers to do tasks nobody wants.

Studies show that women are more likely than men to raise their hand when it comes time to take meeting notes or order lunch for the group. To avoid this imbalance, pick names out of a hat, or take turns.

Build psychological safety.

Creating a work environment where employees feel safe taking risks and failing is key to innovation and productivity, study after study has shown. Employees build skills and competence through trial and error, so it must feel safe for them to try out new, unfamiliar kinds of work.

Spread widely the opportunities for high-profile, “promotable” work.

“There is a bias toward what competence looks like,” says Y-Vonne Hutchinson of the DEI consulting organization ReadySet. Unfortunately, many companies “recognize genius in some spaces and not others,” she adds. Some geniuses look like the archetypal wunderkind founder or the disheveled tech brainiac—but many great minds don’t fit those rather limited demographic contours. Give people throughout your organization opportunities to challenge themselves and prove their talents. You’ll likely find your next star performer.

When you make a mistake or display “strategic incompetence,” fix it and apologize.

On an ongoing basis, examine your own behavior and the entrenched systems of your workplace. Ask colleagues present and past about their experiences and impressions. Nobody’s perfect, and sometimes you may realize after an incident that someone felt sidelined or offended. Acknowledging the harm that was done and apologizing for it can go a long way, says Stacey Staaterman, a professional coach: “The way to renew integrity is to speak the words out loud.”

This article appears in the February/March 2023 issue of Fortune with the headline, “It’s time to talk about male mediocrity at work.”
