

柯问思(Beth Kowitt) 2020-11-19


“对人们来说,公司的工作环境是不可持续的,并且和生活不协调。”美高梅度假集团(MGM Resorts)的商业发展总裁阿提夫·拉菲克说道。

过去15年来, Gensler公司一直在对办公室职员进行民意调查,该公司的联合首席执行官黛安·霍斯金斯表示,人们在办公室的时间大约有一半都花在干“以个人为中心的活动”上,但他们日益缩小的工作空间却不利于此类活动的开展。





Rich Talent Group是一家为高增长企业提供高管猎头服务的公司,它的创始人及首席执行官贾娜·里奇表示,公司的大多数客户都认为员工不可能永远居家办公。她说,公司都希望新聘用的雇员在确保安全的情况下尽快搬家,高层领导尤其如此。但一些求职者希望公司最终可以改变主意。“说实话,我认为这种想法很冒险。”里奇说,“我们在提供咨询时会非常注意,尽量建议大家不要做出此类假设。”





布莱恩·埃利奥特是Slack的前平台负责人,也是未来论坛(Future Forum)的副主席。未来论坛是由Slack领导的一个新联盟,创建目的是对现代职场进行反思。他说,已经听到很多人担心,如果公司允许灵活选择上班方式,但高层却每天都出现在办公室,情况又会如何。他表示,这种“虚假的灵活工作制”会让员工觉得自己是二等公民:“灵活工作制能否成功,其中一个关键决定因素将是高管会怎么做。”

但千禧一代和Z世代似乎也在想念办公室。软银投资顾问公司(SoftBank Investment Advisers)的合伙人基尔西加·雷迪表示,这两个群体也感觉和外界的联系变少了,他们“不想成为‘Zoom’一代”。霍斯金斯说:“不然的话,他们将无法得到期望能够在职场上得到的指导。”(财富中文网)



“对人们来说,公司的工作环境是不可持续的,并且和生活不协调。”美高梅度假集团(MGM Resorts)的商业发展总裁阿提夫·拉菲克说道。

过去15年来, Gensler公司一直在对办公室职员进行民意调查,该公司的联合首席执行官黛安·霍斯金斯表示,人们在办公室的时间大约有一半都花在干“以个人为中心的活动”上,但他们日益缩小的工作空间却不利于此类活动的开展。





Rich Talent Group是一家为高增长企业提供高管猎头服务的公司,它的创始人及首席执行官贾娜·里奇表示,公司的大多数客户都认为员工不可能永远居家办公。她说,公司都希望新聘用的雇员在确保安全的情况下尽快搬家,高层领导尤其如此。但一些求职者希望公司最终可以改变主意。“说实话,我认为这种想法很冒险。”里奇说,“我们在提供咨询时会非常注意,尽量建议大家不要做出此类假设。”





布莱恩·埃利奥特是Slack的前平台负责人,也是未来论坛(Future Forum)的副主席。未来论坛是由Slack领导的一个新联盟,创建目的是对现代职场进行反思。他说,已经听到很多人担心,如果公司允许灵活选择上班方式,但高层却每天都出现在办公室,情况又会如何。他表示,这种“虚假的灵活工作制”会让员工觉得自己是二等公民:“灵活工作制能否成功,其中一个关键决定因素将是高管会怎么做。”

但千禧一代和Z世代似乎也在想念办公室。软银投资顾问公司(SoftBank Investment Advisers)的合伙人基尔西加·雷迪表示,这两个群体也感觉和外界的联系变少了,他们“不想成为‘Zoom’一代”。霍斯金斯说:“不然的话,他们将无法得到期望能够在职场上得到的指导。”(财富中文网)


Even before the pandemic, the way Americans worked wasn’t working.

“The corporate work environment is not sustainable for human beings and doesn’t comport with life,” says Atif Rafiq, president of commercial and growth for MGM Resorts.

Diane Hoskins, co-CEO of Gensler, whose company has been surveying workers for the past 15 years, says people spend about half their time at the office on “individual-focused activities”—something their shrinking workspaces do not foster.

“There’s been a real decline in how people perceive the effectiveness of the workplace to support the work they do every day,” says Hoskins. But as COVID-19 radically alters the way we work and live, this is a “reboot moment to think about what the workplace should be,” she says.

Rafiq and Hoskins spoke as part of a Fortune roundtable last week on how the pandemic is creating the biggest workforce experiment in modern history as employees have shifted from corporate offices to working from home.

“Not since the industrial revolution have managers and leaders had to think about work design,” says Nickle LaMoreaux, IBM chief human resources officer.

LaMoreaux says IBM, with its 350,000 employees spanning more than 150 countries, has tried to emphasize that there is no “one size fits all” model for returning to the office—even as some employees have wanted worldwide timelines. She says that the company believes there will be a hybrid model of working from home and the office going forward, but it expects employees will live within commuting distance to an IBM hub or office.

Jana Rich, founder and CEO of Rich Talent Group, an executive search firm for high-growth companies, says most of her clients are not saying employees can be remote forever. Companies want new hires to relocate as soon as it’s safe, she says, and that’s especially the case for senior leaders. But some candidates are hopeful employers will eventually change their minds. “I think it’s risky, to be honest,” Rich says. “We’re counseling really carefully not to make those assumptions.”

Rich also notes that 88% of the people she’s recruiting into these top roles are women and people of color. She’s concerned what impact it will have on marginalized and underrepresented groups if they are less able to be physically in the office when it’s safe to do so.

Rich’s concern was echoed by the rest of the group. “We need to create a lot more pathways for people to be rewarded and promoted,” Rafiq says. Unless that happens and there are real proof points, “the social behaviors will not really change.” He says taking advantage of flexibility shouldn’t influence your status at the company: “It should really be your potential and your performance.”

LaMoreaux says IBM has had to talk about centering its performance management and rewards and recognition systems on “outcomes, not activities.”

“We’ve been saying that a lot prior to the pandemic,” she says. “But this has been kind of the crisis that has made us bring that to the forefront.”

Brian Elliott, the former head of platform at Slack and VP of Future Forum, a new Slack-led consortium that aims to rethink the modern workplace, says he’s consistently heard concerns over what happens if a company allows flexibility but the C-suite shows up at the office every day. He says this “faux flexibility” can lead employees to feel like second-class citizens: “One of the key determinants of success is going to be how executives themselves behave.”

But it seems that millennials and members of Gen Z are also missing the office. Kirthiga Reddy, a partner with SoftBank Investment Advisers, says this group is feeling less connected and “does not want to be the Zoom” generation. Says Hoskins, “They’re not going to get the mentoring they’re looking for.”
