科罗拉多大峡谷迎“百岁生日 ”,来看看它的历史

科罗拉多大峡谷迎“百岁生日 ”,来看看它的历史

Alex Scimecca 2019-03-08







The Grand Canyon is celebrating a big milestone this year, as it is officially 100 years old.

On Feb. 26, 1919, Congress passed legislation backed by President Woodrow Wilson recognizing the canyon as a national park. The natural wonder has become an American symbol and a space for visitors to connect with the raw outdoors. The scenic landscape holds both the heritage and culture of America's first people and a collection of unique historical and geological records.

The canyon, primarily carved by the Colorado River over the past 6 million years, stretches 277 miles through the Arizona desert. The 1,904-square-mile park draws 6 million tourists a year exploring the river rapids, the hiking trails, and its incredible geological and cultural history.

Tourists, geological researchers, and photographers alike go to experience the UNESCO World Heritage Site—that includes renowned landscape photographer Ansel Adams who helped fuel the environmental movement and helped convince government officials to take land preservation seriously.

The National Park Service is hosting a Founder’s Day Centennial Celebration with cultural demonstrators from traditional tribes, a concert by Flagstaff School District Choir, and speeches from the park’s staff.

Check out the gallery above to see a glimpse inside the rich 100-year history of the Grand Canyon.

1937年,美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福游览大峡谷。图片来源:Bettmann Archive/Getty Images

大峡谷。图片来源:Margaret Bourke-White—The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Image

1939年平板印刷的大峡谷旅游海报。1979年,大峡谷国家公园被联合国教科文组织认定为世界遗产。图片来源:GraphicaArtis/Getty Images

1941年,两名以大峡谷为背景的模特登上《时尚》杂志。图片来源:Luis Lemus—Condé Nast/Getty Images

两个女人在大峡谷边欣赏一幅水彩画。图片来源:Corbis/Bettmann Archive/Getty Images

1946年,大峡谷国家公园的一名护林员带领游客参观游览。图片来源:Frank Scherschel—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

1946年,大峡谷国家公园里的一处瀑布。图片来源:Frank Scherschel—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

1946年,大峡谷国家公园的一名护林员在做导游。图片来源:Frank Scherschel—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

游客游览大峡谷国家公园。图片来源:Frank Scherschel—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

1966年,美国环保人士、塞拉俱乐部的常务理事大卫·布劳尔(中)组织了一场反对在大峡谷国家公园内的科罗拉多河上建造大坝的抗议活动,并最终取得成功。图片来源:Arthur Schatz—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

1967年,参议院罗伯特·肯尼迪背着女儿凯丽参观印第安部落遗迹,旁边为其夫人。图片来源:Bettmann Archive/Getty Images

弗洛伦斯·亨德森在电视剧《脱线家族》中亮相,本集在大峡谷拍摄,播出日期为1971年9月24日。图片来源:CBS Photo Archive via Getty Images

大峡谷,1980年。图片来源:Francois Le Diascorn—Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

1991年,时任美国总统的老布什在凯巴布小道召开临时记者会。图片来源:Greg Gibson—AP/REX/Shutterstock

1995年,游客在马瑟点眺望对面的南壁。图片来源:William F. Campbell—The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

1999年,罗比·克尼维尔成功飞跃大峡谷,这一跃跨越了228英尺,创造了世界纪录。图片来源:John Gurzinski—AFP/Getty Images

2007年,媒体成员与华派拉部落的居民成为第一批走上天空步道的人,它也是世界上第一个悬臂步道,从悬崖向外延伸出70英尺,距下方的科罗拉多河的落差超过4000英尺。图片来源:David McNew—Getty Images

2008年,水流从亚利桑那州格伦峡谷大坝的1号和2号射流管中流出,以模拟自然洪水。图片来源:Matt York—AP/REX/Shutterstock

2012年,在大峡谷国家公园的南壁上,谷歌的工程主管卢克·文森特向媒体展示谷歌街景背包,然后前往光明天使小径。图片来源:Rick Bowmer—AP/REX/Shutterstock

2016年,大峡谷国家公园内生篝火的漂流爱好者。图片来源:Terray Sylvester—VW Pics/UIG via Getty Images


