

Anna Teregulova,Laura Entis 2017-08-31


如果你更喜欢坐船的速度,可以考虑Barton & Gray。该公司提供了每年2.5万美元起的年费会员服务,其中包括无限制的游艇一日游。与此同时,纽约市的汽车爱好者每年花上5,000至1.5万美元,就能加入Classic Car Club Manhattan。俱乐部的会员可以预订和驾驶公司的30多款新型车和老爷车。

其中的吸引力之一在于金钱——购买和保养游艇、飞机或兰博基尼胡拉坎显然比付钱偶尔用几次要昂贵得多。不过斯图尔特和Barton & Gray的共同创始人兼首席执行官蒂姆·巴顿显然对于他们提供的服务价格实惠的观点感到愤怒。部分原因在于,把每年至少花10万美元进行私人飞行的做法推销成节约的选择,让人感觉有些离谱。而更重要的是,这三家公司的创始人的目的并不在于出售节约成本的办法,而在于宣扬一种理念:真正的奢华不在于拥有,而在于方便和体验。

Classic Car Club Manhattan的共同创始人扎克·摩斯利表示:“你往往会发现,我们的会员都热爱冒险。我们的服务类似于共享经济,人们会意识到他们不需要拥有某些物件才能享受生活。他们更希望尽可能留存有趣的回忆。”




A number of startups are competing to provide consumers with the experience of traveling on a boat, jet, or vintage Porsche without the headache of ownership. XOJet, for example, offers on-demand private flights. Members who put down at least $100,000 a year have priority booking access (along with perks such as in-flight catering), making the experience just as convenient as owning your own jet, says chief executive Bradley Stewart.

If boating is more your speed, consider Barton & Gray. The company offers annual memberships starting at $25,000, which includes unlimited yachting day trips. Meanwhile, for $5,000 to $15,000 a year, car enthusiasts in New York City can join the Classic Car Club Manhattan. In exchange for the fee, members can reserve and drive any of the company’s 30-plus fleet of new and vintage cars.

Part of the appeal is financial -- purchasing and maintaining a boat, private plane, or Lamborghini Huracan is obviously far more expensive than paying a fee for occasional access. But both Stewart and Barton & Gray co-founder and CEO Tim Barton noticeably bristle at the suggestion that their services are an affordable option. In part, this is because marketing a minimum spend of $100,000 a year for private flights as the thrifty choice feels a little out of touch. But more importantly, the founders of all three companies aren’t selling cost cutting measures. Instead, they’re peddling the idea that real luxury isn’t about ownership -- it’s about convenience and creating experiences.

“Generally you’ll find our members are adventures seeking,” says Zac Moseley, the co-founder of Classic Car Club Manhattan . “ We’re kind of in the shared economy where people are realizing they don’t need objects to enjoy life. They’d rather build up as many cool memories as they can.”

Wrapped up in this sales pitch is the idea that ownership is a hassle. As the adage goes, the two happiest days in a boat owner’s life is the day he buys it and the day he sells it (and yes, Burton has heard that one before.) “Hopefully our members never see what goes on to maintain these boats,” Barton says.

“It’s the ease of use aspect to it,” agrees XOJet’s Stewart. “I own a second home, and once you decide to buy something, you have to manage it, fix it up and take care of it. What’s cool about XOJET’s offering is that it provides an owner-like experience, but you don’t have to worry about it.”
