

Michal Addady 2016-05-29





麦当劳比较先知先觉,早在2004年就开始卖切好的苹果。美国苹果行业协会U.S. Apple Association的监管与行业事务主管马克•斯汀说,虽说学校午餐是吃苹果的“主战场”,但“麦当劳这样的大公司也加入推动之后,不仅能促进销售,还能切实提高公众认识。”

然而,包装好的切片苹果可能给环境造成的影响也得考虑。切片后丢弃的苹果减少,有助抑制食品浪费,但切片苹果通常放在塑料袋里,导致塑料浪费增加。美国有机食品连锁超市Whole Foods不久之前就因助长塑料浪费遭到批评。




It doesn’t take a group of researchers to figure out that kids prefer slices to whole apples, though it does take a group of researchers to calculate just how much they prefer them. The Washington Postreports that two studies found that apple consumption increased substantially when the fruit was served to school kids pre-sliced.

One study conducted in eight schools found that consumption increased by over 60% when apples were served sliced. A follow-up study looking at six schools found similar results, as apple consumption grew by 70%.

In 2014 Americans ate 511 million fresh sliced apples, a growth of about 350% from a decade earlier. Between 2010 and 2013, overall apple consumption grew by 13%; in 2013 Americans ate 17.5 pounds of apples per capita, the highest consumption had been in nearly 10 years.

“Sliced apples just make a lot more sense for kids,” study author and behavioral economics professor David Just told the Post. It may seem silly to think of eating an apple in its natural, whole form as inconvenient. But for kids with missing teeth or braces, it is. “It’s one of those circumstances where what seems like a really small inconvenience actually makes a huge difference,” Just added. The USDA even recommends that fruit be served in “age-appropriate pieces.”

McDonald’s noticed the convenience of pre-sliced apples earlier than most, and began selling them in 2004. Mark Seetin, director of regulatory and industry affairs for the U.S. Apple Association said that while school lunches were a “significant contributor” to increased consumption, “When a company as big as McDonald’s helps promote something, it not only boosts sales, but also really raises public awareness.”

However, we also have to consider the potential environmental impact of pre-packaged apple slices. It helps reduce food waste, because less apples are thrown away, but slices tend to be served in plastic bags, increasing plastic waste—something that Whole Foods WFM 1.67% was criticized for not too long ago.

Sliced apples still only account for about 5% of all apple sales, though many expect that number will soon increase.
