

Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2013-06-25



    对于自己的厨房已在史密森尼美国国家历史博物馆(Smithsonian's National Museum of American History)得到复制的朱莉娅•查尔德而言,她对成功的看法非常具有个人色彩。 她在2000年接受《时尚先生》(Esquire)杂志采访时说:“公众迟早会忘记你,对于你的记忆会逐渐消失。但重要的是,你在人生旅途中影响到的那些个人。衡量成就的标准并不是获奖,而是做自己喜欢做、而且相信值得做的某件事情。”

    我们都已经知道,对于查尔德而言,这件事情就是食物。她35岁左右的时候,她丈夫保罗•查尔德被派往巴黎,担任美国大使馆的文化交流大使,她作为随迁配偶也迁往巴黎。她在那里爱上了法国烹饪,还进入巴黎蓝带烹饪学校(Le Cordon Bleu cooking school)学习,师从几名厨艺大师,最终与法国朋友西莫内•贝克和路易赛特•贝尔托勒一起教授烹饪课程。她们三人在1961年出版了《掌握法国烹饪艺术》(Mastering the Art of French Cooking)一书。这本书后来成为畅销书,进而让查尔德走上了成功烹饪作家的职业生涯。

    20世纪60年代,她在获奖烹饪节目《法国厨师》(The French Chef)中担任主角:以一种声音低沉、独特低调的方式向一代美国人传授烹饪方法。随后的几十年里,她的厨房成为其他几个电视烹饪节目的场景。

50-something: Julia Child

Born: Aug. 15, 1912

    For someone whose kitchen has been reproduced in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, Julia Child's outlook on success was remarkably personal. "Sooner or later, the public will forget you, the memory of you will fade. What's important are the individuals you've influenced along the way," she told Esquire in 2000. "The measure of achievement is not winning awards. It's doing something that you appreciate, something you believe is worthwhile."

    That something for Child, as we all know, was food. In her mid-30s, she moved to Paris as the trailing spouse to her husband Paul Child, assigned there as an officer with the U.S. Information Agency. She fell in love with French cuisine, studying at Le Cordon Bleu cooking school, learning from master chefs and eventually teaching cooking classes with French friends Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle. The trio published Mastering the Art of French Cooking in 1961, which became a bestseller and launched Child into a successful food-writing career.

    In the 1960s, she starred in the award-winning cooking show The French Chef, teaching a generation how to cook in a distinctive, low voice and unassuming manner. In subsequent decades, her kitchen became the setting for several other TV cooking shows.
