

Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2013-06-25


    雅克•马丁•巴赞在93岁时出版了《从黎明到衰落》(From Dawn to Decadence),描述了西方生活从1500年到现在的文化历史,而且成为《纽约时报》畅销书。这本巨著称职地成为巴赞职业生涯的顶峰成就。他在自己的职业生涯期间,曾先后赢得美国总统自由勋章、法国荣誉军团勋章,而且出版了30多本书,主题从科学和医学到文学、艺术、及古典音乐都有。巴赞在1945年出版的《美国教师》(Teacher in America )一书影响美国教育多年。

    巴赞在巴黎长大,十几岁时迁往美国,然后先后在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)获得历史学学士学位和博士学位,他后来成为哥伦比亚大学研究生院的教授和院长。许多人把文化历史领域的开创归功于他。美国哲学学会(The American Philosophical Society)甚至设立了一个雅克•巴赞年度文化历史奖(Jacques Barzun Prize)。

    他在2001年接受C-Span电视频道采访时曾表示,他从来没想过自己会在90多岁时进入畅销书排行榜。 他说:“我从事写作已太久了,可能已属非法,没有人应该像我这样持续写作这么久。”十多年后,他在104岁的高龄过世了。(财富中文网)


90-something: Jacques Barzun

    At age 93, Jacques Martin Barzun published From Dawn to Decadence, a cultural history tracing Western life from 1500 to the present, which became a New York Times bestseller. The tome was a fitting capstone to Barzun's career, during which he earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the French Legion of Honor and published more than 30 books on subjects ranging from science and medicine to literature, art, and classical music. Barzun's 1945 book Teacher in America influenced education in the U.S. for many years.

    Raised in Paris, Barzun moved to the U.S. in his teen years and earned a bachelor's degree and Ph.D. in history from Columbia University, where he was later a professor and dean of the graduate school. Many credit him with creating the field of cultural history. The American Philosophical Society awards an annual Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History.

    In a 2001 interview with C-Span, he said he never expected to be on the bestseller list in his 90s. "It's been a long stretch and probably illegal. Nobody ought to carry on as long as I have," he said. He died more than a decade later at age 104.
