

colleen Leahey 2013-03-29

    哪两个应用程序是您旅途中必不可少的?天气应用和《纽约时报》(NY Times)——还有我要乘坐的航空公司的应用程序。




    您必备的出差美容用品有哪些?我有一个装化妆品的小袋子,里面有芭比布朗的眼霜或莱珀妮(La Prairie)保湿霜等。我还会带一些紧急情况下使用的美容用品,比如Visine滴眼液和邦迪(Band Aids)创可贴等。



    公司:生命之声全球伙伴组织(Vital Voices Global Partnership)



    哪两个应用程序是您旅途中必不可少的?Twitter。因为我在路上总能找到一些很有趣的故事和新闻,可以在Twitter上分享。另外一个是谷歌地图(Google Maps),可以帮我找到最近的拿铁咖啡馆。

    如果飞机一落地就要立刻出席一个会议,您如何让自己看起来美丽得体?您有什么建议?这对我来说是常事。如果乘坐的是夜间航班,我通常会带一些可替换的衣服,在抵达目的地之前换好。我会询问空乘人员,是否可以把我的衣服挂起来。黛安•冯芙丝汀宝(Diane von Furstenberg)服装非常适合出差。因为这个品牌的服装非常舒服,而且不易起皱,只会占用很少的空间——而且,黛安品牌的服装可以让你尽显女性风采和自信。




    您认为哪里的机场最适合消磨时光?虽然伦敦希斯罗机场(London Heathrow)和香港国际机场(Hong Kong International)的购物和食物更出色,但我最喜欢的还是洛杉矶国际机场。我在洛杉矶长大,小时候就经常旅行,所以那座机场总是让我有回家的感觉……那里是最佳目的地。

    Two apps you can't travel without? Weather and the NY Times -- plus the app for whatever airline I am flying on.

    How do you stay comfortable during long train/plane rides? I try to wear comfortable clothes...and use earplugs. I bring lots of work and reading material that requires quiet concentration -- there is nothing like the NY to LA flight to get things done (no interruptions and plenty of quiet time to think).

    You have a meeting immediately after your plane lands. What's your advice for looking presentable? A quick run to the airport lounge to change clothes and freshen up.

    Advice for combating jet lag? I would say drink lots of water on the flight -- and get on a regular schedule when you get home. But truthfully, I haven't really figured out this one yet....

    Beauty products you never travel without? I have a small bag filled with items like Bobbi Brown's eye cream or La Prairie moisturizer. I also take emergency beauty items along, like Visine and Band Aids.

Alyse Nelson

    Title: Co-founder, president and CEO

    Company: Vital Voices Global Partnership

    On the road: The majority of the year

    What's your go-to travel suitcase (or bag)? A small Tumi roller bag that fits in the overhead. I never check bags. Too much risk and time involved when you are on a tight schedule. (This means only one pair of shoes...it's possible!)

    Two apps you can't travel without? Twitter, because I often have great stories to tell and news to share from the road, and Google Maps, which helps me find the nearest cafe latte!

    You have a meeting immediately after your plane lands. What's your advice for looking presentable? This is often the case. If it's an overnight flight, I typically bring something to change into before arrival. I ask the flight attendant if they will hang it on the plane. Diane von Furstenberg dresses are great for travel because they are comfy, practically wrinkle free, take up little space -- and you can channel Diane's feminine style and confidence.

    Beauty products you never travel without? Kiehl's Midnight Recovery. It's very hydrating and I find the essential oils calming during those long, dry overnight flights.

    What are your tips for keeping relationships with kids/spouses/partners healthy when you're always on the road? We have a saying: LIFO: last in, first out. I try not to travel longer than I need to, even when traveling to really interesting places -- the good news is, I will most certainly be back. Stay in touch and bring back little gifts so that those in your personal life know you are thinking of them even while traveling and doing fascinating things for your professional life. I really try to limit weekend travel. I am a big believer in having a personal life, connecting with family and friends and rest on weekends.

    What's your go to snack for a long day of meetings or long plane ride? I always travel with protein bars and almonds. On a plane ride or in another country it's not always easy to find food, particularly if you are a vegetarian like me.

    What's your favorite airport to kill time in? Although the shopping and food are certainly better at London Heathrow or Hong Kong International, I would have to say LAX. I grew up in Los Angeles and traveled a lot as a kid, so that airport always reminds me of coming home...and that's the best destination.
