

colleen Leahey 2013-03-29




    您使用什么样的旅行箱(或旅行包)?我的旅行箱里通常会装有双份的生活必用品——吹风机、化妆品和健身服。我最近不得不更新换代,因为旧的行李箱已经磨破了。如果要出差3 - 4天,我会用旅行专用的随身行李箱。有时候,出差可能会有很多着装要求。在这种情况下,我就会使用更大的旅行专用拉杆箱。

    哪两个应用程序是您旅途中必不可少的?我现在最喜欢的应用是My Fitness Pal。这款应用可以帮助我跟踪每天摄入的卡路里,还能帮我跟踪通过运动燃烧的卡路里。在旅途中用餐通常都很有挑战性,所以这款应用可以帮我坚持自己的健康目标。我还喜欢最基本的照片应用,可以浏览家人的照片——尤其是我刚刚出生的孙女的照片!




    旅行食物:如果要开一天会或需要长途飞机旅行,您会准备哪些最喜欢的小食品?非凡农庄(Pepperidge Farm)金鱼形饼干。这些可口的焙烤饼干非常适合在我需要的时候用来补充能量。



    公司:媒体内容供应商A&E Networks



Denise Morrison

    Title: President and CEO

    Company: Campbell Soup Co.

    On the road: At least once a week

    What's your go-to travel suitcase (or bag)? My suitcase is always packed with duplicate essentials -- hair dryer, makeup and workout clothes. I actually had to buy new suitcases recently as I had worn through my old ones. I use a Travel Pro carry on for 2-3 night trips. Sometimes my trips involve multiple wardrobe requirements. In that case, I use a large Travel Pro roller suitcase.

    Two apps you can't travel without? My favorite app right now is My Fitness Pal. It helps me keep track of the calories I've taken in during the day and also helps me track the calories I've burned through exercise. Since eating on the road is always so challenging, this app really helps me stay in tune with my fitness goals. I also love the basic photo app to look at family pictures -- especially those of my new granddaughter!

    You have a meeting immediately after your plane lands. What's your advice for looking presentable? I always carry my "meeting" shoes with me and wear comfortable shoes when I travel. I also will not wear my jacket on the plane -- I'll hang it when possible. I'll wear a sweater and change. While both things keep me relaxed, I find that by changing into my "official" garb once we land gets me mentally ready for the upcoming meeting.

    Advice for combating jet lag? Don't plan to do too much the first night you arrive in a different time zone. My team knows I like to keep it low key when I get to my destination, so I can get a good night's sleep and start fresh the next day.

    What are your tips for keeping relationships with kids/spouses/partners healthy when you're always on the road?Utilize technology well. My career began in sales and in the '80's I remember having to fax back edits to my daughter's term papers using the one fax machine at the hotel. We've come a long way since then, as she can now FaceTime me or text me no matter where I am. I make a point to check in with my husband (we're empty nesters now) to see how his day went. I also do this because he has a habit of buying interesting things when I'm away on long trips. I returned from an overseas trip a few years ago to find what I believe is the world's largest espresso machine.

    Travel food: what's your go-to snack for a long day of meetings or long plane ride?Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. They are great baked snacks for when I need a boost.

Abbe Raven

    Title: President and CEO

    Company: A&E Networks

    On the road: Every few weeks

    What's your go-to travel suitcase (or bag)? I have an old roller bag with the best pockets on the outside...one pocket is perfect for my work folders and iPad and the other is great for easily taking out toiletries at the security checkpoint. It's getting old, but it's perfect for my needs, so I don't want to give it up.
