

Sierra Jiminez 2012-03-27






How do you find out about these products?

    We focus on American companies because that's what we want to showcase. But then there's something unique in the link with the country that we are hosting -- so maybe its wine maker or somebody significant in that company is of that country's heritage. It's a lot of research, but also, many people just come to us. They say 'Hey, I heard you're doing this. Let me tell you what I have and what I can offer.' We're always open and welcome to new ideas and looking at new people.

How do people contact you?

    They call. We have an open line in our ceremonials office and through our general protocol office. And many times they're from great vendors, not only for wines but also a variety of other companies. We're always open to new ideas; I think that's what we should be doing. What we should be doing here in this office is introducing to our foreign visitors, and to the diplomats that come to our country, the best of America. We want to invite that in so we can showcase these companies. That's what we are trying to do.
