

Rachyl Jones 2023-08-27
YouTube的首席执行官表示,在检测人工智能生成音乐中潜在的版权侵权方面,Content ID能够发挥重要的作用。

德雷克是作品遭到人工智能伪造的众多音乐艺术家之一。图片来源:AMY SUSSMAN/GETTY IMAGES



8月21日,YouTube的首席执行官尼尔·莫汉表示,在检测人工智能生成音乐中潜在的版权侵权方面,名为Content ID的工具能够发挥重要的作用。


莫汉称,公司将全力支持人工智能,也将担负起责任。公司将与艺术家和唱片公司合作探索在音乐中利用人工智能的新方法,同时优先保护艺术家的原创作品,包括继续开发Content ID系统。



YouTube最初之所以开发Content ID,主要是因为维亚康姆公司(Viacom)指控该网站在删除受版权保护的素材方面做得不够,例如用户视频背景里播放热门歌曲或将完整专辑上传到网站。Content ID扫描YouTube用户上传的大量视频,检查是否存在特定的歌曲。然后,使用该系统的版权所有者可以决定删除侵权视频,也能够不删除然后分享视频在YouTube上的部分广告收益。

莫汉在帖子中说,多年来Content ID为行业创造了数十亿美元的收入。“内容生成的新时代已经到来,给了人们重新想象和发展的机会。”莫汉表示。



技术和娱乐律师简·戴维森曾经在YouTube的音乐人事部门担任人才经理,她表示Content ID很难准确地辨认出人工智能生成的音乐由哪些媒体训练。YouTube的系统必须学会识别音乐中与YouTube目录中受版权保护的素材相似的特定声音、音符或排列,并标记出来,供版权所有者决定是否索赔。戴维森对《财富》杂志表示,生成的视频元数据也可能为训练人工智能的内容提供线索。

专家一致认为,各大音乐公司都有类似Content ID的技术,可能都在训练自己的系统,以识别生成音乐里的版权素材。Studio71的高管塞缪尔·塔勒表示,如果涉及到Meta和TikTok等社交媒体平台时,就将效仿YouTube的做法。他的公司使用YouTube及其竞争对手的系统已经有10年的时间。

他说:“Content ID真的很先进,而且随着时间推移在不断进步。”其他社交媒体公司的技术无法与之相比,不过Content ID仍然不够完美。“这一系统真的非常好,只是细节处理得不够,而且有一定漏洞。”举例来说,该系统可能分不出一首歌到底是帕拉莫尔乐队(Paramore)自己演唱的,还是由女性主唱的摇滚乐队翻唱的。系统确实需要掌握细节才能够在人工智能生成的素材中检测版权。即便如此,其他平台并未做得更好,他说。YouTube拒绝置评。


一些艺术家已经体验到被人工智能抢走饭碗的滋味。今年4月,一位匿名TikTok用户发布了使用人工智能模仿德雷克和威肯(the Weeknd)的声音的歌曲。这首歌曲朗朗上口,在TikTok、Spotify、Apple Music和YouTube上都有售,在因为版权索赔而被删除之前疯传。目前尚不清楚是不是因为Content ID标记了该首歌曲,还是在艺术家团队联系后才删除。(财富中文网)




8月21日,YouTube的首席执行官尼尔·莫汉表示,在检测人工智能生成音乐中潜在的版权侵权方面,名为Content ID的工具能够发挥重要的作用。


莫汉称,公司将全力支持人工智能,也将担负起责任。公司将与艺术家和唱片公司合作探索在音乐中利用人工智能的新方法,同时优先保护艺术家的原创作品,包括继续开发Content ID系统。



YouTube最初之所以开发Content ID,主要是因为维亚康姆公司(Viacom)指控该网站在删除受版权保护的素材方面做得不够,例如用户视频背景里播放热门歌曲或将完整专辑上传到网站。Content ID扫描YouTube用户上传的大量视频,检查是否存在特定的歌曲。然后,使用该系统的版权所有者可以决定删除侵权视频,也能够不删除然后分享视频在YouTube上的部分广告收益。

莫汉在帖子中说,多年来Content ID为行业创造了数十亿美元的收入。“内容生成的新时代已经到来,给了人们重新想象和发展的机会。”莫汉表示。



技术和娱乐律师简·戴维森曾经在YouTube的音乐人事部门担任人才经理,她表示Content ID很难准确地辨认出人工智能生成的音乐由哪些媒体训练。YouTube的系统必须学会识别音乐中与YouTube目录中受版权保护的素材相似的特定声音、音符或排列,并标记出来,供版权所有者决定是否索赔。戴维森对《财富》杂志表示,生成的视频元数据也可能为训练人工智能的内容提供线索。

专家一致认为,各大音乐公司都有类似Content ID的技术,可能都在训练自己的系统,以识别生成音乐里的版权素材。Studio71的高管塞缪尔·塔勒表示,如果涉及到Meta和TikTok等社交媒体平台时,就将效仿YouTube的做法。他的公司使用YouTube及其竞争对手的系统已经有10年的时间。

他说:“Content ID真的很先进,而且随着时间推移在不断进步。”其他社交媒体公司的技术无法与之相比,不过Content ID仍然不够完美。“这一系统真的非常好,只是细节处理得不够,而且有一定漏洞。”举例来说,该系统可能分不出一首歌到底是帕拉莫尔乐队(Paramore)自己演唱的,还是由女性主唱的摇滚乐队翻唱的。系统确实需要掌握细节才能够在人工智能生成的素材中检测版权。即便如此,其他平台并未做得更好,他说。YouTube拒绝置评。


一些艺术家已经体验到被人工智能抢走饭碗的滋味。今年4月,一位匿名TikTok用户发布了使用人工智能模仿德雷克和威肯(the Weeknd)的声音的歌曲。这首歌曲朗朗上口,在TikTok、Spotify、Apple Music和YouTube上都有售,在因为版权索赔而被删除之前疯传。目前尚不清楚是不是因为Content ID标记了该首歌曲,还是在艺术家团队联系后才删除。(财富中文网)


In the world of technology, sixteen years is an eon. That many years ago, Apple launched its first iPhone, and IBM created Watson. YouTube, which had just been acquired by Google, rolled out a groundbreaking tool that could identify copyrighted music within the videos that users uploaded to its site.

Now, in a remarkable indication of how much the world has changed since that time, YouTube has a new mission for its trusty copyright detection tool: to identify an expected deluge of songs composed by artificial intelligence.

On August 21, YouTube CEO Neal Mohan said that Content ID, the name of the tool, could play an important role detecting potential copyright infringement in A.I.-generated music.

“AI is ushering in a new age of creative expression, but it must include appropriate protections,” Mohan said in a blog post detailing YouTube’s plan for addressing A.I.-generated music on its site.

Mohan said the company will embrace A.I. wholeheartedly but responsibly. It will collaborate with artists and record labels to explore new ways to use A.I. in music, while also prioritizing protecting the creative works of artists, which includes continuing to develop its Content ID system.

But with so few guidelines and established best practices for the new era of generative A.I., YouTube will be in uncharted waters. As it puts its plan into practice, YouTube’s approach to policing A.I.-generated music on its platform, as well as its success and struggles in the effort, is likely to have an impact that goes well beyond its own website, according to experts.

It’s not easy to determine the song that trained the A.I.

YouTube initially developed Content ID as a result of a lawsuit from Viacom which alleged that the site was not doing enough to remove copyrighted material, such as a hit song playing in the background of a user’s video or a full album uploaded to the site. Content ID scans YouTube’s vast corpus of user uploaded videos, checking to see if a particular song is present. Copyright owners who use the system can then decide whether they want to have an infringing video taken down, or to leave it be and earn a cut of their advertising revenue the video racks up on YouTube.

Content ID has generated billions of dollars for the industry over the years, Mohan said in the post. “A new era of generated content is here, and it gives us an opportunity to reimagine and evolve again,” he said.

But detecting copyright in A.I.-generated material isn’t as easy as finding a video with a Beyonce song playing in the background. The current iteration of generative A.I. produces content based on pieces of things that already exist, so a song could be informed by dozens of voice cadences, notes sequences, and stylistic choices from artists in their own work. Style and voice can’t be copyrighted.

Rights laws come into play when the original recording trains an A.I. model or if an A.I.-generated song profits from the name and likeness of an artist. These issues spark a larger conversation about the rights of everyone involved in the production of music, experts say. Does the person who mixed the background music that informed A.I. have a claim? What about the artist whose voice was removed from a song? There are no clear guidelines on when A.I. infringes on copyright and who is owed if it does, and these issues are a long way from being solved in the courts. As a music industry leader with some of the most advanced audio recognition systems, what YouTube does next will set a precedent for who is owed and when, experts say.

It will be difficult for Content ID to claim exactly what media trained A.I.-generated music, said Jane Davidson, a technology and entertainment lawyer who previously worked as a talent manager for YouTube musicians. YouTube’s system will have to learn to recognize specific voices, notes or sequences in music that are similar enough to copyrighted material in YouTube’s catalog and flag them for rights owners to decide if they want to file a claim. A generated video’s metadata might also clue into the content that trained the A.I., Davidson told Fortune.

All of the major music companies have technology similar to Content ID, and they are all likely training their systems to recognize copyrighted material in generated music, experts agree. But when it comes to the social media companies, like Meta and TikTok, they will be following YouTube’s lead, said Samuel Tall, executive at Studio71 who has been using YouTube’s system and those of its competitors for a decade.

“Content ID came out of the gate really advanced and has been improved upon over time,” he said. The technology from other social media companies doesn’t compare, but Content ID still isn’t perfect, he said. “It’s really, really good, but it struggles with nuance, and there’s a certain amount of leakiness to it.” For example, it might not be able to differentiate a woman-led rock band covering a Paramore song from Paramore itself, he said. And it really needs to master nuance to detect copyright within A.I.-generated material. That said, other platforms don’t do a better job, he said. YouTube declined to comment.

Artists and other music industry workers are concerned A.I. will compromise their originality, Tall told Fortune. For musicians, that means their style and artistry. For producers, DJs and audio mixers, that means the skills they’ve built around creating music, which they bill for, he said.

Some artists have already had front row seats to A.I. stealing their thunder. In April, an anonymous TikTok user posted a song that used A.I. to mimic the voices of Drake and the Weeknd. The catchy song was available on TikTok, Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube, and it went viral before being taken down for copyright claims. It is unclear if Content ID flagged the song or if the artists’ teams reached out first.
