

Teresa Xie, Isaiah Poritz, 彭博社 2023-07-06




6月28日,克拉克森律师事务所(Clarkson Law Firm)向旧金山联邦法院提起诉讼称,原告的身份是用职业或兴趣来描述的,但由于担心遭到报复,他们仅以名字首字母署名。这些匿名人士估计受害者有数百万人,因此称损失可能达到30亿美元。



微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)据称计划向OpenAI投资130亿美元,此次也被告上法庭。


ChatGPT和其他生成式人工智能的应用使人们对这项技术的前景产生了浓烈的兴趣,但也引发了一场关于隐私泄露和散布误导信息的风暴。美国国会正在讨论人工智能的潜力和危险性,因为人工智能产品的出现让人们开始担忧创意行业的未来以及将来能否区分现实和虚幻。今年5月,OpenAI的首席执行官萨姆·奥尔特曼在国会山(Capitol Hill)作证时就曾经呼吁加强对人工智能的监管。不过,这项诉讼的重点在于OpenAI起初是如何获得其产品的核心要素的。


作为新兴的人工智能行业的领先公司,OpenAI在诉讼中被指控秘密进行大规模的网页抓取,违反了服务协议条款以及州和联邦的隐私法和物权法。该诉讼引用的其中一项法规是《计算机欺诈与滥用法案》(Computer Fraud and Abuse Act),这是一项联邦反黑客法,此前在一些网页抓取相关的法律纠纷也曾经被援引过。该诉讼还指控OpenAI构成侵犯隐私、盗窃、不当得利等罪名,并且违反了《电子通信隐私法案》(Electronic Communications Privacy Act)。

原告称,为了赢得“人工智能军备竞赛”,OpenAI从个人与其产品的交互过程和已集成ChatGPT功能的应用中非法获取私人信息,继而大规模盗用个人数据。该诉讼指出,ChatGPT功能的嵌入使得OpenAI可以从照片分享应用程序Snapchat收集图像和位置数据,从音乐播放平台Spotify收集音乐偏好数据,从在线支付服务商Stripe收集财务信息,以及从办公协作工具Slack和Microsoft Teams收集私人谈话。






6月28日,克拉克森律师事务所(Clarkson Law Firm)向旧金山联邦法院提起诉讼称,原告的身份是用职业或兴趣来描述的,但由于担心遭到报复,他们仅以名字首字母署名。这些匿名人士估计受害者有数百万人,因此称损失可能达到30亿美元。



微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)据称计划向OpenAI投资130亿美元,此次也被告上法庭。


ChatGPT和其他生成式人工智能的应用使人们对这项技术的前景产生了浓烈的兴趣,但也引发了一场关于隐私泄露和散布误导信息的风暴。美国国会正在讨论人工智能的潜力和危险性,因为人工智能产品的出现让人们开始担忧创意行业的未来以及将来能否区分现实和虚幻。今年5月,OpenAI的首席执行官萨姆·奥尔特曼在国会山(Capitol Hill)作证时就曾经呼吁加强对人工智能的监管。不过,这项诉讼的重点在于OpenAI起初是如何获得其产品的核心要素的。


作为新兴的人工智能行业的领先公司,OpenAI在诉讼中被指控秘密进行大规模的网页抓取,违反了服务协议条款以及州和联邦的隐私法和物权法。该诉讼引用的其中一项法规是《计算机欺诈与滥用法案》(Computer Fraud and Abuse Act),这是一项联邦反黑客法,此前在一些网页抓取相关的法律纠纷也曾经被援引过。该诉讼还指控OpenAI构成侵犯隐私、盗窃、不当得利等罪名,并且违反了《电子通信隐私法案》(Electronic Communications Privacy Act)。

原告称,为了赢得“人工智能军备竞赛”,OpenAI从个人与其产品的交互过程和已集成ChatGPT功能的应用中非法获取私人信息,继而大规模盗用个人数据。该诉讼指出,ChatGPT功能的嵌入使得OpenAI可以从照片分享应用程序Snapchat收集图像和位置数据,从音乐播放平台Spotify收集音乐偏好数据,从在线支付服务商Stripe收集财务信息,以及从办公协作工具Slack和Microsoft Teams收集私人谈话。




ChatGPT creator OpenAI is stealing “vast amounts” of personal information to train its artificial intelligence models in a heedless hunt for profits, a group of anonymous individuals claimed in a lawsuit seeking class action status.

OpenAI has violated privacy laws by secretly scraping 300 billion words from the internet, tapping “books, articles, websites and posts — including personal information obtained without consent,” according to the sprawling, 157-page lawsuit. It doesn’t shy from sweeping language, accusing the company of risking “civilizational collapse.”

The plaintiffs are described by their occupations or interests but identified only by initials for fear of a backlash against them, the Clarkson Law Firm said in the suit, filed on June 28 in federal court in San Francisco. They cite $3 billion in potential damages, based on a category of harmed individuals they estimate to be in the millions.

“A Different Approach: Theft”

“Despite established protocols for the purchase and use of personal information, Defendants took a different approach: theft,” they allege. The company’s popular chatbot program ChatGPT and other products are trained on private information taken from what the plaintiffs described as hundreds of millions of internet users, including children, without their permission.

Microsoft Corp., which plans to invest a reported $13 billion in OpenAI, was also named as a defendant.

A spokesperson for OpenAI didn’t immediately respond to a call or email seeking comment on the lawsuit. A spokesperson for Microsoft didn’t respond right away to an email.

ChatGPT and other generative AI applications have stirred intense interest in the technology’s promise but also sparked a firestorm over privacy and misinformation. Congress is debating the potential and dangers of AI as the products raise questions about the future of creative industries and the ability to tell fact from fiction. OpenAI Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman himself, in testimony on Capitol Hill in May, called for AI regulation. But the lawsuit focuses on how OpenAI got the guts of its products to begin with.

Secret Scraping

OpenAI, which is at the forefront of the burgeoning industry, is accused in the suit of conducting an enormous clandestine web-scraping operation, violating terms of service agreements and state and federal privacy and property laws. One of the laws cited is the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, a federal anti-hacking statute that has been invoked in scraping disputes before. The suit also includes claims of invasion of privacy, larceny, unjust enrichment and violations of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

Misappropriating personal data on a vast scale to win an “AI arms race,” OpenAI illegally accesses private information from individuals’ interactions with its products and from applications that have integrated ChatGPT, the plaintiffs claim. Such integrations allow the company to gather image and location data from Snapchat, music preferences on Spotify, financial information from Stripe and private conversations on Slack and Microsoft Teams, according to the suit.

Chasing profits, OpenAI abandoned its original principle of advancing artificial intelligence “in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole,” the plaintiffs allege. The suit puts ChatGPT’s expected revenue for 2023 at $200 million.

While seeking to represent the massive class of allegedly harmed individuals, and requesting monetary damages to be determined at trial, the plaintiffs are also asking the court to temporarily freeze commercial access to and further development of OpenAI’s products.
