

JEREMY KAHN 2023-06-10

据外泄的消息显示,OpenAI CEO山姆·阿尔特曼上个月在伦敦与软件开发者召开的闭门会议上表示,缺少专用计算机芯片打乱了公司的经营计划。图片来源:JOEL SAGET —— 法新社/盖蒂图片社


一个互联网存档网站已经保存了一份原博客的副本,之后文章内容在社交媒体和程序员聚集的多个论坛上广泛传播。人工智能专家拉扎·哈毕比在博客中写道,阿尔特曼表示,OpenAI无法买到足够多运行人工智能应用需要使用的专用计算机芯片图形处理单元(GPU),这阻碍了公司的短期计划,也为使用OpenAI服务的开发者带来了麻烦。哈毕比是Humanloop公司的联合创始人兼CEO。哈毕比的初创公司位于伦敦,该公司率先提出了提高大语言模型训练效率的方法。大语言模型是OpenAI ChatGPT使用的基础技术。









哈毕比写道,在监管方面,阿尔特曼对开发者表示,他并不认为现有模型带来了任何严重的风险,而且“对现有模型进行监管或者禁用将是严重的错误”。阿尔特曼重申了他公开的立场,即OpenAI认同开源人工智能软件的重要性,并证实了科技刊物《The Information》关于OpenAI正在将其某一款模型开源的报道。博客称,阿尔特曼表示,公司可能将其GPT-3模型开源,但到目前为止之所以没有这样做,是因为阿尔特曼“怀疑有多少个人和公司有能力托管和服务”大语言模型。

据称阿尔特曼在闭门会议上表示,OpenAI仍在分析OpenAI Plus的用户希望如何使用这款插件。该插件支持大语言模型使用其他软件。哈毕比在博客中表示,这可能意味着这款插件尚未达到产品与市场契合的程度,因此在短期内不会通过OpenAI的API向企业客户发布。



Signal基金会(Signal Foundation)的总裁、大型科技公司的主要批评者梅雷迪思·惠特克在柏林召开的一次会议上接受场边采访时表示,这篇博客表明,全球最大的科技公司扼制了当前人工智能软件的基础,因为只有这些大公司有实力提供训练最大规模的人工智能模型所需要的计算资源和数据。她说到:“看得出来,尽管OpenAI能够使用微软(Microsoft)的基础设施,但对其约束最大的因素是GPU。”她提到的是OpenAI与微软的合作。到目前为止,微软在来自旧金山的人工智能初创公司OpenAI投资了130亿美元。 “你必须有超级昂贵的基础设施才能这样做。”她表示,人们不要误以为开源人工智能社区存在,就代表“行业格局是真正民主化和竞争性的”。 (财富中文网)





一个互联网存档网站已经保存了一份原博客的副本,之后文章内容在社交媒体和程序员聚集的多个论坛上广泛传播。人工智能专家拉扎·哈毕比在博客中写道,阿尔特曼表示,OpenAI无法买到足够多运行人工智能应用需要使用的专用计算机芯片图形处理单元(GPU),这阻碍了公司的短期计划,也为使用OpenAI服务的开发者带来了麻烦。哈毕比是Humanloop公司的联合创始人兼CEO。哈毕比的初创公司位于伦敦,该公司率先提出了提高大语言模型训练效率的方法。大语言模型是OpenAI ChatGPT使用的基础技术。









哈毕比写道,在监管方面,阿尔特曼对开发者表示,他并不认为现有模型带来了任何严重的风险,而且“对现有模型进行监管或者禁用将是严重的错误”。阿尔特曼重申了他公开的立场,即OpenAI认同开源人工智能软件的重要性,并证实了科技刊物《The Information》关于OpenAI正在将其某一款模型开源的报道。博客称,阿尔特曼表示,公司可能将其GPT-3模型开源,但到目前为止之所以没有这样做,是因为阿尔特曼“怀疑有多少个人和公司有能力托管和服务”大语言模型。

据称阿尔特曼在闭门会议上表示,OpenAI仍在分析OpenAI Plus的用户希望如何使用这款插件。该插件支持大语言模型使用其他软件。哈毕比在博客中表示,这可能意味着这款插件尚未达到产品与市场契合的程度,因此在短期内不会通过OpenAI的API向企业客户发布。



Signal基金会(Signal Foundation)的总裁、大型科技公司的主要批评者梅雷迪思·惠特克在柏林召开的一次会议上接受场边采访时表示,这篇博客表明,全球最大的科技公司扼制了当前人工智能软件的基础,因为只有这些大公司有实力提供训练最大规模的人工智能模型所需要的计算资源和数据。她说到:“看得出来,尽管OpenAI能够使用微软(Microsoft)的基础设施,但对其约束最大的因素是GPU。”她提到的是OpenAI与微软的合作。到目前为止,微软在来自旧金山的人工智能初创公司OpenAI投资了130亿美元。 “你必须有超级昂贵的基础设施才能这样做。”她表示,人们不要误以为开源人工智能社区存在,就代表“行业格局是真正民主化和竞争性的”。 (财富中文网)




Shortages of the specialized computer chips needed to run its artificial intelligence software are holding back OpenAI’s business, and the company has no intention of releasing a consumer-facing product beyond ChatGPT. Those are just two of the disclosures OpenAI cofounder and CEO Sam Altman reportedly made to a group of software developers and startup CEOs at a private meeting in London two weeks ago, according to a blog post written by one of the participants. The account of the closed-door meeting, reportedly attended by about 20 people, was later taken down at OpenAI’s request, according to a note appended to the page where it initially appeared, but that hasn’t stopped the A.I. community from poring over the influential CEO’s (alleged) comments.

An internet archiving site had already saved a copy of the original blog post, and it has since circulated on social media and several coder-oriented discussion boards. Altman said OpenAI’s inability to access enough graphics processing units (GPUs), the specialized computer chips used to run A.I. applications, is delaying OpenAI’s short-term plans and causing problems for developers using OpenAI’s services, according to the blog post penned by Raza Habib, an A.I. expert who is also the cofounder and CEO of Humanloop. Habib’s London-based startup has pioneered methods to make the training of large language models, such as those that underpin OpenAI’s ChatGPT, more efficient.

The shortage of GPUs has made it harder for OpenAI to let users push more data through the large language models that underpin its software, such as ChatGPT, and slowed the company’s planned rollout of additional features and services. It has also made OpenAI’s existing services slower and less reliable, according to the blog post, a fact that is frustrating customers and making them reluctant to build enterprise applications on top of OpenAI’s technology. The chip supply crunch has risked OpenAI’s first-mover advantage in the generative A.I. boom, as Google—as well as lesser-known rivals—has been able to roll out competing services, and open-source competitors have gained a greater foothold.

All about the ‘context window’

Altman laid out several things that OpenAI just can’t do yet because it lacks the hardware (i.e., the chips). These include providing a longer “context window” to most customers of its GPT large language models, Habib wrote in his blog post. The context window determines how much data can be used in a single prompt that is fed into the model and how long the model’s response can be. Most users of GPT-4 have a context window that is 8,000 tokens long (a token is a segment of data on which the underlying A.I. model makes a prediction, equivalent to about one and a half words of English). OpenAI announced a 32,000-token window for select users of the model in March, but few users have been granted access to that feature, a fact Altman blamed on the lack of GPUs, Habib wrote.

The majority of the world’s A.I. applications are trained and run on GPUs, a kind of computer chip that is designed to crunch data using parallel processing at high speeds. Most of those chips are made by just one company, Nvidia, and can cost thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Market watchers already know that Nvidia’s stock has soared due to its association with the boom in generative A.I., and its market valuation recently crossed the $1 trillion threshold.

The OpenAI cofounder and CEO also reportedly assured the developers that OpenAI has no plans to launch any consumer-facing products beyond ChatGPT, according to Habib’s post. Habib had said that many developers at the meeting told Altman they were concerned about using OpenAI’s A.I. models to build upon if OpenAI itself might later roll out competing products. Altman reportedly said ChatGPT would be its only consumer-facing product and that his vision for its future was as a “super smart assistant for work” but that many industry-specific cases involving the underlying GPT large language models OpenAI “wouldn’t touch.”

Altman also reportedly said that comments he had a month ago about “the era of giant models” being over had been wrongly interpreted. The OpenAI chief told developers that he only meant to say that given how large GPT-4, OpenAI’s most powerful large language model, already is, it would not be possible to continue to scale up A.I. systems exponentially. He told the London meeting that OpenAI would continue to create larger models, but they would be only two or three times bigger than GPT-4, not millions of times larger.

In the conversation with developers, Altman also reportedly laid out OpenAI’s near-term road map. Within 2023, Altman said OpenAI’s goals were to make GPT-4 faster and cheaper, provide a longer “context window” to allow people to feed OpenAI’s GPT models more data and receive longer outputs, roll out an easier way to fine-tune GPT-4 for specific customer use cases, and also allow ChatGPT and its underlying large language models to retain a memory of past dialogues, so that one would not have to repeat the same sequence of prompts each time a person wanted to pick up a conversation where they left off or repeat a certain interaction with the model, Habib’s blog post said.

Next year, Altman reportedly said the priority would be to roll out GPT-4’s ability to receive images as inputs and outputs, a feature the company demonstrated when it debuted the model in March, but has not made available to most customers yet.

When it comes to regulation, Altman said to the developers that he did not think existing models posed any outsize risk and that “it would be a big mistake to regulate or ban them,” Habib wrote. Altman reiterated his public stance that OpenAI believed in the importance of open-source A.I. software and confirmed a report from the tech publication The Information that OpenAI is considering open-sourcing one of its models. According to the blog, Altman said the company might open-source its GPT-3 model and only hadn’t done so yet because Altman “was skeptical of how many individuals and companies would have the capability to host and serve” large language models.

Altman reportedly told the closed-door meeting that the company was still trying to figure out how ChatGPT Plus customers wanted to use the plugins that allow the large language model to use other software. Habib said in the blog that this probably meant that the plugins did not yet have product-market fit and would not be rolled out to enterprise customers through OpenAI’s API anytime soon.

Neither Habib nor OpenAI immediately responded to requests for comment from Fortune.

Habib’s blog post inspired heated discussion on social media and developer forums. Many said Altman’s comments showed just how much of a problem the lack of GPUs is for realizing the business potential of large language models. Other said it showed just how vital many of the innovations emanating from the open-source A.I. community—which has developed innovative ways to achieve similar performance to some of the largest proprietary A.I. models using much less computing power and much less data—are to the technology’s future.

Meredith Whittaker, the president of the Signal Foundation and a leading critic of Big Tech, interviewed on the sidelines of a conference in Berlin, said the blog post showed the stranglehold that the world’s largest technology companies hold over the foundations of today’s A.I. software because only these companies can afford the computing resources and data needed to train the largest A.I. models. “What you see is that the primary constraint, even with access to Microsoft’s infrastructure, is GPUs,” she said, referring to OpenAI’s close partnership with Microsoft, which has invested $13 billion into the San Francisco A.I. startup to date. “You need incredibly expensive infrastructure to be able to do this.” She said people should not confuse the fact that an open-source A.I. community exists “with an actually democratic and competitive landscape.”

Fortune reporter David Meyer in Berlin contributed reporting to this story.
