

JEREMY KAHN 2023-05-28

OpenAI联合创始人兼首席执行官山姆·阿尔特曼在伦敦举行的一场座无座席的演讲中,既受到来自群众的抗议,也遇到仰慕者要求自拍合影。图片来源:WIN MCNAMEE—GETTY IMAGES

OpenAI联合创始人兼首席执行官山姆·阿尔特曼即将在伦敦大学学院(University College London)的地下礼堂发表演讲,礼堂共有985个座位,排队的人从门口往外排,排满了几阶楼梯,一直排到街上,然后蜿蜒穿过一个城市街区。再往前走,就会看到六个举着标语的年轻人,他们呼吁OpenAI放弃开发通用人工智能的努力——在大多数认知相关任务中,人工智能系统可以达到人类大脑同等智慧。一名抗议者拿着扩音器指责阿尔特曼的弥赛亚情结(想要通过拯救他人来实现自救,通过扮演救世主的角色来体现自己的价值),称他为了实现自我价值而冒着毁灭人类的风险。




阿尔特曼在美国参议院作证时呼吁政府对人工智能进行监管,最近还与人合写了一篇博文,呼吁建立一个类似于国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)这样的组织,来监管全球高级人工智能系统的发展。他表示,监管机构应该在美国监管新技术方面的传统自由放任方式和欧洲采取的积极监管立场之间取得平衡。他说,他希望看到人工智能的开源开发蓬勃发展。他说:“有人呼吁停止开源运动,我认为这将是真正的耻辱。”但“如果有人破解了代码,并研发出超级人工智能(不管你希望如何定义它)。”他警告说,“可能制定全球性规则是合乎情理的。”


这位OpenAI首席执行官还警告说,在他自己公司的机器人ChatGPT和文本生成图像工具DALL-E等技术的助力下,可以轻易生成大量错误信息。比起生成式人工智能被用来扩大现有的虚假信息活动规模,阿尔特曼更担心的是,这项技术有可能生成量身定制的、有针对性的虚假信息。他指出,OpenAI和其他开发专有人工智能模型的公司可以建立更好的护栏来防止此类活动,但他说,开源开发可能会破坏这种努力,因为开源开发允许用户修改软件并移除护栏。尽管监管“可能会有所帮助”,但阿尔特曼表示,人们需要成为批判性的信息消费者,并将其与图像处理软件Adobe Photoshop首次发布时,人们对数字编辑照片感到担忧的时期进行比较。他说:“同样的事情也会发生在这些新技术上。但我认为,我们越早让人们了解这一点越好,因为这样做能够引起更普遍的情感共鸣。”








这一暂停开发的呼吁呼应了包括马斯克和一些知名人工智能研究人员和企业家在内的数千名公开信的签名者所发出的呼吁,该信由生命未来研究所(Future of Life Institute)于3月底发表。

斯图尔特说,他所在的组织希望提高公众对人工智能所带来的威胁的认识,这样他们就可以向政治家施压,要求他们采取行动,对该技术进行监管。本周早些时候,一个自称“暂停人工智能”(Pause AI)的组织的抗议者也开始在谷歌DeepMind(另一个高级人工智能研究实验室)的伦敦办公室前进行抗议。斯图尔特说,他所在的组织并不隶属于“暂停人工智能”,尽管这两个组织有许多相同的宗旨和目标。 (财富中文网)


OpenAI联合创始人兼首席执行官山姆·阿尔特曼即将在伦敦大学学院(University College London)的地下礼堂发表演讲,礼堂共有985个座位,排队的人从门口往外排,排满了几阶楼梯,一直排到街上,然后蜿蜒穿过一个城市街区。再往前走,就会看到六个举着标语的年轻人,他们呼吁OpenAI放弃开发通用人工智能的努力——在大多数认知相关任务中,人工智能系统可以达到人类大脑同等智慧。一名抗议者拿着扩音器指责阿尔特曼的弥赛亚情结(想要通过拯救他人来实现自救,通过扮演救世主的角色来体现自己的价值),称他为了实现自我价值而冒着毁灭人类的风险。




阿尔特曼在美国参议院作证时呼吁政府对人工智能进行监管,最近还与人合写了一篇博文,呼吁建立一个类似于国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)这样的组织,来监管全球高级人工智能系统的发展。他表示,监管机构应该在美国监管新技术方面的传统自由放任方式和欧洲采取的积极监管立场之间取得平衡。他说,他希望看到人工智能的开源开发蓬勃发展。他说:“有人呼吁停止开源运动,我认为这将是真正的耻辱。”但“如果有人破解了代码,并研发出超级人工智能(不管你希望如何定义它)。”他警告说,“可能制定全球性规则是合乎情理的。”


这位OpenAI首席执行官还警告说,在他自己公司的机器人ChatGPT和文本生成图像工具DALL-E等技术的助力下,可以轻易生成大量错误信息。比起生成式人工智能被用来扩大现有的虚假信息活动规模,阿尔特曼更担心的是,这项技术有可能生成量身定制的、有针对性的虚假信息。他指出,OpenAI和其他开发专有人工智能模型的公司可以建立更好的护栏来防止此类活动,但他说,开源开发可能会破坏这种努力,因为开源开发允许用户修改软件并移除护栏。尽管监管“可能会有所帮助”,但阿尔特曼表示,人们需要成为批判性的信息消费者,并将其与图像处理软件Adobe Photoshop首次发布时,人们对数字编辑照片感到担忧的时期进行比较。他说:“同样的事情也会发生在这些新技术上。但我认为,我们越早让人们了解这一点越好,因为这样做能够引起更普遍的情感共鸣。”








这一暂停开发的呼吁呼应了包括马斯克和一些知名人工智能研究人员和企业家在内的数千名公开信的签名者所发出的呼吁,该信由生命未来研究所(Future of Life Institute)于3月底发表。

斯图尔特说,他所在的组织希望提高公众对人工智能所带来的威胁的认识,这样他们就可以向政治家施压,要求他们采取行动,对该技术进行监管。本周早些时候,一个自称“暂停人工智能”(Pause AI)的组织的抗议者也开始在谷歌DeepMind(另一个高级人工智能研究实验室)的伦敦办公室前进行抗议。斯图尔特说,他所在的组织并不隶属于“暂停人工智能”,尽管这两个组织有许多相同的宗旨和目标。 (财富中文网)


The line to enter the 985-seat basement auditorium at University College London where OpenAI cofounder and CEO Sam Altman is about to speak stretches out the door, snakes up several flights of stairs, carries on into the street, and then meanders most of the way down a city block. It inches forward, past a half-dozen young men holding signs calling for OpenAI to abandon efforts to develop artificial general intelligence—or A.I. systems that are as capable as humans at most cognitive tasks. One protester, speaking into a megaphone, accuses Altman of having a Messiah complex and risking the destruction of humanity for the sake of his ego.

Messiah might be taking it a bit far. But inside the hall, Altman received a rock star reception. After his talk, he was mobbed by admirers, asking him to pose for selfies and soliciting advice on the best way for a startup to build a “moat.” “Is this normal?” one incredulous reporter asks an OpenAI press handler as we stand in the tight scrum around Altman. “It’s been like this pretty much everywhere we’ve been on this trip,” the spokesperson says.

Altman is currently on an OpenAI “world tour”—visiting cities from Rio and Lagos to Berlin and Tokyo—to talk to entrepreneurs, developers, and students about OpenAI’s technology and the potential impact of A.I. more broadly. Altman has done this kind of world trip before. But this year, after the viral popularity of A.I.-powered chatbot ChatGPT, which has become the fastest growing consumer software product in history, it has the feeling of a victory lap. Altman is also meeting with key government leaders. Following his UCL appearance, he was off to meet U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for dinner, and he will be meeting with European Union officials in Brussels.

What did we learn from Altman’s talk? Among other things, that he credits Elon Musk with convincing him of the importance of deep tech investing, that he thinks advanced A.I. will reduce global inequality, that he equates educators’ fears of OpenAI’s ChatGPT with earlier generations’ hand-wringing over the calculator, and that he has no interest in living on Mars.

Altman, who has called on government to regulate A.I. in testimony before the U.S. Senate and recently coauthored a blog post calling for the creation of an organization like the International Atomic Energy Agency to police the development of advanced A.I. systems globally, said that regulators should strike a balance between America’s traditional laissez-faire approach to regulating new technologies and Europe’s more proactive stance. He said that he wants to see the open source development of A.I. thrive. “There’s this call to stop the open source movement that I think would be a real shame,” he said. But he warned that “if someone does crack the code and builds a superintelligence, however you want to define that, probably some global rules on that are appropriate.”

“We should treat this as least as seriously as we treat nuclear material, for the biggest scale systems that could give birth to superintelligence,” Altman said.

The OpenAI CEO also warned about the ease of churning out massive amounts of misinformation thanks to technology like his own company’s ChatGPT bot and DALL-E text-to-image tool. More worrisome to Altman than generative A.I. being used to scale up existing disinformation campaigns, he pointed to the tech’s potential to create individually tailored and targeted disinformation. OpenAI and others developing proprietary A.I. models could build better guardrails against such activity, he noted—but he said the effort could be undermined by open source development, which allows users to modify software and remove guardrails. And while regulation “could help some,” Altman said that people will need to become much more critical consumers of information, comparing it to the period when Adobe Photoshop was first released and people were concerned about digitally edited photographs. “The same thing will happen with these new technologies,” he said. “But the sooner we can educate people about it, because the emotional resonance is going to be so much higher, I think the better.”

Altman posited a more optimistic vision of A.I. than he has sometimes suggested in the past. While some have postulated that generative A.I. systems will make global inequality worse by depressing wages for average workers or causing mass unemployment, Altman said he thought the opposite would be true. He noted that enhancing economic growth and productivity globally, ought to lift people out of poverty and create new opportunities. “I’m excited that this technology can, like, bring the missing productivity gains of the last few decades back, and more than catch up,” he said. He noted his basic thesis, that the two “limiting reagents” of the world are the cost of intelligence and the cost of energy. If those two become dramatically less expensive, he said, it ought to help poorer people more than rich people. “This technology will lift all of the world up,” he said.

He also said he thought there were versions of A.I. superintelligence, a future technology that some, including Altman in the past, have said could pose severe dangers to all of humanity, that can be controlled. “The way I used to think about heading towards superintelligence is that we were going to build this one, extremely capable system,” he said, noting that such a system would be inherently very dangerous. “I think we now see a path where we very much build these tools that get more and more powerful, and there are billions of copies, trillions of copies being used in the world, helping individual people be way more effective, capable of doing way more; the amount of output that one person can have can dramatically increase. And where the superintelligence emerges is not just the capability of our biggest single neural network but all of the new science we are discovering, all of the new things we’re creating.”

In response to a question about what he learned from various mentors, Altman cited Elon Musk. “Certainly learning from Elon about what is just, like, possible to do and that you don’t need to accept that, like, hard R&D and hard technology is not something you ignore, that’s been super valuable,” he said.

He also fielded a question about whether he thought A.I. could help human settlement of Mars. “Look, I have no desire to go live on Mars, it sounds horrible,” he said. “But I’m happy other people do.” He said robots should be sent to Mars first to help terraform the planet to make it more hospitable for human habitation.

Outside the auditorium, the protesters kept up their chants against the OpenAI CEO. But they also paused to chat thoughtfully with curious attendees who stopped by to ask them about their protest.

“What we’re trying to do is raise awareness that A.I. does pose these threats and risks to humanity right now in terms of jobs and the economy, bias, misinformation, societal polarization, and ossification, but also slightly longer term, but not really long term, more existential threats,” said Alistair Stewart, a 27-year-old graduate student in political science and ethics at UCL who helped organize the protests.

Stewart cited a recent survey of A.I. experts that found 48% of them thought there was a 10% or greater chance of human extinction or other grave threats from advanced A.I. systems. He said that he and others protesting Altman’s appearance were calling for a pause in the development of A.I. systems more powerful than OpenAI’s GPT-4 large language model until researchers had “solved alignment”—a phrase that basically means figuring out a way to prevent a future superintelligent A.I. system from taking actions that would cause harm to human civilization.

That call for a pause echoes the one made by thousands of signatories of an open letter, including Musk and a number of well-known A.I. researchers and entrepreneurs, that was published by the Future of Life Institute in late March.

Stewart said his group wanted to raise public awareness of the threat posed by A.I. so that they could pressure politicians to take action and regulate the technology. Earlier this week, protesters from a group calling itself Pause AI have also begun picketing the London offices of Google DeepMind, another advanced A.I. research lab. Stewart said his group was not affiliated with Pause AI, although the two groups shared many of the same goals and objectives.
