

Vivienne Walt 2021-09-02




从某一方面来看,拜登是正确的:这1万亿美元包括了五角大楼自2001年以来为阿富汗战争提供的所有军事拨款;但是,这个数字不包括美国为战争借款支付的利息,也不包括美国迄今为止向在阿富汗和伊拉克阵亡的7000多名美国士兵(其中2461名在阿富汗)的亲眷支付的约7.04亿美元的死亡抚恤金。这个数字是布朗大学(Brown University)的沃森研究所(Watson Institute)与波士顿大学(Boston University)的弗雷德里克·帕迪中心(Frederick S. Pardee Center)合作的“战争成本”(Costs of War)项目发布的《“9·11”事件之后美国战争预算成本》(The U.S. Budgetary Costs of the Post-9/11 Wars)报告中披露的几个数字之一。






事实上,9月1日公布的另一份报告计算得出,如果美国没有发动阿富汗和伊拉克战争,国家可能会在哪些方面花费数万亿美元。总部位于华盛顿的美国政策研究所(Institute of Policy Studies)表示,用于军事战争的资金本来能够解决美国的许多问题,例如,用1.7万亿美元可以还清所有的学生债务,用4.5万亿美元让整个电网的碳排放清零,还能够向所有低收入国家提供新冠疫苗——最后这一项的费用甚至仅为250亿美元,仅仅略高于五角大楼2020年为阿富汗战争提供的最后一年预算——200亿美元。

“这确实是一个权衡问题。”美国政策研究所的报告《不安全状态:“9·11”事件以来军事化的代价》(State of Insecurity: the Cost of Militarization Since 9/11)的作者林赛·科什格里安认为。正如她对《财富》杂志所言:“我们在一件事情上花的钱越多,在其他事情上花的钱就越少。”


美国政策研究所的国家优先项目(National Priorities Project)的负责人科什格里安认为,如果把军费预算重新分配到医疗和教育领域,许多美国人会支持削减军事预算。但去年,两项分别削减10%预算的提案均未能够在美国国会通过。现在,关于是批准拜登提出的明年7150亿美元军费开支的请求,还是在阿富汗战争已经结束的情况下削减预算这一问题,政界人士存在严重分歧。







从某一方面来看,拜登是正确的:这1万亿美元包括了五角大楼自2001年以来为阿富汗战争提供的所有军事拨款;但是,这个数字不包括美国为战争借款支付的利息,也不包括美国迄今为止向在阿富汗和伊拉克阵亡的7000多名美国士兵(其中2461名在阿富汗)的亲眷支付的约7.04亿美元的死亡抚恤金。这个数字是布朗大学(Brown University)的沃森研究所(Watson Institute)与波士顿大学(Boston University)的弗雷德里克·帕迪中心(Frederick S. Pardee Center)合作的“战争成本”(Costs of War)项目发布的《“9·11”事件之后美国战争预算成本》(The U.S. Budgetary Costs of the Post-9/11 Wars)报告中披露的几个数字之一。





事实上,9月1日公布的另一份报告计算得出,如果美国没有发动阿富汗和伊拉克战争,国家可能会在哪些方面花费数万亿美元。总部位于华盛顿的美国政策研究所(Institute of Policy Studies)表示,用于军事战争的资金本来能够解决美国的许多问题,例如,用1.7万亿美元可以还清所有的学生债务,用4.5万亿美元让整个电网的碳排放清零,还能够向所有低收入国家提供新冠疫苗——最后这一项的费用甚至仅为250亿美元,仅仅略高于五角大楼2020年为阿富汗战争提供的最后一年预算——200亿美元。

“这确实是一个权衡问题。”美国政策研究所的报告《不安全状态:“9·11”事件以来军事化的代价》(State of Insecurity: the Cost of Militarization Since 9/11)的作者林赛·科什格里安认为。正如她对《财富》杂志所言:“我们在一件事情上花的钱越多,在其他事情上花的钱就越少。”


美国政策研究所的国家优先项目(National Priorities Project)的负责人科什格里安认为,如果把军费预算重新分配到医疗和教育领域,许多美国人会支持削减军事预算。但去年,两项分别削减10%预算的提案均未能够在美国国会通过。现在,关于是批准拜登提出的明年7150亿美元军费开支的请求,还是在阿富汗战争已经结束的情况下削减预算这一问题,政界人士存在严重分歧。




When the last U.S. military aircraft lifted off from Kabul Airport a minute before midnight in Afghanistan on August 30—7,267 days after dropping the first bombs there in October 2001—America seemingly shut the door on the 20-year war, and moved on. “We will lead with our diplomacy,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a speech in Washington, to mark the moment. “The military mission is over.”

“Over,” perhaps—though not wrapped up. Left behind is the war’s mammoth expense, the bulk of it financed with borrowed money and whose financial impact could be felt for decades.

In two reports out on September 1, economists and social scientists unpacking the costs of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and far smaller engagements in Syria and Yemen, put the final tab at more than $8 trillion, well above previous estimates. About $2 trillion, they calculate, was spent on the Afghanistan war alone—double what President Joe Biden stated on Aug. 16, when he defended the tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan, in part by saying, “We spent over a trillion dollars.”

Biden was correct in one respect: The trillion-dollar sum comprises all military appropriations by the Pentagon for the Afghanistan war since 2001. But the figure did not include the interest payments on money the U.S. borrowed to fight the war. Nor did it include death benefits of about $704 million paid so far to the survivors of more than 7,000 U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, about 2,461 of them in Afghanistan. That figure is among several revealed in one of the new reports, The U.S. Budgetary Costs of the Post-9/11 Wars, published by the Costs of War project at Brown University’s Watson Institute and Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee Center.

But the biggest-ticket item of all will far outlast the chaotic U.S. withdrawal: The medical benefits for wounded veterans, which the report estimates could reach about $2.3 trillion by 2050. That figure, say the researchers, is among the least-known financial burdens from the past two decades of war.

“What has consistently surprised me is how much veterans’ care has cost and will cost,” said the author of the report Neta C. Crawford, political science professor at Boston University and codirector of the Costs of War project. “These vets are sicker, and more injured, than in previous wars,” she said. The costs include long-term treatment for post-traumatic stress disorders and traumatic brain injuries—conditions that went undiagnosed among the vets who returned home from the Vietnam War in the 1970s. About 50,000 U.S. soldiers were wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Despite the dizzying sums, few Americans have felt the financial burden from decades of war, especially since their federal taxes have gone down even while military costs have ballooned. Almost the entire cost of the Afghan and Iraq wars has come from borrowed money, much of which has yet to be repaid.

“It is difficult to image the scale of what we are talking about into the future,” Crawford told Fortune. “Million, billion, trillion—it all rhymes, but you’re looking at 1,000 times more with each increment,” she says. “When you look at how we’ll upgrade all the infrastructure in the U.S., it could all be done with a trillion dollars.”

Indeed, a second report, also out on September 1, calculates what the U.S. might have spent those trillions on, had it not launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Washington-based Institute of Policy Studies, or IPS, says the money spent on military combat could have solved multiple problems in the U.S., like erasing all student debt for $1.7 trillion, decarbonizing the entire electricity grid for $4.5 trillion, or providing COVID-19 vaccines to all low-income countries for just $25 billion—only slightly higher than the $20 billion the Pentagon budgeted in 2020 for the final year of the Afghan War.

“It really does come down to tradeoffs,” said Lindsay Koshgarian, who wrote the institute’s report, State of Insecurity: The Cost of Militarization Since 9/11. As she told Fortune, “The more we are spending on one thing, the less we are spending on other things.”

Those tradeoffs have also skewed military strategy, according to some analysts, who argue that the Pentagon’s intense focus on Afghanistan and Iraq has come at the expense of dealing with other conflicts that steadily emerged during the past 20 years.

Koshgarian, who heads the National Priorities Project at IPS, believes many Americans would support cuts in the military budget if the money was reallocated to health care and education. But last year two separate proposals for a 10% cut failed to pass in Congress. Now politicians are bitterly divided over whether to approve Biden’s request for $715 billion in military spending for the coming year or whether to cut the budget, now that the Afghan War has ended.

In the end Americans might not feel the military cost—just as they did not feel the pinch during the past 20 years. With the last U.S. soldier out of Afghanistan, the hundreds of billions could seem increasingly abstract.

Still, Koshgarian believes most would support cutting military spending in order to boost health care, education, and infrastructure. “There is a big divide between what Americans want and what our representatives in Washington are giving us,” she said. “National security and foreign policy are not top of the list when Americans go vote.”
