

Robert Hackett  2021-01-11

1月7日,特斯拉(Tesla)悄然发布其最新款Model Y系列SUV车型,正式进军廉价车市场。

该款车型基础价为4.2万美元(中国地区报价约合33.99-36.99万元),是特斯拉迄今为止报价最低的中型SUV,仅比入门级轿车Model 3高出4000美元。


特斯拉网站的截图展示了新的“标准系列”车型Model Y,这是特斯拉电动SUV的一款更实惠的车型。

在Model Y的高端系列中,特斯拉“性能级”车型续航里程为303英里,最高时速达155英里,底价为6万美元。另一款“远程级”车型续航里程为326英里,最高时速达135英里,底价为5万美元。这两款高端车型不似“标准级”,都配备有全轮驱动。

特斯拉此次悄无声息地发布消息一时震惊了无数埃隆•马斯克的粉丝。犹记得2020年7月,马斯克还发推特表示不会再发布Model Y的“标准级”车型,因为其续航里程可能会低于250英里,不容用户所接受。根据特斯拉最新提供的性能参数,如今上市后的车型依然未能在里程数上做出太大突破。





反观特斯拉的竞争对手们,大量传统车企也正在“电动车大潮”中加紧研发自己的电池驱动车型,其中包括福特(Ford)的野马马赫-E(Mustang Mach-E)及大众(Volkswagen)的ID.4等。

据特斯拉官网,客户可以在交付Model Y“标准型”后的二到五周内拿到现车。(财富中文网)


1月7日,特斯拉(Tesla)悄然发布其最新款Model Y系列SUV车型,正式进军廉价车市场。

该款车型基础价为4.2万美元(中国地区报价约合33.99-36.99万元),是特斯拉迄今为止报价最低的中型SUV,仅比入门级轿车Model 3高出4000美元。


特斯拉网站的截图展示了新的“标准系列”车型Model Y,这是特斯拉电动SUV的一款更实惠的车型。

在Model Y的高端系列中,特斯拉“性能级”车型续航里程为303英里,最高时速达155英里,底价为6万美元。另一款“远程级”车型续航里程为326英里,最高时速达135英里,底价为5万美元。这两款高端车型不似“标准级”,都配备有全轮驱动。

特斯拉此次悄无声息地发布消息一时震惊了无数埃隆•马斯克的粉丝。犹记得2020年7月,马斯克还发推特表示不会再发布Model Y的“标准级”车型,因为其续航里程可能会低于250英里,不容用户所接受。根据特斯拉最新提供的性能参数,如今上市后的车型依然未能在里程数上做出太大突破。





反观特斯拉的竞争对手们,大量传统车企也正在“电动车大潮”中加紧研发自己的电池驱动车型,其中包括福特(Ford)的野马马赫-E(Mustang Mach-E)及大众(Volkswagen)的ID.4等。

据特斯拉官网,客户可以在交付Model Y“标准型”后的二到五周内拿到现车。(财富中文网)


Tesla quietly introduced a new version of its Model Y sport utility vehicle on January 7 evening that is part of the company's effort to produce more affordable cars.

The vehicle's base price is $42,000, making it Tesla's lowest-cost midsize SUV yet. The price tag is just $4,000 more than Tesla's entry level Model 3 sedan, its least expensive offering.

Tesla calls the new car its "standard range" Model Y, and the distance it can drive on a single battery charge, its so-called range, is estimated at 244 miles on average. With a top speed of 135 mph and rear-wheel drive only, the car is less impressive than upper-tier Model Y models in terms of specifications.

At the higher end of the spectrum, Tesla's "performance" Model Y features an estimated range of 303 miles, a top speed of 155 mph, and a base price of $60,000. Another option, the "long range" Model Y, has an estimated range of 326 miles, a top speed of 135 mph, and a base price of $50,000. Both these higher-end models have all-wheel drive, unlike the more limited standard range vehicle.

The new Model Y announcement may surprise people who follow the memes, musings, and occasional meltdowns of Elon Musk, Tesla's chief executive, on Twitter—and, as of Thursday, the world's richest person. In July, Musk said on Twitter that Tesla had scrapped plans for the standard range Model Y because the estimated range, at under 250 miles, "would be unacceptably low." According to the new model's listing, the range is still under that threshold.

No, as range would be unacceptably low (< 250 mile EPA)

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 13, 2020

Even so, the range beats previous expectations. When Tesla first announced the standard range Model Y in March 2019, the original plan featured an estimated range of 230 miles.

Tesla shares soared more than 8% to $882.50 per share on January 8, eventually settling at around $856 per share. Since the beginning of the year, the company's stock is up 20% amid a broader tech rally, after rising more than 600% last year.

Rival automakers, mostly arriving late to the electric-vehicle boom, are working on battery-powered models of their own. Among them are Ford's Mustang Mach-E and Volkswagen's ID.4.

For Tesla's standard range Model Y, estimated delivery times range from two to five weeks, the company's website said.
