

彭博社 2018-07-21

亚洲诞生了一位资产超过马云的新首富。至少现在,61岁的穆克什·安巴尼比阿里巴巴集团的创始人更加富有。他执掌的信实工业集团(Reliance Industries Ltd.)是一家涉足石油、电信等多个行业的巨头。这位印度企业家让继承自父亲的纺织工厂发展到了难以想象的高度,他在孟买给自己建了一座27层的居所,而成为亚洲新首富则是他达到的最新里程碑。

1. 安巴尼的资产有多少?

彭博亿万富翁指数(Bloomberg Billionaires Index)显示,安巴尼的资产已经增至443亿美元。他的财富主要来源于印度第二大公司、市值超过1,000亿美元的信实工业集团。安巴尼是该集团的董事长和总经理,他和家人拥有集团超过43%的股份。作为董事,安巴尼还可以得到分红、薪水和董事费。他还拥有信实工业基础设施有限公司(Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Ltd. )的股票,以及一些价值不菲的私人投资项目,包括一条天然气输气管道。

2. 穆克什·安巴尼是如何发家的?


3. 为什么安巴尼兄弟后来反目?


Move over Jack Ma, Asia has a new richest man. Mukesh Ambani, the 61-year-old force behind Reliance Industries Ltd., the oil-to-telecom behemoth, has eclipsed the Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. founder — at least for now. It’s the latest landmark for the Indian businessman who constructed himself a 27-story home in Mumbai having lifted his father’s textile business to unimaginable heights.

1. How much is Ambani worth?

Ambani’s fortune has grown to $44.3 billion, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index. His wealth derives mainly from Reliance Industries, India’s second-biggest company with a market capitalization of more than $100 billion. Ambani is chairman and managing director and, together with his family, controls more than 43 percent. He also receives dividends, a salary and fees as a director, as well as owning a stake in Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Ltd. and holding some valuable private investments, including a gas pipeline.

2. How did Mukesh Ambani get his break?

From his father. Dhirubhai Ambani began his career as a clerk before venturing out on his own to trade spices and yarn. He then set up Reliance Industries to manufacture fabrics and textiles. Mukesh was born 10 years after India’s independence from the British in 1947 and trained as a chemical engineer before joining the Reliance board as a 20-year-old, along with his younger brother Anil. Mukesh Ambani earned a reputation for executing large-scale projects and played a crucial role in taking the company into refining and petrochemicals in the 1990s and then telecom and retail in the 2000s. He was instrumental in establishing Reliance’s first major manufacturing project at Patalganga followed by the world’s largest refining complex at Jamnagar on India’s west coast.

3. Why did the brothers fall out?

When Dhirubhai Ambani died in 2002, he didn’t leave a will. Mukesh and Anil, now 59, fell into a dispute that lasted for more than a decade. In a settlement brokered by their mother in 2005, the brothers split the family business. Mukesh retained control over refining, petrochemicals, oil and gas and textiles operations. Anil took the construction, telecommunications, asset management, entertainment and power generation businesses. The siblings’ financial paths soon began to diverge.

2011年3月1日,在新德里举行的第83届印度工商联合会(Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, FICCI)年会上,信实工业集团的董事长和总经理穆克什·安巴尼(右)和巴蒂企业(Bharti Enterprises)的副董事长和总经理拉詹·巴蒂·米塔尔在一起。图片来源:Mail Today India Today Group/Getty Images

4. 他的弟弟怎么样了?

随着阿尼尔的发电业务债台高筑,通讯业务遭遇激烈竞争,他的财富也开始缩水。穆克什·安巴尼在今年答应收购信实通讯(Reliance Communications Ltd.)的大部分资产,帮助他弟弟脱离困境。

5. 穆克什是如何变成首富的?

他在信实集团的地位稳步提升,深受父亲信任。在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)攻读MBA时,父亲把他召回了印度。在与阿尼尔反目后,信实集团一直持续着强势而稳定的增长,直到2008年金融危机爆发。随后集团进入了低迷期,尤其是他们决定收购一家通过竞拍赢得全印度宽带频谱的小公司,希望借此重新进入通讯市场的策略遭到了投资者的质疑。让这项新业务开始运转花费了比预期更长的时间,集团股价也随之下挫。不过在安巴尼去年宣布通讯服务下调价格后,信实集团的股价又随之上扬。集团的市值在7月12日突破了1,000亿美元,这是近十年来的首次。

6. 是什么导致他的财富猛增?

投资者看好他的通讯业务Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd.。位于孟买的K.R. Choksey Shares and Securities Pvt的总经理德文·查克西表示:“Jio是信实集团股价上涨的最大推动力量。”在提供免费呼叫和廉价流量之后,安巴尼于上周宣布了将信实的消费者业务与通讯和媒体业务整合的计划。查克西表示:“安巴尼利用Jio建立了高速公路。他还给你提供了汽车,让你开着他的车,走他的高速公路。只要给他通行费就行了。之前情况还没有这么明显。”

7. 穆克什·安巴尼的接班人计划是什么?


8. 穆克什·安巴尼喜欢什么?

印度菜、宝莱坞电影,当然,还有板球。他喜欢印度南部的烹饪方式,经常光顾Mysore Café。这是一家位于孟买市中心的流行咖啡厅,历史可以追溯到20世纪30年代。他有点像技术极客,喜欢最新的数码产品,以及电信、数字技术和自动化产品。他每周看三部宝莱坞电影。穆克什最奢侈的行为是在孟买南部建了一座价值约4亿美元的摩天大楼,供他和妻子尼特还有三个孩子居住。这位亿万富翁是职业板球队孟买印度人队(Mumbai Indians)的老板。(财富中文网)


4. What happened to Anil Ambani?

His fortunes dwindled as his power business racked up huge debts and the telecommunications business suffered through over-competition. Mukesh Ambani bailed his brother out this year by agreeing to buy most of the assets of Reliance Communications Ltd.

5. How has the journey been for Mukesh?

He enjoyed a steady rise at Reliance and was trusted by his father, who called him back to India from Stanford University while he was pursuing an MBA. After the split with Anil, Reliance experienced strong and steady growth until the 2008 financial crisis. A period of under-performance followed, especially as investors doubted a strategy to re-enter the telecoms market via the acquisition of a small company that had won an auction for pan-India broadband spectrum. The stock dulled as the new business took longer than expected to launch, but regained its aura after Ambani announced the pricing for telecom services last year. That lifted Reliance’s market value beyond $100 billion, for the first time in a decade, on July 12.

6. What’s helping bolster his wealth?

Optimism about his telecom business: Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. “Jio is the biggest driver behind the surge in Reliance shares,” said Deven Choksey, managing director at Mumbai-based K.R. Choksey Shares and Securities Pvt. After offering free phone calls and cheap data, Ambani last week announced plans to integrate Reliance’s consumer businesses with telecom and media. “With Jio, Ambani has created a highway,” Choksey said. “He will also provide you cars and say you drive in my car, on my highway. Just give me toll now. It was not so clearly visible earlier.”

7. What’s Mukesh Ambani’s succession plan?

That’s unclear. He has three children. Twenty six year-old twins Isha and Akash have already been inducted into the business, with both holding key executive roles in the telecom business. Younger sibling Anant has also been taking part in some meetings and company events.

8. What does Mukesh Ambani like?

Indian food, Bollywood movies and, naturally, cricket. He loves south Indian cuisine and is a frequent visitor to Mysore Cafe, a popular cafe in central Mumbai that dates back to the 1930s. He’s something of a tech geek and likes to keep current with the latest gadgets as well developments in telecoms, digital technology and automation. He watches as many as three Bollywood movies a week. Arguably his biggest extravagance was his tower block in south Mumbai, where he lives with his wife Nita and the three children, and which is worth an estimated $400 million. The billionaire owns the Mumbai Indians professional cricket team.
