

Stephen Gandel 2014-11-06

    4. 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司





    通过伯克希尔哈撒韦公司,巴菲特先收购了一些保险公司,然后是其他各行各业的公司,包括零售商内布拉斯加家具商场(Nebraska Furniture Mart)、时思糖果、商品目录公司东方贸易(Oriental Trading)、冰淇淋品牌Dairy Queen、内衣制造商Fruit of the Loom、铁路公司伯灵顿北方等等。最近伯克希尔哈撒韦公司与巴西投资公司3G联合收购了番茄酱生产商亨氏食品公司(Heinz)。

    1985年,巴菲特关闭了伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的纺织业务,而之前他早就把公司总部搬到了家乡奥马哈。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的真正成功之处在于旗下保险业务产生的现金流与巴菲特超乎常人的投资能力得到了结合。但巴菲特也向世人证明,他有识别管理人才的慧眼,而且奉行无为而治。只有当企业的确出现问题时,如涂料公司本杰明摩尔(Benjamin Moore)那样的状况,巴菲特才会大力介入。伯克希尔哈撒韦公司目前在《财富》500强企业中排名第四,股价为21万美元。

    4. Berkshire Hathaway

    Annual average compounded return: 22%

    Total return: 1,745,300%

    Years held: 49

    When Buffett bought Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A 0.46% in 1965 for for about $12 a share, it was a textile company and one of the largest employers in New Bedford, Mass. It quickly became Buffett's acquisition vehicle.

    He first bought up insurance companies and then a whole host of other kinds of companies, including retailer Nebraska Furniture Mart, See's Candies, catalog company Oriental Trading, ice cream scooper Dairy Queen, underwear maker Fruit of the Loom, railroad firm Burlington Northern, and, most recently in partnership with Brazilian investment firm 3G, ketchup maker Heinz.

    Buffett shuttered the textile business in 1985, and he moved the company's headquarters to his hometown, Omaha, long before then. The true success of Berkshire is the combination of the cash generated by its insurance business and Buffett's ability to invest that cash far better than anyone else on the planet. But Buffett has also proven good at picking managers and having a light touch. Only when companies prove to be a problem, like paint company Benjamin Moore, has Buffett swooped in. Buffett's conglomerate now ranks fourth on the Fortune 500 and now has a stock price of $210,000.
