

Erika Fry 2014-05-14




    瑞士信贷分析师沙迪拉泰在2月份的分析报告中曾预测,此次风波将使泰国旅游业遭遇重创。理由之一是:来自中国大陆的游客越来越多——占泰国游客总数的比例,从几年前的8% - 9%增加到了现在的20%,而中国人对政治事件更加敏感。此外,今年的“马来西亚旅游年”(Visit Malaysia Year)活动也会使泰国流失大批游客。



    Elections have been tentatively set for July, though many question that they will happen. Anti-government protestors, who align with the Democrat party, will have no better shot at winning than when they boycotted elections earlier this year (their proposed solution: appointing an interim "people's government").

    The lack of an obvious way out has many fearing the only outcome will be violence -- and that seems to be worrying investors and the business community more than it has in the past.

    In January, Toyota warned Thailand's crisis could jeopardize further investment in the country, and in April, Honda (HMC) announced that it would be holding off on planned construction of a $530 million manufacturing facility in Thailand for at least six months.

    Credit Suisse analyst Santitarn Sathriraithai, in a February analyst note, predicted tourism would be hit harder this go-round, too. One reason: the growing number of tourists from Mainland China -- who now represent 20% of Thailand's visitors, up from 8-9% a few years ago -- who tend to be more sensitive to political events. This year's "Visit Malaysia Year" campaign will also likely eat into Thailand's tourism numbers.

    It's too early to tell just how much economic fallout Thailand will really feel from Yingluck's ouster and what follows, but there will be sure winners: By Sathriraithai's analysis, when Thailand's politics head way south, so do the tourists. While Thailand's upheaval is unlikely to benefit any domestic political party or reform agenda, Malaysia and Indonesia are sure to see more visitors. Their tourism numbers tend to shoot up when Thailand's in crisis. 
